Part 165: Dark World 1/2

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You arrived back, taking a deep breath as you put on your new time travel suit, getting into a serious mode, making sure you were focused, as you had one shot at this. You head out with everyone over to the platform, everyone was doing this fists-in-thing, while Steve was talking, but you couldn't help but tense up a little, demanding a hug from each of them. Rocket was resistant, telling you to let go and Nebula was completely against it but once you had your arms around her, she wouldn't let go for what felt like a long time. Natasha smiled at you saying, "see you in a minute", and you smiled back, mouthing the words "girls day" with Jazzhands, as you planned to go out with all your ladies after this, old friends and new, and maybe Peter, as you missed that punk kid. 

You all summoned your helmets as the machine got ready, you looked up and out over through the window, looking out at the grass and the little bit of sky you could see before the portal sucked you in. It was insane, all the colours and weird shapes moved around you, with you thinking it looked like some kind of weird drug trip as you started to freak out a little. "We've trained with a dragon, destroyed the goddess of Death, brought a planet back to life, and we currently rule an Empire, we got this", you say to yourself, trying to calm your nerves. You were still having a hard time with it, but you focused on Loki, you were going to get him back, he was going to meet his children and together you would rule over the Nervarian Empire, making love every night as you once did, it was going to be perfect. 

You were just thinking about him and there he was, laying down on his bed in his cell, throwing up a cup and catching it, just trying to waste away the time. You froze up as Thor and Rocket snuck past him, you began to tear up as you stared at him, your love was right there, right there and yet you couldn't embrace him, you had to walk away. You turned to Rocket who was silently yelling at you to move, waving his arms at you signalling aggressively for you to come now, and you snapped out of it and did your best to move sneakily. The second you started moving, however, was the second Loki became aware that he wasn't alone and you barely had enough time to hide behind the large pillar that was there before the God of Mischief was scanning the area. Thor and Rocket had to hide as well, as they were still in Loki's line of sight but from where they were hiding they could still leave without getting spotted but it was a different story for you. Thor and Rocket had a clear view of you from where they were and you looked at them waving your hands for them to go, mouthing the words "go, I'll figure something out", as you continued to shoo them off. 

They quickly left while you slid down against the pillar, whispering "fuck" under your breath as you tried to think of a plan to get by Loki, but for once you had no idea what to do. You always could think of a plan but sitting a matter of meters from the love of your life, the thought of breaking him out and holding him close was all you could think about. You had to focus and remain strong, you couldn't let him see you and fuck up the timeline, you knew if he saw you it would probably change everything, as fiery redhead or not you were certain he would recognize you and the second he did you would crack. 

First things first, you had to figure out how to get away without being spotted by anybody as you saw some guards doing their rounds and coming down the hallway, and you knew they'd spot you if Loki didn't. You looked up and saw a place you could hide among the ceiling's beams and slowly floated up towards them, doing your best not to light up as you usually would when floating anywhere. You tucked yourself away in the small space between the beam and the ceiling hoping the guards didn't see you, it was tight but you managed, now watching and waiting for your opportunity. As you felt yourself start to tense up, your hair began to light up and flow outward as a reaction to your feelings and you quickly had to hide it, knowing it would catch the attention of the guards. You quickly changed positions, sticking out from your hiding place slightly to braid your hair and wrap it as tight as you could, before pulling up the hood of your outfit. 

You couldn't exactly wear your Firestar uniform, nor your Dragon Armour, they both stuck out too much so you opted to try and find something that would blend in if anyone saw you. You didn't have a servant's dress nor could you wear any of the dresses Loki had gotten you as they were too fancy, and in his colours, you would stand out even more. In the end, you wore your sorcerer-monk garments, the same ones you wore on the day you return to the Avengers from the Dragon Realm, as you thought the style was similar enough and the plain Earth-tones would help you blend in among the architecture. You even wore the same cloak you had worn on your first trip to Asgard, the one Loki threatened to take away or cut off the hood if he caught you trying to hide, you smiled at the memory. 

Loki was just starting to relax again, heading back over to his bed and you finally thought your moment had come, and you tried to recall the way out of the dungeons, as you had only been there during Hela's attack. When suddenly, there were loud noises coming from further down in the hallway deep in the dungeons and you wondered what it was at first, before realizing there was about to be a prison break. You watched from your spot as a stone-like soldier with horns drew the guards' attention and they rushed him, but all the guards soon fell and you couldn't do anything to stop it. You watched in horror as this stone soldier started breaking everyone out of their cells, all but Loki, and as he walked away you could hear the God of Mischief say, "you might want to take the stairs to the left". Your eyes went wide as you remembered where those stairs led to and who was waiting there and without thinking you use the prison riot as cover to escape and head off to protect your mother. 

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