Part 109: Quiet Night In

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"Since when can you fly?" Loki asked in shock and surprise as you flew high over Banff, holding the God of Mischief tight in your arms. He knew you could float and levitate but had no idea you could summon giant angel-like wings made of fire and light, it kind of blew his mind. You just smiled while saying, "Oh my love, there's a lot about me you don't know yet," giving him a wink, while trying to sound sexy and mysterious. Loki raised an eyebrow at you with a sarcastic look of "oh really" on his face and you cracked, admitting "okay so the fact that I have fire wings was pretty much the only secret I've kept from you". Loki caught on to your tone asking what you meant when you said "secrets" like that, and you explained, "well it's not like I actively try to keep things from you but there are a few things I can't actually tell you". Loki looked a bit confused and perhaps even a little hurt so you promptly elaborated, "no, Loki it's nothing bad I swear but I'm not exactly going to tell you what I'm getting you for Christmas, or what I got you for your birthday".

You landed in the backyard, next to the hot spring and swiftly, you put Loki down, even though part of you really wanted to keep holding on to him, the same way he always carried you. He quickly turned to you, "I thought this trip was my present," he said and you gave him a sly grin, telling him "you'll find out tomorrow" giving him another wink before you rushed off inside. You knew he would try to get answers out of you and you couldn't let that happen, so you had to get away, meeting up with the others so he couldn't press you for the truth. No one was back yet, however, so you pretty much had to find ways to avoid the topic, you ended up calling them, asking when they'd be back so you could start on dinner. Loki wasn't having any of it and quickly pulled you onto his lap, tickling you and kissing you all over to distract you, in an attempt to make you cave. It was really hard, he knew what he was doing and he knew exactly what spots would be most effective if he wanted answers, but to Loki's annoyance, you managed to keep your mouth shut.

The rest of the night was pretty uneventful, once the other Avengers got back that is, seeing as Loki was still trying to find out what you got him for his birthday. The one thing that did happen was that Loki decided to ignore you as punishment but it didn't last that long as you soon asked, "hey does anyone want to take a dip in the hot spring with me?". You weren't going to put up with being ignored but if that's how Loki wanted to play it, you were going to crank it up a notch, as a wicked thought comes to mind. No one wanted to try the hot spring at the moment, they would be unpacking and eating the food you made, saying they'd try taking a dip later. You came back into the main area where everyone was chilling, unpacking, and eating to inform them "if you guys need anything like more food or whatever I'll be out back in the hot spring, don't hesitate to ask". Which by itself wouldn't be weird but you did it while carrying a towel and wearing nothing but your little mermaid-themed bikini, with purple seashells on top and little green scale-print bottoms.

Everyone couldn't help but stare at you, as your curvaceous and muscular body was fully on display, you looked absolutely gorgeous and you knew it. You walked past Loki, giving him an innocent little smile as if you had no clue what was going on, but you knew exactly what you were doing and knew Loki wouldn't be able to stay away for long. You strolled outside without a care in the world, plopping your towel on the edge before floating over to slowly lower yourself down in the spot you liked best. You ended up on the far side of the hot spring out of sight from the main house, it was darker and you could see the stars a little better from there. You closed your eyes, just enjoying the cool crisp air on your face, as you began humming to yourself knowing Loki would be along any minute. 

The hot spring was nice, it reminded you of your time in the Dragon Realm, you spent many nights relaxing in a spot like this. Some days all your training left you so sore that you could barely move but the hot springs definitely helped with the pain. You could always think in a place like this and on such a calm, cold night you let your mind go blank as you let your thoughts wander free. You continued humming to yourself, letting yourself float up in the water, most of your body was sticking out of the water now but the cold didn't bother you as much, if at all.  

You didn't realize you had fallen asleep but as you woke up you couldn't help but notice you were back in the dark corner out of sight as someone held you there in place. You opened your eyes to see Loki cuddling up with you in the water, looking so cute in the dark green swim trunks you got him. He held you close in his lap between his legs, running his hands all over your body as he kissed and nipped at your neck, shoulders and face. You tried to move but his grip was firm and he only got more aggressive with his touch once you woke up, you couldn't help but enjoy yourself. 

"Is daddy mad at me?" you playfully asked in a low husky voice, as you were already so turned on from what Loki was doing. "Mouse..." he whispered into your ear and you could tell by his tone he was mad, you got excited as he sunk his teeth into your neck, letting out a little squeal as he did so. He picked you up, pulling you out of the water with him as he escorted you over to another part of the backyard, far away from the house. You ended up sinking down into the snow, making a little hot spring of your own as you proceeded to make love underneath the stars. 

Okay, so the rest of the night was pretty uneventful after that, you both got cleaned up and changed into some actual clothes before joining the others back inside. You all watched a movie together in the home theatre, everyone was more or less cuddled up with one another, as everyone had a nice buzz from drinking at dinner. Seeing as the legal drinking age in Alberta was 18 and Peter turned 18 back in August he had some alcohol at dinner as well. Loki, however, pulled you close onto his lap, if you wanted his attention, he would give you all of it and he wasn't going to share you with anyone else and to be honest, you were completely fine with that. So you sat with him in a large armchair, just off to the side of the deep and oversized sectional where everyone else was sitting to watch Jurassic World.  

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