Part 146: Asgard Wedding 4/5

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The music began and you moved into position, first bowing to the king and then to your partner, but unfortunately, your anxiety began to overtake you, again. The crowd watched as you started to glow and even float slightly as you performed the dance, but you did your best to focus on the moves while trying to remain calm. You started to release small bursts of magic so it wouldn't completely overwhelm you, it was one of the ways you dealt with getting really nervous, and soon you and Loki were surrounded by little lights. And seeing as you didn't let how you were really feeling show on your face the guests believed it was part of the performance; you using magic to summon what looked like shooting stars to add to the dance. 

The dance went on for about 6 minutes and despite how nervous you were and Loki becoming a little anxious himself as he could tell how you were really feeling you both crushed it. The dance came to a close and as the music faded out, you decided to do something with all your little lights. So while Loki held you in his arms you raised yours to bring all your lights together and form the Yggdrasil tree, it looked beautiful as it expanded out over everyone's heads. You then pulled all the little lights into a tight ball before launching them across the room in all directions making them explode like mini fireworks, to the cheers of all those in attendance. 

You then locked eyes with Odin, he gave you a look you didn't quite understand, but whatever he was trying to convey to you, it put you on edge and you started getting nervous all over again. The Allfather then did something unexpected, as he gave you a little bow or nod with his head as if he finally approved of you or what you just did, but this made you even more uneasy. You just smiled up at Odin, giving him a small nod back, mirroring his gesture as you weren't sure what else to do as you gripped Loki's arm tighter while remaining in the center of the dancefloor. You and Loki waited for Odin to say something as he was technically in charge of the whole event, you know, he was still the King of Asgard and all. He announced for the festivities to start as the crowd cheered with several couples almost instantly on the dancefloor around you.

You let out a giggly shriek as Loki whipped you around on the dancefloor, as this particular dance required a lot more movement, it was a lot more lively than your standard waltz. You soon saw Thor escorting his mother, making their way onto the floor and seeing as you traded partners with this dance you opted to trade with them rather than a stranger. Your big brother picked you up and spun you around and again you let out a laugh, it was so much fun, forgetting your worries and having a blast. With the majority of the difficult parts of the wedding behind you, the next few hours were quite entertaining, with Loki, Thor, and several of the other Avengers spinning you around on the dancefloor.   

You took a small break to eat and have some water as you needed to catch your breath but within no time at all, you were back out on the floor, dancing with all of your girls. You, Wanda, Natasha, Jane, and MJ formed a circle, holding hands as you spun around, laughing and twirling, having an excellent time while Loki spoke to some of the ambassadors who were congratulating him on his marriage and his lovely bride. Everything was going wonderfully, you were with your friends and family, and the other guests left you alone for the most part, which was awesome too, as you really didn't want to talk to anyone else. The song came to an end and a slower song began to play so you tried to find Loki to dance with him when someone else pulled you back onto the floor.  

"Fuck" you thought to yourself as you tried to smile without looking as awkward as you felt as it was the King of the Light Elves, Bjartr's father that grabbed you. "Your majesty," you said giving the king a small bow while slow dancing with him, feeling very uncomfortable about the whole situation and his lack of reaction or emotion of any kind wasn't helping at all. "I must apologize for my son, princess... his rivalry with the Asgardian princes runs deep and I'm afraid his personal feelings got the best of him today", the Elf King spoke calmly, and his response surprised you. The shock must have shown on your face as he smiled, letting out a small airy laugh under his breath, but you told him not to worry about it too much as, in all honesty, it was kind of entertaining. You told the King you were happy, as it gave you the opportunity to speak out and you didn't hold any ill feelings towards him, his son, or his people, making it very clear that you were not upset about it. The King was grateful for your understanding, knowing his son could be a little much at times, and to your surprise, he also agreed with you, the "fight for the bride" custom was quite outdated. He believed it should have been retired ages ago, even if the tradition wasn't taken too seriously it was still quite disrespectful to consider the bride as property, rather than as a living being. 

You continued to chat and laugh with the Elf King while still dancing, he was a lot different from his son, and a lot different than you imagined, but you didn't mind him for company. Loki soon noticed you dancing with him, however, and was by your side as fast as possible, as he didn't like it at all, thinking Bjartr might be up to something, as he was not one to give up. How low could the prince sink to possibly involve his father in his plans, but then again the king was a level-headed and well-rounded ruler who usually wouldn't take part in such things. Still, Loki wasn't going to take any chances, as he not so subtly stole you from him, giving off clear "she's mine" vibes as he glared slightly at the Elf King while walking away. 

Loki led you out of the banquet hall, pulling you aside as swiftly as possible to find out what you and the Elf King were talking about, not trusting him in the slightest. You laughed a little before telling Loki that there was nothing diabolical going on, he just wanted to apologize for his son's behaviour. You told Loki you simply had a nice little chat, exchanging pleasantries for the most part, how you were actually a little shocked that the Elf King also thought the "fighting for the bride" tradition was outdated. Loki relaxed and looked away, as you giggled again, giving your over-protective husband a little kiss before asking him if he wanted to dance some more, which he was more than happy to do for you. 

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