Part 93: Prom Night 4/4

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"I didn't plan that," you said turning to Loki, sounding a lot more worried than you actually were. You were surprised more than anything, a bit confused perhaps, and you rushed in to see what was going on. You walked back in to see Tony on the stage holding an envelope, he was about to open it. He first explained that there was only one name on the paper, they'd either have a king or queen and if said person had a date, they would be the other king or queen. Apparently, while you were outside with Loki, they got everyone to text in and vote on who would be Prom King or Queen. 

"Without further ado, the king or queen of Avengers Prom is... Y/N!" Tony says into the microphone and the crowd cheers as Wanda popped out of nowhere and pulled you up onto the stage. Steve then grabbed one of the crowns, it was a beautiful platinum circlet, with metal leaves and flowers with little crystals all over and a polished blue moonstone in the center. You knelt down slightly and Steve placed the crown on your head and you stood back up, smiling from ear to ear. It honestly looked like something an Elvish King or Queen might wear and you couldn't help but feel like a princess. 

Thor suddenly appeared as well, with Loki in tow and you grab the other crown to place it on his head. It was the exact same as yours except it didn't have a moonstone, but it looked just as lovely, in fact, part of you preferred it to your own. You smiled up at Loki, addressing him as your king, and he shook his head, placing his hands on his hips, he thought this was ridiculous but greeted you as his queen anyways. Steve then handed you a bouquet of flowers, they were Starry Night themed, of course, and had white, yellow, and three different shades of blue flowers, with long cascading vine-like leaves. They even had a thin string of fairy lights intertwined throughout and around the flowers, it was the prettiest bouquet you had ever seen. You showed the flowers to Loki, whispering to him that it felt like you were holding the bouquet version of Melody, and he agreed with you. 

Tony then announced it was time for the "Royal Dance" and ushered you and Loki off the stage, you handed your flowers to Wanda and took Loki's arm. Together you made your way onto the dance floor, as other guests backed away to give the two of you more room. It did feel more than a little weird as everyone was watching you and Loki, but they all soon faded away. They played the song "Make You Feel My Love" by Adele, and you pressed yourself up against Loki, wrapping your arms around him as you started to slow dance. It felt like you were the only two people in the world, and you closed your eyes, letting Loki lead as you began to quietly sing along to the song. As much as Loki loved the song you sang earlier, he adored this so much more, you were singing to him, just to him and no one else was able to hear you. He felt so at peace, even with everyone else around you and himself, this moment was truly perfect and he wouldn't trade it for the world. You ended up pretty much just dancing the rest of the night. 

Everything was winding down, most of the guests had left by this point, and everyone who was hired for the party was packing up to leave. It was pretty much just you and Loki on the dance floor now, although a drunk Thor was spinning a very tipsy Jane around across the room, it was kind of hilarious. Pepper was taking a drunk Tony back to the hotel, Vision and Bruce were doing the same with Wanda and Natasha. Steve and Bucky took their dates home already and would be back soon, while Clint, Laura, Sam, and Sarah went back to get their kids from the babysitter. You had no idea where Pietro and his date ended up, or where Peter and MJ swung off to but you weren't too worried, Vision said Pietro texted Wanda and Peter messaged you saying they'd be back at the hotel by two am.

Thor was getting a little too rowdy, you were afraid he'd bring the place down if he stuck around any longer so you ask Loki if the two of you should try to get him back to the Compound. Yes, Thor did have a room at the hotel but he'd probably just destroy the place, the furniture in his room was much more sturdy, it was specially designed for someone with super strength. Loki told you he'd handle his brother, he would take him and Jane to the Compound and would be right back. You just smiled at him, your face all pink, as you had a little bit to drink, nowhere near as much as Jane or Thor but you were definitely a little giggly.  

Before Loki went off to deal with Thor he asked you to sing, just a little bit of that song from earlier, to send him off. You blushed even harder, telling him in a childish voice "noooo, I can't, it's too embarrassing," shaking your head but Loki was persistent, as he had a little bit to drink too. You eventually relented telling him that you would sing but you loudly stated that you'd be singing a different song. You started to sing "Ten Minutes Ago" from Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella Musical, as you began twirling and frolicking around the room. Loki liked the song, well more so he liked how silly and dramatic you were being as you sang it to him. At one point you came back over to grab his hands and spin him around before finishing the song and disappearing into a side room. You said goodbye to your darling as you entered the side room, your stuff was in there and you planned to get changed while Loki was gone so you could be ready to go when he came back.

Loki was getting really frustrated with his brother and his brother's girlfriend, Thor just wanted hugs and Jane kept running away from him not wanting to leave yet. You could hear Loki yelling at them while changing and you couldn't help but laugh, you even stuck your head out the door to watch the show. You called out asking if Loki needed or wanted your help but he told you not to worry about it and to just get changed. He eventually threw Jane over his shoulder before grabbing Thor by the arm as he slumped over, completely hammered and Loki quickly teleported them away. 

Seeing as Loki had a couple of drinks he didn't end up teleporting straight into Thor's room but just outside the Compound. He didn't think he was that tipsy and he wasn't, but he decided it would be for the best to walk the rest of the way there. He threw them onto the bed annoyed at their loud, drunken behaviour, and quickly stormed out. He took a minute to focus and clear his mind before he teleported back but the second he was about to, he heard something.  

He walked towards the sound but couldn't quite pinpoint it so he ended up asking Friday where it was coming from. When Friday mentioned the noise was coming from your room he rushed off, thinking that there might be an intruder. Loki threw open the door to see not an intruder but Tizona glowing and moving around the room. The blade was moving in such a manner that Loki knew something was wrong, he quickly focused again before teleporting back to the Cathedral. He was gone for fifteen minutes, what could have happened while he was away for only fifteen minutes? 

Loki arrived and his heart dropped, the Cathedral was on fire, the gardens were destroyed, and that pretty stone bench where he sat with you was nothing more than a pile of rubble. First responders had just arrived and began to put out the flames, getting the few people that happened to still be there to safety but you were nowhere to be seen among them. Loki soon spotted Steve and Bucky getting a few of the people working at the party out and ran up to them asking them where you were. They look at each other, their eyes go wide, they had no idea where you were, for all they knew you were still with him. 

The fire was out in near minutes and Loki rushed inside to try and find you, calling your name but no response. He practically ripped off the door to the room you were in, you weren't there, all of your stuff was but not you. Loki then rushed back outside, as he continued to call your name but nothing, there was only destruction to be found. Peter, Bruce and Vision soon arrived, Bucky had called them the second they saw the flames. Luckily Peter just got back to the hotel with MJ as the others were leaving and he quickly threw on his suit to go and help. Peter could see how distressed Loki was and when he asked what was wrong he said he couldn't find you while trying not to have a full-on breakdown. Bruce told them to split up and search the grounds for you, and he ordered "Spiderman go check every inch of the Cathedral, Vision you fly up and see if you can spot anything from up there while Loki and I will continue to search the grounds on foot,". Peter and Vision went off instantly but before Bruce ran off he took a moment to comfort Loki, telling him they would find you. 

Bruce soon called out to Loki, telling him he found something, and he quickly ran over to the clearing of trees, where Bruce was to find him picking something up off the ground. It was your corsage, Bruce handed it over to Loki while trying to find words of encouragement, trying to find something to say to comfort him but was unable. Loki fell to his knees and started to weep as he held it in his hands, not caring who was around to see him like that. Loki's tears and grief soon turned to rage, he would find whoever did this and they would pay with their lives. Loki was going to get you back, no matter the cost, no matter who he had to cut down to get to you, Loki was going to get you back, that was a promise.

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