Part 134: To The Moon & Back 1/2

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You floated back into the Compound still in your "light" form rushing over to find something to cover your body with, as you felt yourself returning back to normal. You grabbed a Throw Blanket that was on the couch, quickly wrapping it around yourself as you took your human form again, letting out a huge sigh in relief as you were now capable of breathing. Everything you were wearing turned to dust as you took your light form, all but your engagement ring, thank the Gods, as it would no doubt make you start crying all over again if you accidentally destroyed it. Looking at the time you realized you've been gone about 2 days, but you weren't at all hungry, okay maybe you were a little hungry but nowhere near as hungry as you should be. You were really tired though, no doubt from flying to the moon and back, it didn't feel like 2 days but it was worth it, as it seemed to be exactly what you needed to feel better. 

You needed time alone to actually process everything you were feeling and thinking, although you'd always miss them, their memories didn't really hurt anymore. You could actually smile while reminiscing about all the things you use to do together and how loved and cherished they made you feel. It was a little weird when you thought about it, to get the closure you needed you had to travel 384,400 kilometres away from everything you ever knew. Your heart was finally whole again, you were at peace and despite the ability to float and fly you never felt lighter, standing here on the ground. The only thing left to worry about was apologizing to everybody for running off, as you knew they would be obviously very worried about you. 

It was nearly 4 am and you were deciding whether or not you should wake everyone up to let them know you were there, or wait until morning to do so. You figured they'd want to know right away so you went to throw on some clothes so you wouldn't be popping by their rooms completely naked. You walk into your room to see Loki laying there on your bed, passed out fully dressed and you couldn't help but feel terrible, as you realized he must have been so worried about where you went. You quickly but quietly walk over to your closet, throwing on basically the first things you see before heading back out over to Loki, to let him know you were back. 

You walk out wearing your plain black sports bra set, grey leggings, your green oversized knit sweater, and your black slipper boots, leaving your hair big, curly, and wild as it would take too long to do up properly. You walk closer, leaning over Loki on the bed, placing your hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him while whispering his name and he began to stir. It took a second but Loki shot up from the bed and onto his feet, startling you and you let out a squeak as you fell back in surprise. Loki had a scared look on his face as he turned around but he relaxed at the sight of you, letting out a long sigh as he ran one hand through his hair, now looking as tired as he felt. 

"Where the hell were you?" Loki asked, sounding really hurt and at his words you began to tear up a little, quickly rushing back onto your feet to wrap your arms around him. "I'm sorry" you sobbed, as you proceeded to jump him, promptly knocking Loki onto the bed, and you gripped him tight as you continued to apologize over and over again. Hurting him or making him sick with worry was the last thing you wanted to do, but you did and you couldn't stop telling him how sorry you were for making him mad and worried over you.  

Loki couldn't get a word in edge-wise, so he eventually just flipped you around so you'd be down on the bed instead of him where he covered your mouth asking you to calm down and stop talking. You nodded your head, taking in several deep breaths with Loki's hand still over your mouth until you relaxed completely and stopped crying, although it took a couple of minutes. Loki then removed his hand from your mouth and said, "I'll ask you again, where the hell were you, Y/N?" looking at you with a cold, serious expression, and you almost teared up again at the sight of it. "You... you might not believe me" you began breaking eye contact as you felt suddenly anxious, but Loki wasn't in the mood and gripped your face making you look back up at him, wanting your answer now.  

"I... I was... in outer space," you whispered, feeling really awkward about it, thinking Loki might not believe you, as most people can't just go flying through the stars. "So that's why we couldn't find you," Loki mumbled under his breath as he laid down on top of you, but you heard him and became upset at yourself, as you started apologizing all over again. He covered your mouth telling you to stop saying you were sorry, as he seized you tight while getting in bed himself to go back to sleep as he continued to hold you tight. "I have to let them know I'm back, I know they're worried too" you muttered, but Loki wouldn't budge on the subject, he was going back to sleep and you were sleeping with him. "Loki... baby... come on, I need to tell them," you whined but he wouldn't listen, as you tried to break free but the God of Mischief wasn't playing, you weren't going anywhere until the sun was up. 

Loki's hold on you remained, but eventually, you fell asleep, stirring more than a few hours later, but surprisingly when you did wake up, you were by yourself. You got out of bed a little sad, you hadn't woken up alone in such a long time, Loki must have been really mad and worried to do this to you, but you would no doubt freak out if he just disappeared off the face of the Earth. You decided you'd have to make it up to him, but first, you quickly walked over to the bathroom to shower and then back into your closet to get dressed so you could let everyone know you were okay. While looking through your closet you see your Grandmother's wedding dress, it looked terrible, but for some reason, you couldn't help but laugh. It was a dress, just a dress, why were you freaking out like before, your grandparents would always be part of your life as long as you remembered them. You then recall your Grandmother telling you she made her wedding dress, "that can be a tradition," you thought, you'd make your own wedding dress, just like she did. 

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