Part 133: Dress Problems

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You began planning right away, as you had all the details within a few days after the New Year, but it would definitely take a few months to get everything together. It was all going amazing in the beginning, that was until you realized your Grandmother's wedding dress was flammable and it started to scorch around your torso. You got too excited when you tried it on and burnt it too much, it appeared beyond repair and it broke your heart, you couldn't speak you were so in shock. Natasha and Wanda helped you out of your dress, into some other clothes, and you were gone, you took off running, trying not to cry as you sped off into the sky with them running after you. 

You flew up super high, higher than you ever went before watching as your body shifted into a humanoid sphere of light, unaware that you could take that form still, as you were under the impression it was just a step in your transformation and not an actual option. You could see the Kármán line and realized you were at the boundary between the atmosphere and outer space, where there was no oxygen. No wonder you took a different form, you would have died otherwise and you felt even worse as you flew further into space, to get away from everything you were feeling. You sunk back into yourself, feeling more like a freak as you continued to fly for hours, not realizing how far exactly until you reached the moon, you literally flew to the moon.  

Meanwhile back on Earth... 

Wanda and Natasha desperately tried to find a way to fix your dress, but they were worried to actually try and treat it, afraid they would make it worse. They cleaned up the burn marks as much as they could, before putting the dress aside, as finding you was much more important right now, so they raced off to see if Tony could locate you. They try to explain the situation to Tony when Steve and Bucky walk in asking if any of them have seen you, as apparently, you had something to discuss with them about the wedding. Tony said "no, that's why Nat and Wanda stopped by, to see if I've seen Y/N or something... that is why you're here, right?", the ladies were about to answer when they were cut off again. "Wasn't Y/N with you and Wanda, Romanoff," Loki said as he overheard the conversation while passing by and decided to join it as it involved you. 

"It's not that bad..." Steve says, trying to sound optimistic, while he, Bucky, Tony, Natasha, Wanda, and Loki stare at the dress after the ladies explained what happened earlier. Although the burns weren't that bad, they couldn't be fixed, but there were parts of the dress that could be saved although you couldn't wear it unless you wanted that "burnt look". Several of them give suggestions on what they could possibly do, Tony suggests they could get an exact replica made, Natasha suggests seeing as it was mostly the torso that was damaged they could take the top apart and with the sleeve's fabric, that wasn't burned, make it a "high-fashion" two-piece dress, while Wanda suggests replacing the fabric in the torso, making sure to add a fire-proof lining this time 'round. 

In all honesty, Loki didn't really get the whole dress problem, they would figure something else out, it didn't matter to him what you wore, as you looked beautiful in anything but soon, he understood. Peter soon walked in as he was also looking for you, he needed help with his English homework again but when he saw the dress he practically yelled "oh no". This got the others attention, as Peter got all upset on your behalf, explaining to the others how you went on about your Grandmother's wedding dress when they were at your storage unit; how beautiful you thought it was and how now, seeing as you were getting married you couldn't wait to wear it, it would be like a part of your Grandmother would be here with you. 

Loki felt bad, he knew how much your grandparents meant to you, as they were all you had before and he became more worried, asking Tony to locate you now. Ever since you got your powers you had a unique signature that could be tracked, like gamma rays, so Tony and everyone rushed down to the lab to get a lock on your location but nothing. "What's going on Stark, why is nothing showing up?" Steve asks as they all look at the blank screen, and Tony says that something must be wrong with his systems as you weren't showing up anywhere. Tony tries again, rebooting the system and still nothing, but he told them not to worry he'd figure out what was wrong and locate you in no time. While Tony did that the others hurried off to your favourite places nearby to check to see if you were there, all of them even more worried that something happened. 

Meanwhile back on the moon...

You were merely walking along the surface on the light side, just absorbing sunlight as apparently that's all you needed in this form to survive. It was definitely an interesting feeling or lack thereof, as when you touched your face or any other body part you couldn't feel it. You eventually came across some stuff from when there were missions to the moon and you realize you were technically the first woman to walk on the moon, which cheered you up right away. "I'm the first woman to walk on the moon, how cool is that, And I got here not by ship but by my own power," you thought as you smiled thinking about it more. Your Grandfather always went on about the moon landing, as he actually knew Neil Armstrong, he had a picture on the wall and everything, he always wanted to go to space. Not many got the chance and he didn't qualify as he was over 5'11, but here you were, you made it, all by yourself, and you started running around like a madwoman doing cartwheels and flips. 

Your voice couldn't be heard as there was no air on the moon, but you yelled into the void anyway, "we made it grandpa!", you threw your arms up as you spoke, feeling so much better than before. You then thought of something you could do for them, rushing over to the side of the moon that always faced away from Earth to make something for them. You got on your knees and started gathering up a lot of moondust, large piles of the stuff, it took you a while but you eventually finished, and it was beautiful. You used your powers to super-heat the moondust, building a lifesize version of your grandparents sitting together on a bench staring out at the stars, you unknowingly spent hours on the project. If you could cry, you would be crying right now, and you decided at that moment while staring at your sculpture that you'd find a way to bring their ashes up here, so they could gaze out into the universe together, forever. You then signed your beautiful creation, making sure that everyone would know you'd been there, well anyone who could see to the dark side of the moon anyway, before heading home. 

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