Part 3: Hugs Hurt (Updated)

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You had no idea why the God of Thunder was excited to see you, you didn't know him before today. He was acting like you were a long-lost friend or sibling, someone he thought he would never see again. You had heard from the other Avengers that Thor was a pretty cool guy, super friendly and kind but also fiercely protective. He was the definition of a teddy bear; he was soft and sweet but also you know, big and strong like a bear and would kill you if you tried to hurt his friends and family. The guy gave a whole new meaning to bear hug, considering how he was currently holding you.

"Thor!" You managed but his hug was tight, it hurt, and you were finding it harder and harder to breathe. Thor doesn't hear you and continues to hold you while spinning around. It was a feeling like nothing you felt before, the pressure was intense and unreal. You didn't even have the ability to even cry as his arms were literally cutting off your circulation and you start to feel faint. You begin to shake and twitch wondering if this was how you were going to die, crushed by a hug. What would they write on your tombstone?

Loki stands there rolling his eyes in annoyance, stamping his foot impatiently. He wasn't exactly jealous but he didn't like it when Thor acted like this, being over the top and loud. He wanted to spend more time with you, without any interference from others. Which probably sounded like him being jealous but Loki would insist that he wasn't, he just preferred one on one interactions.

Thor briefly stopped spinning and at that moment you make eye contact with Loki. Even though you aren't able to say anything he realizes that you're in pain, and rushes to your aid. Loki yells at his brother "Thor! You're crushing her!!!" while grabbing one of his arms, to pry you loose from his grasp. Thor immediately lets go, dropping you to the floor. You land with a loud thud, hurting your tailbone and ass in the process. Thor and Loki then make eye contact, Thor had a look of guilt and concern, while Loki had a look of "I'm going to kill you" on his face. You take in ragged breaths as you try to recover from being crushed by the Thunder God. Thor leans down offering you his hand and non-stop apologizes but as soon as his hand creeps into view you squeak like a literal mouse, and scramble up onto your feet.

As fast as possible you proceed to hide behind Loki, both Gods hearing your heavy panicked breathing, as it was obvious you were terrified from what just happened. Thor had an even more hurt look on his face, and Loki tried to stay mad at his brother on your behalf but when he saw how scared you looked he only felt guilt for letting it happen, and not stopping it sooner. He liked how you clung to him, the way his Y/N used to, but he was in no mood to enjoy it after Thor nearly killed you with a hug. Loki wraps one of his arms around your shoulders gently, as you start to relax. You look up between both Gods, and give them a weak smile before saying "I'm okay...". But as soon as you spoke, you feel something, you back away from Loki, clutching your ribs suddenly as a sharp pain starts to grow "I think...".

Just then Bruce walks back in with the tools he needed for his latest project. He is confused at first but it was quickly replaced by concern, seeing as you appeared to be in pain and the two Gods start to look more and more worried. "What happened? Are you okay Y/N?" You look at the doctor trying to give him a smile but it comes out looking like a grimace, "Watch my stuff, would ya doc? I'm taking a quick trip to the Med Bay". You begin to shake, as you feel intense pain start to radiate from your chest. You feel like you were going to faint as your knees start to give out. Loki catches you before you hit the floor, he quickly but gently wraps his arms around you and teleports you to the Medical Bay.

It's been a few hours now, and you're sitting up in a bed in the Medical Bay, a large ice pack has been placed on both the back and front of your torso. Loki is sitting in a chair next to you unable to talk he's so mad while Thor stands pacing slightly looking like a sad, guilty puppy. They didn't leave your side, they stayed with you even while you were unconscious. It was definitely awkward after you woke up, looking between the two of them wondering why they were there. You weren't sure what to say to them, you should say something but you didn't know what. You ended up just smiling at them, thanking them for staying here with you, before politely informing them they didn't have to stay if there was something else they needed to do today. You were really happy someone was there when you woke up, seeing as with your Grandparents were gone you didn't really have anyone else. But you also didn't want to keep them from getting their work done or keep them if they made plans to do something or go somewhere.

Before Loki or Thor can tell you they were more than happy to stay here with you, out of nowhere Natasha, Steve, and Bucky burst into the room panicking, wondering what happened to their baby. They quickly surround you to the surprise of the two Asgardians. Although the Avengers mentioned you to them, they always referred to you as Agent K, or other nicknames they had for you. You ask them what they're doing there but before they can tell you that Bruce called them you're all hit by a sudden gust of wind. Pietro had suddenly appeared, using his super-speed to arrive within less than a minute after Bruce told him what happened.

Pietro was followed by Bruce, Tony, and Wanda who arrived a few minutes later, also wondering what happened. You sit there extremely embarrassed with everyone's eyes on you. Why did they all come running? You weren't dying or anything, also how did they find out? It occurred to you that Bruce must have said something, what did he say to get them to react like this? You were certain that them being Avengers and all, they had a lot more important things to do.

"Um... Thor just hug me a little too tight, that's all" you say, and everyone but Loki & Thor looked confused by your statement. Loki then pipes up "A little too tight?" You, along with everyone else turns to look at him. He abruptly stands up, a look of pure fury on his face and shouts "A little too tight? He fractured three of your ribs and bruised the rest!". The group stands there in shock as you sheepishly look down at your lap while saying "he didn't bruise all of my ribs...". Natasha, Bucky, and Wanda turn to Thor, the expressions on their faces clear; the Thunder God was absolutely fucked. They proceed to chase him out of the room and down the hall planning to beat him half to death, if not all the way.

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