Part 8: Peach Pill

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Meanwhile downstairs... Peter is getting in trouble for letting you out of bed. You hear this and get back up, you put your sweater back on and head back downstairs to defend him. You stand at the top of the stairs and call out "Hey stop giving Peter a hard time!" They all turn to look at you. "Don't blame him! I'm the one who wasn't listening to your orders. So if you're going to yell at anyone..." you continue as you make your way down the stairs, "yell at me" they all stop yelling so you take this moment to turn to Peter "I'm sorry Peter. It's late, you should be getting home. Take a few cinnamon buns to share with your Aunt". He shakes his head and makes his way to grab a few cinnamon buns and quickly leaves. "You made cinnamon buns? What are those?" Thor asks, intrigued. "They're a Midgardian dessert Thor. I made some they're in the kitchen help yourself," you tell him. Of course knowing Thor and how much he loves Midgardian food, especially dessert he doesn't waste any time and rushes into the kitchen. He soon pops back out with a half-eaten cinnamon bun in one hand and a large serving tray stacked high with cinnamon buns in the other. "These are delicious!" Thor exclaims as he stuffs the rest of the cinnamon bun in his mouth, reaching for another. "Don't eat them all!" Pietro shouts as he too rushes over to try one. Pietro makes eye contact with Thor as he takes a bite, they hum in agreement at how yummy they are. The rest of the team makes their way over to try them as well. Now with everyone distracted you take this opportunity to grab your drawing tablet and escape back to your room. Your plan is foiled, however, when Loki stops you as you turn the corner down the hall after ascending the stairs.

You stand there clutching your drawing tablet but of course, he easily takes it from you. "Hey!" you shout "give that back" you reach out to take it back but he lifts his arm above his head, far out of your reach. "Maybe if you were behaving like a good little girl I wouldn't have to punish you" he playfully scolded. "Really Loki? I'm not a little girl! Give it back! Now!" You argued reaching out again. "Don't push yourself too hard little kitten, you're injured after all," he playfully shoots back. "Kitten?" You look down at your sweater "oh right cat hoodie" you say and Loki lets out a small chuckle. You're actually getting mad at this point, you move closer stepping on your tiptoes, you place your left hand on the wall to steady yourself and reach up with your right trying to get your tablet back. You're so focused on getting your tablet in fact, that you don't notice you're slowly pressing your body up against the Asgardian.

He finds your fruitless attempts completely amusing and having your body pressed up against him was just as enjoyable, if not even more so. It's all fun and games until you reach out a little too hard and a sudden pain jolts through your torso. You suck in a sharp breath and let out a moan, you get off your tiptoes and steady yourself against Loki, placing your hand right below his collarbone. "Please Loki can I have my drawing tablet back now," you say quietly stepping back from him. You look up at him finding him studying the screen of your tablet. He turned it on and was looking at one of your drawings. "Did you draw this?" he turns the screen to face you, it's the drawing of the golden city you made earlier. "Yes...Why?" You look at him confused.

He doesn't say anything but he knows what the drawing is of, it's too detailed not to Loki knows it's Asgard. He's conflicted on what to say, if he should say anything or if he should avoid the situation like last night. He thinks for a moment before carefully saying "it's lovely, but it doesn't look like any place I've seen on Midgard". You go on to explain that this "golden city" was from a dream you had the last night. Without thinking you tell Loki all about your dream, and about the two boys. "And why didn't they make it into your drawing?" Loki asks. "I wanted to add them but...I can't quite remember their faces, it's right there Loki, but I can't reach it, it's so frustrating. I rarely have dreams like that, so detailed that make me feel something... so strong" you answer. "What did this dream make you feel?" Loki asked stepping ever so slightly closer to you "Happy" you respond "I felt truly happy like I didn't have a care in the world, it felt real... as silly as that sounds, I wanted it to be real" Loki blinks at you with wide eyes, but you didn't see as you were looking down at the floor feeling embarrassed, gushing on about a silly dream like that. By the time you looked up at him, he had regained his composure. "Well if you'll excuse me Loki I'm going back to my room now" at that you start to walk around him when he quickly moved to block your way. "I'm not done with you yet, you still need to be punished for not doing what you're told." He said in a calm blunt tone. "Loki you look... are you mad?" you ask. You didn't know what you were feeling as he leaned in close and whispered "yes, seethingly so". He leans forward closer only a few inches from your face looking right at you but you don't look back at him, you just look down. He whispers sternly "how do you expect to recover Y/N, if you don't take care of yourself? If you don't rest? You don't have a healing factor, like Thor or myself. What are you going to do when you push yourself too far and break one of your fractured ribs piercing your lung killing you? What then Y/N?" You stare up at him with a very sad, apologetic look on your face as your eyes begin to well up with tears. Loki's expression changes to one of guilt and he is about to say something when you both hear someone coming up the stairs. In seconds Loki reaches out grabbing you by your upper arms and teleports you away.

Loki teleported you to a room you hadn't been in before, it's a bedroom his bedroom. He releases you, letting out a large sigh as he does so. "Don't move" he says softly, you decide it would be best to listen, only moving slightly to wipe the tears from your eyes. You weren't mad or upset at Loki he was your friend after all, he was only mad with you because you weren't taking care of yourself. You acted similarly whenever your Grandmother or Grandfather would ignore the doctor's orders. You were just like them you realized, "I guess it runs in the family" you thought, this realization made you feel a bit better.

You watch Loki as he walks over to an empty corner of the room and summons a large wooden chest, the latch and metal details clearly showing its Asgardian. He opens it up, and takes out a small opaque jar navy blue in colour, he opens it, pulling out a small pink sphere the size of a pea. He then seals the jar up putting it away, making the chest disappear as quickly as he made it come. He then walks back over to you holding the small pink sphere saying "eat this, its medicine it'll take away the pain your feeling" "okay" you say and quickly take the pill Loki handed you but as soon as it hits your tongue it vanishes leaving behind a pleasant peach flavour. Just as quickly your pain vanishes too, "the pains gone" you say a little surprised, it worked instantly. You thank Loki smiling at him, within a few moments however you feel very sleepy and you begin to have trouble standing upright. Loki notices how tired you suddenly look, and reaches out to steady you. "I'm sorry I forgot how strong exactly this medicine is, it's supposed to put you to sleep but not this quickly," he says apologetically. "Let me take you to your chambers so you can sleep" you nod your head and with that Loki proceeds to pick you up bridal style, he watches you as your eyes flutter closed then he teleports to your room.

You are completely past out as he carries you over to your bed. He stops and lets out a large sigh "fuck, you even smell like her..." he lays you down tucking you into bed. He then sits down on the edge running one of his hands through his hair pulling it back as he does so. He turns to you and says "could you really be our Y/N? My Y/N?" He moves closer placing one hand on your cheek, rubbing it gently "if you are, you need to know that I won't leave you, I'll never leave you and I won't let anyone take you away from me, not again" he kisses your forehead before wishing you a good night and teleporting away.

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