Part 36: Tea

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Try as you might you weren't able to fall asleep, your pants felt all tangled up around yourself. So you ended up just taking them off along with your tank top and then laying back down, trying to sleep again. Still nothing, after about 30 minutes of tossing and turning you just get up to go make some tea down in the kitchen. You throw your robe on and your black slipper boots and head downstairs to make some tea. You still had some of that black tea you received from Sam so you decide to make that. Now all you had to do was wait for the water to boil.

Meanwhile earlier with Thor and Loki...

Thor goes after Loki, he eventually catches up with him but Loki teleports away. "Very mature brother" Thor says to himself as he makes his way to Loki's room. Thor bangs on the door, calling out to Loki telling him they needed to talk, something was obvious wrong, Thor couldn't help if he didn't know what's happening. "Brother if you don't open this door now, I'll just break it down, you know it will be easy" Thor loudly states trying his best to sound understanding and calm. Thor get mad slamming on the down on the door again, and shouting "come on Loki! You need to tell me what's going on. Do you know how much you have worried Y/N? I won't have you upsetting our little sister!". The door suddenly shoots open with Loki asking "what did you call her?" Thor is surprised but answers "our little sister?". Loki is silent for a moment while Thor recounts to him how while carrying you to his room when you were first sick you called him 'bro' as you were drifting off to sleep, it made him quite happy.

Up until this point Loki thought you and Thor were dating, keeping it a secret for whatever reason. He wanted to confront you about it after seeing the pictures on your phone; you could easily see you were holding Thor's hand in several of them. But after you reacted so calm, sweet, and supportive he couldn't do it. In that moment he had decided he would try to be there for you in whatever capacity you needed. He didn't want to hurt you, and bringing his feelings into the mix when he was convinced you were dating Thor probably would have. He didn't want to loose you, he wanted to be by your side even if he wasn't the one who held your heart. He even tried to distance himself from you but it didn't work, he found himself always near you and he had a hard time not giving in whenever you wanted to spend time with him. Thor wouldn't refer to his girlfriend as his sister obviously, but then what was the real reason he was holding your hand on your outing?

Loki confronted Thor about it, asking him "brother tell me if you only see Y/N as our dear little sister, why oh why were you holding her hand on your 'outing' last week?". Thor's eyes go wide, at a loss of words for a moment unable to give brother any reply. He turns away telling Loki he can't tell him why. This makes Loki reasonable upset and again he asks why, getting even more mad when Thor shoots him down again. Loki asks a third time, Thor hastily and somewhat angrily replies "I can't say Loki, I promised her I wouldn't say a word on the subject. If you want to know you'll have ask her about it". Loki then storms out of his room, down the hall, pasted the disgusting mess in the main area and out of the Compound all together to cool off.

He comes back a little while later to find to his surprise the main area was all cleaned up. When they had parties in the past it wouldn't be until the next day at the earliest until it all got cleaned up. He plops himself down onto the couch exasperated from everything that had happened, still trying to make sense of it all. It wasn't too long after Loki heard some come down stairs and go into the kitchen he didn't really care until he recognized the humming. He walked into the kitchen to see you standing there in your cute fuzzy blue robe making tea completely unaware of the situation.

You're just humming away making some tea when you turned and nearly jumped out of your skin when you saw Loki. You didn't hear him come in and it startled you. You play it off with a nervous laugh while saying "oh goodness Loki, you startled me, were you trying to give me a heart attack?" you followed it up with another little laugh. Loki doesn't say anything which kind of freaks you out, you told yourself you were going to let Thor deal with this, thinking the problem was 'brother' related but you finally give into your worries. Turning back to him you look him dead in the eyes and say "okay, what's going on? I can tell something is wrong Loki, are you going to tell me? I know it's probably none of my business but I'd like to know what's going on. I'm going to make some tea and we're going to talk about it". What you said came out a little more stern than you meant it to but you were really worried and getting fed up with him constantly dodging your questions. You might not have noticed in the moment or just let it go but there were several times Loki would change the subject suddenly or ignore your questions all together by telling you there was nothing wrong. Something was wrong, and you were determined to find out what. If Loki was hurting or had a problem he needed to face you wanted to help. I mean if it was magic or Asgard related you probably wouldn't be much help but you still wanted to be there for him. You were going to be there for Loki, like he was there for you, in any capacity he needed.

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