Part 132: Wedding Prep

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"What do you think Melody?" you ask sitting in front of the cluster of vines in the old tower in Melody's garden, showing them your ideas for your upcoming wedding. Melody was surprisingly knowledgeable about the whole thing, not just flowers, but what different traditions meant, and how to perform them properly. You had figured out most of the things you wanted as Loki let you plan the Midgardian ceremony, seeing as you would have two; one on Earth and the other on Asgard. You weren't sure about having multiple ceremonies but it made sense I guess, you would have a small wedding on Earth with just your family and really close friends and the other would be the "royal wedding". You really weren't into the idea of having a huge wedding with over 1000 guests, but Odin insisted, seeing as you were now a member of the Asgardian Royal family it was pretty much a requirement.  

The only thing you really weren't sure about was the venue, you didn't want it in a church, seeing as what happened last time you threw an event in one it was definitely a no-go. You also didn't want it at a beach, some suggested it would be a good idea but you didn't really like the idea of sand getting everywhere as it tended to do. Looking over a cliffside might be nice or maybe a destination wedding would be better, but you couldn't narrow down your choices as there were so many beautiful options to pick from. It was so frustrating trying to pick one and Loki wasn't helping by saying "they are all lovely" and "anywhere you picked will be perfect", which was really sweet and all but not really helpful. 

It wasn't the only reason you had a hard time deciding, you were distracted, seeing as Bruce left the Avengers, not wanting to put off what he aspired to do any longer. He needed time to go off and find himself, although you were sad to see him go, it was his life and you understood; sometimes you need to do what's best for you, no matter how it could affect others, as ultimately their feelings and lives weren't your responsibility. Everyone was surprised how you jumped on the bandwagon so quickly, but fight skills weren't the only thing you picked up while in the Dragon Realm, you absorbed a lot of wisdom there too. You weren't going to interfere, even though the anxious part of yourself really worried you wouldn't see him again, but Loki got you through those feelings, so you worried a little less about it.  

However, the truth about your immortality came out before he left, you wanted to tell Bruce before he went off so that he'd know you'd always be there for him, no matter how much time had passed. Unfortunately, you weren't as alone as you thought you were when you told the good doctor about it, and the truth quickly spread to the point you couldn't cover it up, you had to explain yourself. Everyone was quite shocked about the whole thing, although when they thought about it more, it made a lot of sense, as they too saw the pieces fall into place. It was actually really hard to talk about with them and you ended up crying afterwards for a long time while both Loki and Thor tried to comfort you about it. 

You let out a huff, declaring you would never find a place to tie the knot, allowing yourself to fall back on the floor as you gave up for the moment. You ask Melody what to do, as they seemed like they actually knew what they were doing, wanting someone's opinion, knowing they would be honest about it. Several little floating lights came over to comfort you, landing on your head making you laugh, and you quickly sit up, now with a smile on your face. "How do you know exactly what to do to cheer me up, Melody?" you giggled, happy to have such amazingly supportive friends like them.  

A new message formed into the cluster of vines, and when you read it your eyes go wide, "that's...that's perfect, but are you sure it's a good idea Melody?". More of Melody's little lights come out to embrace you, before dancing around you, and it warmed your heart, you just hoped you didn't cry, as you've been doing a lot of that lately. You run over to kiss and hug the vines telling Melody you had to go tell Loki immediately, as you were so excited. You give them another little kiss before saying "you're a genius Melody, love you" as you jumped out the window to fly off back to the Avengers Compound. You always floated up a fair way before summoning your wings as you didn't want to make Melody nervous as they were afraid of fire, but the second they were out you promptly shot off home. 

You arrive and quickly run in, nearly falling over and destroying a wall as you tripped from trying to run so fast, but luckily you and the wall were completely fine. You quickly got up yelling "I'm okay", in case anyone witnessed you getting hurt before straightening yourself up and now floating instead, you race off to find your boo. "Loki, Loki, Loki" you call as you float quickly down the halls, nearly running into several more walls by the time you reach Loki's room. He of course heard you calling and popped out into the hallway, confused and a little worried why you're shouting his name as he wasn't expecting you back until later. Unfortunately, you arrived at his room at the same moment he stepped into the hall and you kind of bumped into him knocking him down with you landing on top of him.  

You burst out laughing while trying to say, "I'm sorry, are you okay, baby", as you sit up and get off your man, helping him to his feet, apologizing again once you're both standing. You calmed down and ask Loki if he had any "boo-boos" that needed kisses to feel better after getting completely bulldozed by you, giving him a smirk and he lets out a little laugh. Loki being one to never turn down a kiss points to his face saying "it hurts here", and you giggle for a second before gently grabbing his face to cover it in kisses. A bunch of little kisses turned into making out and making out turned into cuddling and cuddling turned into something else, and the next thing you knew you were in Loki's bed snuggling, naked. 

"Didn't you have something to tell me or did you miss me that much?" Loki asked, and you quickly sit up, "crap, that's right, I came to talk to you" you shout as you forgot why you were here. You groan while gently pushing Loki away saying, "you're too damn distracting", and he had an amused look on his face as you got up to put your clothes back on. "So what is it?" Loki questioned, raising an eyebrow at you while remaining in bed, under the covers but you don't answer until you finished putting all of your clothes. You come back to sit on the bed, informing Loki that you figured out where you wanted to get married but you needed to make sure he agreed with you. "Love, I told you before any place you pick will be perfect", Loki says sweetly and you let out a groan, "and that was incredibly helpful, by the way", you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes, laughing for a moment. "I want to get married in Melody's Garden," you stated bluntly and Loki looks at you with a straight face as you continued, "I already got the okay from Melody, it was actually their idea, all I need is your approval, so... will you marry me... at Melody's Garden?". Loki leans in, giving you a kiss saying yes, with a smirk on his face, telling you it sounded like the perfect place as it was so important to both of you.

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