Part 150: The Eternal Flame

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Hela stepped over Frigga's broken and dying body, now heading off to Odin's Treasure Room, well her Treasure Room now, but there was a problem, as the door was stuck. Skurge tried to get the door opened but it wouldn't budge, with Hela shortly using one of her many weapons to dismantle the door, as she was growing impatient. With the door out of the way, Hela soon observed that the door was melted shut, from the inside and there was a large broken pillar blocking the entrance. She walked down the staircase while keeping an eye out for anyone as she wandered her new Treasure Room calling out all the fake and weak objects while searching for the Eternal Flame. The Eternal Flame wasn't where it used to be and Hela came to the conclusion that it must have been moved to another spot possibly on a different floor as the Treasure Room had several. She marched back down the hall and headed up the stairs ascending to the second floor wasting little time as the Goddess of Death sought her prize. 

You listened carefully from your hiding spot underneath the bottom stairs, waiting for the right moment to escape, as you knew you couldn't take on Hela right now. It took a lot out of you to become one with the Eternal Flame, you were pretty much running on empty so your best bet was to wait and sneak out once Hela was upstairs as you couldn't easily see the entrance from the upper floor. Her footsteps began to echo quieter and you took a chance taking a deep breath, clearing your mind, you stepped out from under the stairs, and headed out as quickly but as quietly as possible. You succeeded somehow, part of you believing it was a fucking miracle you got away without being spotted by this crazy bitch, I mean if Frigga was scared of her, she had to be truly terrifying. Plus, with her title as the Goddess of Death, you figured that she wasn't exactly the kind of lady who would be handing out flowers and baking cookies for her friends and family. 

Once you got far enough away from Odin's Treasure Room you started quietly calling out for Frigga, as you were certain she would have stayed in the castle to remain close by as you knew your mother wouldn't leave you. "Mom!" you screamed as you walked into the Throne Room, seeing Frigga bleeding out on the floor, you rushed to her side, begging her to hold on as you burst into tears. "Hush now, my dear, it is alright, you must escape from this place, Hela must not find you, head out of the city, follow the trail up the mountain, and you'll find Heimdall" Frigga weakly whispered as she raised one hand to wipe your tears, leaving a bit of her blood behind, staining your cheek. "No mom, I... mommy I can't go without you, how could I possibly do it, do this without you, you're the smart one", you wept while holding her close, trying to pick her up but you weren't strong enough. She told you to go but you refused, channelling the little power you had left to heal her wounds and as she slowly got up, you began to have trouble standing yourself.  

"And who, pray-tell are you?" you heard from behind as you and Frigga started heading for the door, to get to Heimdall and the others but you knew exactly who it was, you realized you were fucked. You turned back to lock eyes with Hela before quickly glancing over to look at who was with her, recognizing who he was, not that you knew him well or anything, you just remembered his face. You remained quiet as you were trying to come up with a plan when Hela asked again, turning to Skurge this time and he told her you were Princess Y/N, wife to Prince Loki and the Goddess of Fire. It didn't take too long for Hela to put it together, and she grew incredibly mad, now knowing why Frigga was stalling her so that this so-called "Goddess of Fire" could absorb the Eternal Flame. 

Hela started to approach you, ordering you to stand down and kneel before her and perhaps she'd consider sparing both of you as she summoned a small sword. You pulled Frigga into a tight hug, "She needs me alive, not you, run mother," you said barely above a whisper, looking up at her to show her you were serious and you weren't taking no for an answer. You gave your mother a kiss on her forehead before turning back to Hela, kneeling before her, addressing her as "my queen" as she wanted but obviously she was not a woman of her word, quickly lunging at Frigga with her sword. You being nobody's fool, knew this would most likely happen, and you managed to block the attack, using everything you had left to create a large blast of fire, sending Hela through a wall. This made you lose your balance, and you soon hit the floor, blacking out almost immediately, as you really did use the last of the energy you had to try and save your mother. But before you closed your eyes you saw that Frigga was able to escape, and you smiled for a moment before completely losing consciousness. 

You woke up on the Throne Room's floor, handcuffed and chained up to a giant column directly behind you, barely having the mobility to sit up let alone stand or try and escape. The handcuffs and chains were thick too, you couldn't break them, you even doubted that Thor could break them, you knew if you could use your powers right now you'd have no trouble but you couldn't. "Look at that, the little princess is finally awake," Hela stated while strutting over to get a better look at you now that you were awake, grabbing your face to make you look up at her. "You know, I've always wanted a little sister," Hela spoke again but by her tone, she seemed more annoyed than pleased. You replied as you pulled away from her grasp, "excuse me if I call you out as that's a load of bollocks... you don't care about anyone but yourself, except for maybe your boy toy over there". She seemed amused by your comment, more than bothered by it anyway, you might be fun to have around, after all, I mean, if Skurge was her toy like you said, you could be her pet. 

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