Part 88: Let's Talk

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"Merlin!" you call out, as you smiled at him, he smiled back, greeting you "it's been a long time your Majesty," and you ran over to hug the sweet old man. "How is this possible?" you laugh, thinking how wonderful it was to see him again when you remembered that technically you've never met. "Oh I'm sorry we don't really know each other, do we?" you say followed by a nervous laugh, "Not in this incarnation," he spoke softly. You then introduced yourself as Y/N Kenneth, and he introduced himself as Merlin the Wizard.

"What is this place?" you ask, your voice and face clearly showing the wonder you felt, as you continued looking around the workshop. Merlin explained that it was the medieval castle, the one old you lived in but now it was in its own pocket dimension. Although time does pass here it doesn't affect you, no matter how long you stay here you won't age a day and when you leave you'll be returned to when you left. If you teleported in you can just teleport back out to where you came from or you can just walk out to the edge of the dimension and enter back into the "real world". Seeing as this pocket dimension shared the same space when it was on Earth it was easy to leave but not enter as it existed in another plane of reality. It took strong magic to get to, only other wizards and powerful sorcerers were able to come and visit Merlin here. 

"Then how did I get here? I don't have any magic, let alone magic strong enough to teleport me to another dimension," you admit, getting worried about how you ended up here. "You hold the answer, my queen, Tizona called you here," Merlin said, gesturing to the Asgardian Blade you were holding. "She's already got a name? Dang, it... I was going to call her Johnathan," you say sarcastically upset, but you get all serious as you start to wonder how the sword brought you here. "How?" you ask cautiously, worried about the answer. Merlin gave you a gentle smile, responding with, "Even though Tizona was given to King Erik as a wedding gift, the sword was always yours, it was forged to protect you and now that you've returned I suppose it wanted to find its way back to you, although I don't believe the sword could do more besides call out to you,". You look down at the sword, your brows furrowed as if you were searching her for answers. "I was at the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York, could that have something to do with it?" you ask, before explaining what you were doing there and the whole situation with your "visions" and "misty eyes". 

Merlin wasn't completely sure about it but said "it's not often we meet the people we knew in a past life, in fact, I've never seen it before myself, but I have the feeling that being around two magical beings, the same magical beings you knew in your past life might have something to do with it,". As you thought about it more, it did make sense; you only started having the visions and dreams after meeting Loki and Thor, but something else began to worry you now. Merlin continued, explaining that being in a magical place like a Sanctum Sanctorum could have given Tizona the connection she needed to bring you to her. Seeing as she was trapped in the stone she couldn't go to you, so the next best thing was to bring you to her. You nodded your head, doing your best to understand everything Merlin was telling you, but still, something was bothering you and Merlin could tell and asked you about it. 

"I'm wondering if what I'm feeling is real; if I truly love Loki or not, is it just the other me that felt that way or..." you say as several tears began to flow down your face. It felt like your heart broke when you found out that Loki lied, but it was almost a worse feeling thinking that maybe what you were feeling wasn't real, that it was only the other you that felt this way. You start to full-on bawl as you worry that everything was a lie, and you even started to have a panic attack. "Is any of this real?" you managed through your panicked breathing and tears.  

You didn't notice when Merlin picked up his wand, nor when he cast a spell, but you did notice the Cinderella-style transformation as he gave you a medieval princess dress to wear instead. You completely stop panicking and crying, you were too shocked by what just happened to do anything else. You looked down at your new dress, "this is really pretty, thank you" you say, still confused and overwhelmed. Merlin then leads you into another room and over to a mirror so you could see everything else that came with it. He then asks you if you wanted to go have some tea and talk about it, and you nod your head yes.  

You tell Merlin everything, minus the spicier details of course and intern he calmly listens, only interjecting when he needed you to clarify something. You really didn't have any of the tea or little cakes Merlin set out for the two of you, seeing as you were too focused on talking. When you finished you thanked him for listening and then apologized for taking up so much of his time with your "dumb" problems. "It's no problem, my dear, in fact, it's nice to have company, I don't get too many visitors these days. There aren't as many powerful sorcerers and wizards as there used to be," Merlin cheerfully spoke. 

 You felt so much better after taking the time to really think about it, and you realized that if what you were feeling wasn't real, it wouldn't have lasted. Like with your visions and dreams you felt what old you felt but the feelings would eventually fade away, but your love for Loki only got stronger. You decided, that because you loved Loki, you were going to give him the chance to explain himself, he deserved that much at least. If he truly did what he did out of love and concern for you then you'd probably find a way to make it work and forgive him. Maybe you were being too naive or maybe you were playing the fool, and others would tell you to just leave, but you really loved him and you were willing to fight for that love.

As Merlin walked with you over to the edge of his pocket dimension you thanked him for everything. He even told you to keep the dress, informing you that your other clothes were in your bag, telling you rather cryptically that he was sure they would see each other again. As you walked through the invisible border between dimensions you felt completely at peace, although you would still have to face many problems you knew that you would be okay.

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