Part 66: Cliffs By The Sea

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You're standing by a cliffside over looking the sea, near a small but beautiful bustling town with even a small castle in the distance. Your hair is in two long braids tied with ribbon and a simple but elegant gold crown on your head. Your wearing a multiple layered dress look commonly worn by Noble women of Europe from the 10th to 13th century. The under dress is a deep bright blue, with long semi-fitted sleeves while the outer dress was apple red with long loose sleeves. It had golden yellow embroidery at the neck collar as well as along the edge of the sleeves and bottom of the dress. There is also a very long and thin ornately decorated belt wrapped around your waist multiple times and tied in the front and hanging down, showcasing your figure a small bit. You couldn't see your shoes but they felt comfortable, like ballet flats with thick wool stockings. You could feel the ribbon tied around your legs no doubt holding your socks in place.

You hear someone call your name and you turn around to see a tall muscular man with long dirty blond hair, a short well groomed beard wearing multiple brightly coloured tunics and a golden crown slightly larger but similar to yours. "You're Majesty" you say while holding out your dress to give the man a graceful curtsey. The man walks over as you stand back up and he takes your hand, telling you that he insists you call him Erik. "I may be the King but I'm also your husband, and usual married people call each other by name, not by title" he spoke calm and sweet, giving you a smile. You nod your head while giving him a small smile, "of course... Erik" you say kind of awkwardly before he hands you a bouquet of flowers. "You didn't seem to like the necklace I gave you, my sister suggested flowers. She said these were your favourites" Erik told you as you walk together along the cliffside. He recited a poem to you, knowing that you love to read and all, you find it very sweet. You thank him for the flowers telling him they were beautiful as you gave him a genuine smile before your mind once again wonders as you stare off at the ocean. You turn back to look at Erik but eventually look down as your eyes fall onto the beautiful Asgardian made blade hanging by his side.

You feel a sudden jolt as everything around you disappears, leaving you floating in a stormy black void all alone. You start to hear voices as an object comes into view; it was that Asgardian sword from a moment ago. The voices seemed to be coming from the sword itself, as light emits from the blade it changes in intensity, as it reacts to the voices:

"You can't just send her away, mortal or not she belongs here with us, with our sons" you heard a female voice say, you recognize the voice as belonging to the woman who appeared in the forest with the two boys. "No! She belongs with her own kind back on Midgard" you heard the voice of a man, he tries to sound calm but you could hear the anger he was trying to hide. "You can't just throw her away! She has no one down on Midgard, she would be all alone! I won't let you abandon that child!" the woman said, sounding more upset, letting her emotions get the best of her. "I'm not throwing her back, I am giving her a king, she will be a queen on Midgard, loved and respected, even worshipped by all who meet her. What more could she ask for?" the man said, running out of patience. "She doesn't want to be a queen, she just wants to stay here with us, with her family" the woman's tone changed, more serious but growing increasingly more sad. "She is not part of this family, and she is not staying here, it has already been decided" the man yelled and you shiver as if you've felt his rage before. "But they love her" the woman whispered sounding as if she was nearly in tears.

You covered your ears and closed your eyes, you didn't want to hear anymore. You were already in tears and completely taken over by such sadness and despair. It's as if your heart began to wither inside of your chest before being ripped out as you watch helplessly as its crushed and falls apart like a wilting rose. You kept shouting "No! No! Please no!" while shaking your head as your whole body goes tense as you feel like it was beginning to collapse in on itself.

You open your eyes and remove your hands from your ears as the voices fade away and you find yourself arriving through an Asgardian portal surrounded by several guards as a bunch of men with swords approach. You were wearing a beautiful white medieval style wedding dress, made of the finest material these men had ever seen. You were wearing jewels and other precious things while holding the Asgardian sword in your arms. One of the guards steps forward addressing the men, "Erik son of Bjørn, King of the Nortic Peoples of Midgard, Asgard presents you with this gift". The crowd of mortals look quite shocked and amazed as you slowly walk towards them and kneel before King Erik, holding out the sword to him. The guard continued "Y/N, maiden of Midgard and friend to Asgard has been chosen by Odin himself to be your bride, and queen". Erik takes the sword from you letting it replace the one on his belt, he gives his old sword over to another man before reaching down to take yours hands. He helps you back onto your feet, he looks into your eyes while you try not to tremble with nervousness as you realize a lot more people have gathered around. They waste no time as Erik leads you away with both his men and your guards in tow to a nearby church where you are married to the King.

You feel a second jolt and find yourself again in that stormy void with the glowing Asgardian blade. But the sword wasn't alone, it was being held by a suit of armor; the armor itself looked somewhere between classic knight and Thor's armor but the build was a lot smaller. In fact it looked like the armor could fit you and as you reach out to touch it, when it suddenly lights up so bright you had to cover your eyes. The lights die down a bit and you open your eyes to see a humanoid shaped pillar of fire in the suit of armor. Your eyes go wide as this fire knight looks down at the sword and it starts to admit light again. The light around the sword moves and glows the way flames do, matching the knight. It lifts the sword up and in one quick motion pierces the blade through your abdomen.

The next thing you know you've woken up crying and in a bit of a cold sweat breathing heavy as you instantly sit up from the shock of being stabbed. "I was a gift from where?, chosen by... who?" you thought as some details from your dream start to slip away. You try to remember but the only thing you see now is that sword, it looked familiar but you weren't quite sure where you've seen it before. Maybe it was an antique shop, or flea market? You weren't sure, but you felt weird just thinking about it.

Your sudden movement woke Loki up and he too shot awake wondering what was wrong. You quickly realize it was all just another dream as Loki reaches out with his arms to place them around you and you start to relax. You turn to face him wanting to hold him but as he sees your tears he quickly wipes them away asking you if you're okay. You just press yourself against Loki and wrap your arms around his neck as you close your eyes saying "it was just a dream, well more of a nightmare right at the end... but it wasn't real, it was just a dream". You repeat the last eight words over and over again as if you were trying to convince yourself as you calm down.

Loki holds you close as you lay back down together, running his fingers through your hair as you still struggle with breathing heavy. After a few minutes you look up at him and apologize for waking him up but Loki just shakes his head. "No need to apologize love, I'm here for you. It doesn't matter what time of the day, if you need me I'm always here" he whispers before giving you a kiss on the lips. You smile up at him, placing one of your hands on the side of his face, rubbing gently as you whisper "I love you" before kissing him back. You lean back down to lay on Loki's chest when he says "I love you too", and you fall back asleep.

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