Part 44: Tension

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As Loki finishes fixing up your arm you pull him into a hug, telling him that you were so happy to see him and glad he was okay. You can tell how worried Loki was and still is by the way he was currently holding you, he didn't let up. He held you so close, so tight and secure like you were the most precious treasure in the world, which unbeknownst to you that's exactly what you were to him. You tell him again that you were fine but he just held you tighter, believing he had failed you. You rub his back for a few minutes trying to comfort him, before pulling back to look at Loki. You give him a smile trying not to feel nervous about what you were about to ask him. "Loki..." you began grabbing his attention, "kiss me... please," you say trying to sound confident but in the end, you sounded a bit nervous.

He gives you a kiss, then another, and another which turns into full-on making out, both of you overwhelmed with the thought of losing the other. It's intense as you both let your passions flow, and let go of everything else, just enjoying the sweet taste and embrace of each other. He can feel the hot tears rolling down your face and wiping them away as he pulls back to look at you. You admit that you were not fine and you were afraid you'd never see him again, as you continue to gently cry. Loki holds you tight again for a minute before you ask "Can we go eat? I'm hungry" and he laughs for a second. "You were literally just kidnapped, facing possible death and the first thing you want to do is eat?" Loki laughs seemingly happy that you weren't completely traumatized by the situation. You shake your head yes telling him you just want to go back to the Compound to eat, cuddle and possibly take a nap. He tells you he rather take you out to eat, someplace nice, where you could spend time together without the possibility of an interruption. "Like a date?" you ask, Loki smiles and gives you a tender peck on the lips before saying "yes, a date. The first of many".

You both exit out of the cargo bay, and Thor and Loki take a few minutes to move and secure the enemy agents in the cargo hold. You pull out one of the snacks from the front pocket of your bag to eat while offering one to Thor and Loki. They politely decline so you just take a seat while they handle the bad guys. You offer Loki a shrimp chip saying they're not very healthy but they were delicious and your favourite. He ends up trying one, he likes them and tries to take another but you tell him "nope the rest of these are mine" in a silly and slightly playful tone, which he loves.

Loki was about to playfully argue back but Thor interrupted, saying the bad guys were waking up. As much as you wanted to continue to tease Loki you had a job to do first. You tell them to buckle up before asking if Thor needed help again, he did so you quickly adjusted his seatbelt. As you're doing so he apologizes for not being able to protect you again. "What do you mean again?" Loki asks slightly pissed off as you both turn to look at him. "Thor?" Loki asks again but both of you remain silent. "Someone better tell me what's going on or else" Loki is insistent, not willing to let it go. "Loki please..." you start but Loki cuts you off, grabbing your wrist and not letting go. You can see Loki wasn't going to drop it and promise to tell him everything when they get back to the Compound because this was a conversation you wanted to have in private. He reluctantly agrees but tells you he's not happy as sits down to buckle himself in. The flight to both the Helicarrier and back to the Compound are quiet, you could cut the tension with a dagger.

You arrive back at the Compound where everyone is dying to see you, they all rushed to the hanger bay when they saw the Quinjet arrive. Before you get off you look out at everyone and let out a groan "I'm not going to be able to escape without being swarmed and crushed with hugs am I?". You then tell Thor to go out first you needed to speak to Loki before the onslaught of hugs and affection began. He nods, gets up and heads for the door, you then turn to Loki who was looking cold and distant. Your heart begins to tighten up at the sight of him like that, it was your fault after all. "It's not that I don't trust you Loki, I just didn't want to worry you over something that has already been dealt with. If I tell you... well, when I tell you you're probably going to get really mad and want to hurt if not kill those involved" you calmly tell him while grabbing your stuff to leave. It's as if you could read his mind, that's what he was worried about; he thought maybe you didn't trust him, you wouldn't be the only one quite the opposite actually.

He looks up at you and you give him a reassuring smile while holding out your arm, gesturing to him, offering to hold his hand. Before Loki can take it Pietro comes running in pulling you into a hug repeatedly cheering you were alright, thank goodness you were alright. He then picks you up and runs you to the others, apparently, they couldn't wait another minute to see you.

You punch Pietro in the arm telling him that he interrupted your conversation with Loki and cross your arms mad at him. They all take turns giving you hugs, saying how happy they are to see you. Tony then announces that they were going to have a party, nothing too crazy, cocktail-formal and about 100 or so guests to celebrate. "Celebrate what?" you ask a bit confused, you knew Tony liked to throw parties but what were they celebrating this time? "You of course!" Peter says, you are completely shocked and asked them to elaborate because you were even more confused now. They go on to explain that because of you some of Shield's most wanted were behind bars. You were the one who figured out that they were walking into a trap, protected Steve when he was unconscious, and even when you were kidnapped you managed to capture the head of an Alien weapons smuggling ring.

You stand there completely red in the face unable to speak, you didn't think what you did was that amazing. Everyone else took out at least 3 times as many guys as you did, and you just so happened to be a stowaway doing what you needed to do to stay alive. After a few minutes, you managed to say "come on guys I don't need a party, I didn't do anything that spectacular, any of you would have done a far better job". They argued with you saying you were awesome and you were getting a party, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

They would be leaving for Montreal at 7 so be ready.

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