Part 114: Christmas Eve Party

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"What... what are you wearing darling?" Loki asked as he came downstairs, seeing you standing over by the door wearing a big pink ballgown with big puffed off-the-shoulder Juliet sleeves. You turn to him and he could see that you were wearing make-up, you hardly ever wore make-up and he was confused by this. Loki then noticed that your hair looked shorter and was pulled back with white gold hairpins on either side and similarly styled white gold dangle earrings. You pout and let out an angry huff, "I told you two weeks ago, I'm going to the Children's Hospital, for the Christmas party they're having today". You remind Loki that you promised Peter, well more so MJ seeing as she got a bunch of people together to dress up and volunteer on Christmas Eve, to entertain and hang out with the sick children. You were going as Princess Ariel from The Little Mermaid, Peter and MJ were going as Milo Thatch and Princess Kidagakash from Atlantis: The Lost Empire. You told him there were over 100 people dressing up for the event, they were pretty much going to have every single main humanoid character from Disney there, including the villains. 

"Did you cut your hair?" is all Loki said, he was still focused on that and you rolled your eyes, informing him you didn't, you simply used your magic to make it appear the correct length to play Ariel. You grab Loki by his head, pulling him down to meet you at eye level squishing his face gently, as you ask him if he heard anything you said or was he too distracted to listen to your words. Loki then repeated back everything you said, exactly how you said it, before taking your hands off his cheeks to hold them, kissing both individually, lightly on your knuckles. You raised an eyebrow at him, with narrowed eyes and a pout on your lips, you gave him a look of slight doubt, while Loki in turn gave you puppy eyes and whispered your nickname. Your face grew even more serious, before you shook your head, letting out another huff and stepping on your tiptoes to give him a kiss as you murmur under your breath "fine, you win this round kitty".  

You then pick up your dress and march over to the door, as you had to meet Peter and Bucky, who was driving you both to the hospital, picking up MJ and Ned on the way. Ned wasn't certain who to go as but after some thinking and planning he would be dressing up as Baymax from Big Hero 6. You made your costume and you loved putting Ned's together, the huggable robot was one of your favourite Disney characters, and with the voice modulator that Peter installed, he'd even sound like Baymax. You were so excited, it was going to be so much fun seeing all those little kids smiles, spending the day dancing and playing around, having a really good time. 

Loki walked with you down to the garage to meet the others, seeing Steve and Sam loading up the toys for the kids, mostly stuffed animals and little models of Shield vehicles and ships. They turned out even cuter than you hoped, pulling out a plush frog dressed as Thor, hugging it close before showing Loki, "isn't it cute?". All of the animals were dressed as different Avengers, and looking through them you found a puppy dressed liked the God of Mischief, showing Loki how truly cute it was. You continue to squeal about how adorable they were as you put them back and headed over to get into the jeep, giving Loki a kiss after he helped you in as it was hard to move while in a ballgown. You told Loki that you should be back around 5 o'clock, just in time for your dinner date, looking forward to it and your first Christmas with Loki and the Avengers. 

When you returned to the Compound it was after 6 pm and you throw yourself onto your bed, exhausted, those kids had a lot more energy than you thought they would. Being dressed up as a Disney Princess you received a lot more attention than most of the other characters, although Baymax was right up there, Ned barely had a break all day. As tired as you were it was all worth it, those kids were so happy and cute, plus all the children loved the toys and you liked playing superheroes with them. You were even more thrilled when one little girl was so excited to get one of the stuffed animals dressed as Loki. It warmed your heart knowing he had fans and you couldn't wait to tell him all about it over dinner, assuming you could talk after all the singing you did today. 

You forced yourself back up to get changed, dragging your sore body over to the closet, and you struggled with undoing the corset, I mean Wanda did have to help you with it when you put it on earlier. You eventually gave up, picked out what you were going to wear before walking over to Loki's room to get his help, he was very good with corsets, well, at least when taking them off. You knock on the door calling out to him before you opened it, peeking your head in but he wasn't there, so you put your clothes down on his bed before wandering across the hall to see if Thor knew where he was. You wondered where Loki could have gone, it wasn't like him to just leave, especially when you were supposed to be spending time together, if he wasn't with Thor you would really start to worry.  

Before you could even knock you were grabbed from behind, one hand over your mouth to muffle your scream as you were quickly pulled back into Loki's room. You found yourself pinned up against the door and you couldn't help but smile, "that's quite the greeting babe," before leaning up to kiss him. Loki stops your kiss telling you, "you're late" and you pout and whine, "I'm sorry" you said before making kissy lips at him, you really wanted some sugar. Loki was actually a little mad at you, but you kept making kissing sounds, pressing yourself up against him, begging him in a playful way to forgive you. "Come on kitty, don't be mad at me" you continued to whine but Loki wouldn't budge, "please I need your help with the corset, I can't get it off," you cried, it was so tight and you wanted to take it off. You stuck your head against Loki's chest, letting out a groan in defeat, and letting out a huff he caved, undoing your corset before locking lips, giving you plenty of kisses. 

"Thank you, daddy," you hummed, in a very good mood now as you could actually breathe, trailing kisses all over Loki's face and neck as he held you in place on his lap in your bra and panties. You could tell he was still upset and you promised to make it up to him later, before taking his face in your hands kissing him passionately. Loki let out an angry groan, he couldn't control himself, gripping you tight and suddenly he had you down under him on the bed, while informing you, that you'd be making it up to him now. Let's just say it was a while before you actually got dressed and left the Compound to go out to dinner with Loki. 

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