Part 130: Symphony

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You arrived and it felt very familiar, from the tall trees, that it was nighttime and the fact that he was carrying you bridal style, you wondered where in the world you could possibly be. You knew exactly where you were and you were so excited to see Melody again, you missed them as it had been a while since Loki brought you here for a visit. You wanted Loki to put you down so you could both run off to see them but Loki insisted on carrying you, like the first time you came and you relented as you loved it when Loki held you. You recognized the way, even with the trees barren and the ground covered in snow, the breeze sharp, whistling through the woods carrying a very different tune than before, but still it was just as lovely. 

You arrived, with Loki who finally put you down and you ran over to the base of the cliff that held the secret entrance, pulling back the vines to reveal the opening. As you drew the vines to the side you were a little surprised that they were still thriving in winter, only changing in hue slightly, to a more brown-green colour. You let Loki go in first, but he quickly pulled you in after him, you let out a shriek as he started to run dragging you along with him and you ended up floating slightly off the ground as a result. He moved quickly through the trees and field over to the tower, and you were surprised again as it appeared the same as the other times you were here; full of life, full of flowers and other plants, with little birds and butterflies, as if it was at the height of spring, even at night. 

You call out their name, and Melody perks up immediately, as they do so you smile, saying how much you missed them, as a whole swarm of little floating lights surrounds you and Loki. You talk with Melody for a few minutes, even flying off to the room at the top of the tower as apparently, they wanted to show you something, and of course, you had to go off with them to check it out. You turn back to Loki asking if he was coming, but he declined, saying "go on ahead darling I need a minute to myself if you don't mind, and before you ask, nothing is wrong". It was as if he read your mind, you thought something might be wrong and you were about to ask him about it when he answered it before you uttered a single word. "Okay," you whispered, giving Loki a soft smile, taking hold of his hands for a moment before levitating up towards the tower to see what Melody wanted to show you.  

You enter into the room, you had never been in here before and it was interesting, it wasn't exactly what you expected. There was a large bed on one side of the room and on the other there was a small desk and chair but not much else. There were no holes or gaps in the floor as one would suspect from a tower that was about 200 years old, and relatively clean too, given the same circumstances. The walls were covered in flowers and vines, they even went up all the way to the roof, shielding the interior space from a hole in the ceiling. On closer inspection, you noticed on the far side of the room there was a cluster of vines so thin and intricate you could have mistaken it for thick thread, the kind used in embroidery.  

You got closer to the cluster of vines and they changed shape, going from a random but beautiful pattern into actual words you could read and understand. The message read: "hi Y/N, It's me, Melody, I'm so happy you and Loki came back to visit, I figured out a way to communicate better, so we can have deeper conversations". You got so excited, you were happy for Melody and ecstatic to be able to talk about more things with them, and not accidentally misinterpret what they were trying to say. You ended up sitting there for a while asking Melody all about themselves, you wanted to know everything because even though they didn't have a humanoid-like form they were still one of your best friends. 

You soon realized you had been talking and chilling with Melody for quite a while, completely ignoring Loki and you quickly got up to go to him but when you tried to leave Melody stopped you. "What's wrong, Melody? I'm not leaving, I just have to check on Loki as it's supposed to be the three of us hanging out, not just the two of us," you said cheerfully, looking back at the cluster, waiting for her reply but she didn't say anything which worried you. Melody's vines covered up the window and you got nervous asking in more of a demanding tone either they tell you what's going on or remove their vines from the window. You admitted to Melody that they were scaring you, and you didn't want to do anything drastic as you loved them but they couldn't keep you in the tower.  

You were about to say you were going to give Melody one last chance before getting forceful but at that moment their vines pulled away, and you could hear Loki calling to you. Without a second thought, you leaped out of the window, falling down and only catching yourself at the last possible moment before calling out to Loki as you couldn't see him. You raced off deeper into the gardens as you continued to call for Loki, worried something happened, not even wanting to think that Melody might have done something to him. When suddenly you see him, and you let out a breath of relief as you run over to him, so glad he was okay but when you reach Loki, he disappears and you realize he was an illusion. 

You hear his voice and turn in the direction it came from to see Loki, sitting at a piano, which you knew wasn't there the last time you visited and you ask him what's going on. When suddenly from the opposite side you hear another voice, and you turn to see another Loki, and he began to sing to you, he started to sing the song "I Hear A Symphony" by Cody Fry. Soon Piano Loki started playing the instrumental part of the song, and as it proceeded multiple Loki's appeared with the instruments required for the song. As he continued to sing you couldn't help but start to tear up, it was so beautiful, and soon you were full-on crying you were so overwhelmed, blown away by his romantic gesture. He had the most exquisite voice and you struggled to keep it together, fanning your face with your hands as you tried not to cry, failing of course. 

The song ends and you're bawling while attempting to say how beautiful it was but you couldn't because of how hard you were crying and breathing, trying really hard to calm down. All the Loki's disappeared, all but one and you turned around to lock eyes with him, poking him lightly to make sure he was real before throwing your arms around him. You pulled him close and wouldn't let go, telling him it was the most wonderful and romantic thing ever as you started to cry again. Loki held you back, petting your head gently, telling you how much he loved you, that you meant more to him than anyone or anything in the universe. Loki then said he had to get something off his chest, something he wanted to say for a while and you told him, through your happy tears that he could tell you anything. 

"I overheard what you said to Peter earlier today... and I never thought that anyone would love me the way that you do... I never thought I would be enough," Loki's voice was calm and sweet, you couldn't help but smile. You then pulled back to look at him, saying "you are more than enough Loki, to me you're perfect and I am the luckiest creature in the universe to be able to call you my love". Loki let out a small breathy laugh, looking like he was about to cry and a single tear cascaded down his face with you quickly raising your hand to wipe it away. "I didn't think what we had could be enough for you..." Loki began, "I thought... well I'm not really sure of what I thought, but I know now and I've decided I want to give you everything".  

Loki then pulled away from you, taking a step back before taking a deep breath and getting down on one knee while pulling out a small black velvet box. Loki opened it and revealed the ring and honestly, you couldn't hear anything else he said as you were so overwhelmed by what was happening. The ring was platinum and had a Celtic woven pattern with the most sparkly heart-shaped moonstone, with a band of little diamonds wrapped around it, also in the shape of a heart. You burst into tears again, as you tried to say yes but you were unable to speak so you just shook your head yes while sticking out your left hand, waiting for him to put the damn thing on already. He slipped it on your ring finger, it was a perfect fit and the second he was done you pulled him onto his feet into a kiss before wrapping him tightly in a hug, not letting go. 

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