Part 167: Where's Nat?

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You were in shock as you entered back through into the Quantum Realm, nearly bumping into one of the others as you exited back out into the present, falling over as you landed. Everyone's suit disappeared, as Bruce asked if they got them all, Rhodey following up with, "are you telling me this actually worked?", as Hawkeye dropped to his knees and everyone turned to look at him. "Clint, where's Nat?", Bruce asks but he doesn't respond, and they all realize she didn't make it, but you didn't hear what any of them said, you were still too stunned by what just happened with Frigga. Without a word, you turned around to sit down on the edge of the platform, looking away from everyone as you began to process what it meant, as you began to breathe heavy, nearly hyperventilating. 

Scott was the first to notice you freaking out, and being the nice guy that he was, he came over to check on you, but he soon realizes that something must have gone terribly wrong. "Y/N... why is there blood on your face?" Scott asked and it caught everyone's attention with Steve and Tony rushing to your side, seeing the blood for themselves, both of them asking where it came from. "Frigga, it's Frigga's blood..." you began and at your mention of his Mother's name Thor rushed to your side to ask you what happened, seeing the bloody handprint for himself as he began to freak out. "Sister, tell me what happened", Thor begged and you looked down at your lap, only looking back up as you spoke, "this was supposed to happen". Steve and Tony look at each other seeing that you were in shock, while Thor orders you to explain, and you do, soon saying, "Frigga survived her fight with Malekith because I went back in time to save her...". You turned over to look at Steve and Tony, repeating yourself, but with an even graver expression, "this was supposed to happen". 

You eventually snapped out of it and looking around, you asked where Natasha was as you didn't see her but by Clint's expression, you realized she wasn't coming back. You got up and went over to Clint, dropping onto your knees and wrapping him in a hug as you both began to break down and cry, as he lost his best friend and you lost your big sister. Hulk dropped down, punching the floor of the platform as everyone else began to process what happened, with you doing your best to comfort Clint while trying to process never being able to see Natasha ever again. They watched as your light began to dim before it went out completely, with Steve suggesting you go take a break, call and check on your kids, go wash up before dinner, requesting for you to make some garlic cheese buns along with perhaps spaghetti or something along those lines. You just nodded your head, releasing Clint, getting up from off the floor, walking away to go back to your bedroom, slowly taking off everything before jumping into the shower, washing all the blood from off your face. 

You decided to go off to see your kids, as you felt a strong need to hold them all of a sudden, they were the light of your life and you needed some love and comfort right now. You let Bruce know before you left, promising you'd be back later, and if they needed your help with anything you were just a call away, but right now you couldn't be here. Bruce understood, they all did and you gave each of them a hug, even Rocket and Nebula, although there was something different about it this time, but you dismissed it as you headed for the door. As you headed out they were putting the glove together, and you told them again to call you if they needed anything, apologizing for not being able to help out more. Steve came over to give you another hug before you left, as it seemed like you needed it, and he was right, the Captain then walked you out, watching as you summoned your wings and took off into the sky. 

You arrived shortly with your kids coming over immediately to see you as they were playing outside with Morgan, and you were happy that Terra and Skylar finally had a friend their own age. They all ended up running over to you and you pulled your kids into a hug, with Morgan soon joining in but you didn't mind, you were all family as far as you were concerned. Your children then showed you all the cool insects they found, as the only bugs on Nervaria were the honey beetle-bees, although you were considering introducing a species of large butterfly-like creatures that glowed in the dark, they were beautiful, considered lucky, and said to live for hundreds of years. They would help pollinate all the plants, plus they produced a web-like secretion that could be turned into something similar to silk, it was what your sheets were made of back on Nervaria and they were so soft. 

You sent them off to go play and they headed back over to Morgan's outdoor play area, you watched them as you walked over to the house, about to knock on the door when Pepper opened it. Coincidentally, she was bringing out snacks for the kids at the same time you were heading up to the door and she dropped the tray in surprise, but luckily you caught it and then apologized for scaring her. She took the tray back and walked over to the picnic table they had set up outside, quickly calling the kids over for a snack and at the mention of food they came running, which made you smile. You stood by the door and Pietro came to join you, but you didn't look at him, you continued to stare out at your kids and he did as well, telling you they were very polite and sweet. You smiled, kind of, and looking down at the ground you told him what happened, "we got the stones... they're putting everything together right now but..." you hesitated, and began to tear up. You turned away so there would be no chance your kids would see you but Pietro saw and understood what it meant and asked very calmly who wasn't coming back while trying not to freak out himself. "Natasha, she... she gave her life for the Soul Stone," you whispered, before you full-on broke down again, turning around to face Pietro, who quickly pulled you into a hug, knowing what she meant to you. 

It took a few minutes but you eventually calm down, just in time too, as your children came over asking about the animals in the trees and you walked over with them to point out which creatures were which. They knew what some of them were, like squirrels and frogs but for the ones they didn't know you happily told them, as they did think all the flying animals were all just called birds. You pointed out a dragonfly, a Sparrow, a Red-tailed Hawk, a couple of crows, and even a Raven, surprised by how many birds there were, as you didn't see so many before. You look around more carefully, realizing that there were indeed a lot more birds and other animals than before, and it starts to sink in, what was happening. 

 You start to smile at all the creatures that had returned, the air itself felt lighter and the world seemed like a more beautiful place than even you remembered, you almost started to cry again. "Mommy, who's that?" Terra asked while pulling on your dress to get your attention as she had noticed someone who seemingly popped out of nowhere, and was curious. "Who are you talking about sweetie..." you say turning to where your daughter was pointing and your eyes went wide, you started breathing heavily, with tears soon filling your eyes. "Mom" you yelled as you ran at Frigga, wondering how she was here, even undoing Thanos's snap, you didn't know how she ended up at Tony's house as she should have popped back up in Norway with the other Asgardians. "How are you here?" you ask while hugging your mother tight, Frigga laughed for a moment, then whispers "I have my ways" and you let out a breathy chuckle, laughing harder than you had in a very long time. 

Everyone heard the commotion and came out to see what was going on and when you noticed them, you waved over at them, shouting "it worked, it worked," while still crying. All but Freya recognized Queen Frigga and got excited realizing that the Avengers were able to undo what Thanos did, but the joy you all felt quickly disappeared, as Pepper's face went pale. You looked at Frigga and your children for a moment before turning back to Pepper asking her what was wrong, and with a heavy heart she told you that she got an emergency alert, something happened at the Compound. You looked at Frigga, who gave you a nod and you shouted "suit up", as Pepper headed to get her suit on and before Pietro could go run back home to get his suit his wife handed it to him, saying, "I thought you might need this". You turned to the kids, telling them "you're hanging out with your grandmother until we get back, so be on your best behaviour", "yes, mommy," your kids say together and you give your mother a goodbye kiss on the cheek before summoning your armour, heading off back to the Compound. 

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