Part 110: Shreddin' The Gnar 1/3

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The next day you all got up early again and you made waffles as they picked up real maple syrup yesterday while in town, they might have bought too much though, as they brought back several litres of the sweet gooey stuff. It was all delicious and you made sure the birthday boy got first dibs on everything, the fruit salad, waffles, bacon, tea, and etc. threatening to blast anyone with fire if they tried to take stuff before him. Everyone noticed how extra affectionate you were being with Loki, you were giving him extra kisses, compliments, as well as using all the cutest nicknames for him and the birthday boy loved it, briefly wishing every day could be his birthday. You were the last to eat as you cooked everything that morning but you didn't mind eating by yourself, not that you were alone for long, as everyone else was busy cleaning up Loki came over to sit with you, wanting to shower you with kisses and affection but he waited until you were done eating.  

You then all went off to get changed, putting on your snow gear as fast as possible, everyone was excited about going skiing and snowboarding today. For some reason, most of them thought it would be funny to wear gear hinting at their superhero alter egos, leaving little clues like a falcon or black widow spider on their jacket. You, Loki, Peter, and Bucky, we're the only ones not dressed themed to match their superhero costumes, not that you weren't dressed up, you just were wearing something else. Your snow gear was purple, with stone-grey boots, gloves, and beanie, resembling the Tamaranean Princess much more than your regular self.

You all piled into the cars and soon arrived at the Ski Resort, the place was huge and despite the buildings being new and modern it still had that old-world sort of charm. There were dozens of other skiers and snowboarders there already, walking around, making their way up and down the mountain's side which was surprising considering it was so early in the morning. It was magnificent, the way the sunlight sparkled off the freshly fallen snow, the scent of pine on the cold sharp wind, the excitement and overall positive atmosphere found throughout the entire Resort.  

You and Peter went up to the front desk, seeing as you were the only Avengers whose faces weren't actually known you picked up the passes that were pre-booked, chatting briefly to the staff and greeters about different classes and attractions. There was a beginner class for skiing as well as one for snowboarding, so you and Peter signed up for it, quickly asking the others if they wanted to join a class too. As it turned out you and Peter were the only two who hadn't done this before, even Loki and Thor had done similar activities in Asgard and in the other realms. Pietro offered to show you the basics, he had apparently been snowboarding many times, although as soon as the instructor arrived he join the class along with Tony and Sam. Her name was Keira, she had big brown doll eyes, long curly brown hair, a winning smile and a sweet voice, she soon had them all wrapped around her finger.  

You and Peter wouldn't exactly make it to the Olympic Qualifiers but you could make it down some of the easier trails without falling on your butts so progress. You just finished one of the bunny trails when you spot the Asgardians practically flying down the mountain like risk-taking, bone-breaking daredevil Athletes. By the Gods it was impressive, Thor was great, doing all sorts of tricks, none of which you knew the names for, but as majestic as he was, Loki put him to shame. The God of Mischief, being a frost giant and all was better equipped for winter and snow-related things so you knew he'd be better than others but you didn't expect him to dominate the way he did. Loki was easily the best snowboarder on the mountain, if not the entire planet, and his amazing skills didn't go unnoticed. 

Soon the God of Mischief found himself surrounded by lots of other resort guests, from squealing school girls to older male professionals, wanting to know all about him. You tried not to be upset, it wasn't a big deal, Loki was amazing and deserved the attention but for some reason, you were getting mad. Your eye soon began to twitch and you found yourself heating up with jealousy, you tried to let it go but then a couple of the school girls touched him and that was it. You handed Sam your snowboard and proceeded to march over there, pushing everyone out of the way, as nicely as possible of course, quickly starting up a conversation, asking Loki if he was having fun. "Hey we saw him first," one of the schoolgirls said, with a definite attitude and her friends began nodding their heads, staring at you, trying to look intimidating. You did gently shove them out of the way to get to Loki but they were the ones who were hitting on your man so they started it, but you were definitely going to finish it. 

You gave the girls a shit-eating grin before grabbing Loki by the collar pulling him in for a long passionate kiss, with tongue and everything, making all the girls' mouths drop open in surprise. You then turned back to the girls giving them a little wave goodbye before taking Loki's hand saying, "we're done here babe," dragging him away from everyone. Thor soon walked over to join Sam, Peter, Tony, and Pietro who you were standing with not moments before and they all soon broke out laughing from what you just did. You stopped over by some trees, you were still fuming until you looked back at your boyfriend's face, he gazed at you with love and admiration and you found yourself feeling rather sheepish. "Sorry, I..." you blushed, turning away with your arms crossed as a pout soon stretched onto your face, overwhelmed from embarrassment, from being so possessive and jealous.  

Loki soon broke out in laughter, he found it absolutely hilarious, you being so protective, wanting to keep him all to yourself and doing something so drastic as publicly making out, he liked it. You didn't think it was funny, you were still frustrated with those annoying little fangirls, thinking they could get away with being inappropriate with your man. It may not have seemed like a big deal but I mean if a bunch of guys did that to a girl they could have been arrested or at the very least kicked out for "sexual harassment". If a bunch of guys touched you like that Loki would have beaten them half to death, making them wish he had killed them but no, what you did was funny and adorable. You let out an angry huff, giving in to your jealousy, grabbing Loki by the collar once again, pulling him in, proclaiming somewhat loudly "mine" before kissing him again. 

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