Part 43: Seatbelts Everyone!

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You quickly hide the Chitauri guns in your backpack, knowing that firing within the ship would be dangerous. Not to mention they would no doubt confiscate them and shoot you if you get caught with weapons. You can feel the rough take-off and end up falling over making a loud thud as you hit the floor.

One of them comes to investigate and before you can get up this guy had a gun aimed at the back of your head. You do your best to throw your arms up from your position on the ground showing him you are unarmed. He recognizes you from inside and asks who you are, and you say "I'm just a pilot man, all I do is fly planes!". You couldn't let on that you were close with the Avengers, you no doubt would have become a valuable prisoner or they might just shoot you out of spite for ruining their plans.

He grabs you roughly by your hair, making you stand up, dragging you over and putting you in the pilot's chair. He tells the guy sitting there to move, he had no idea what he was doing and gladly gets up. He points a gun at the back of your head telling you that if you behaved and fly them out of there they'd let you live. But you knew better, the second you were no longer useful they would kill you.

It's been about an hour and you were about 5 minutes away from leaving US Air Space and Shield's jurisdiction. Yes, they had bases around the world but being outside the US in any capacity would immediately complicate things. You tried to fly the Quinjet as slow as possible, well as slow as you could without them noticing. You were running out of time, if you were going to do something it would have to be right now.

You take a deep breath looking in your rearview mirror and see that they're all starting to relax, a big mistake. You also notice that none of them are wearing a seatbelt, they're all just standing around in silence. The guy who had the gun pointed at the back of your head lowers his arm for a moment to stretch and you make your move. You immediately hit the accelerator knocking them all back, slamming them against the back wall separating the cargo bay and engine room from the rest of the aircraft. You immediately start a vertical climb while spinning the Quinjet around 540° degrees quickly diving back down now flying in the opposite direction, back towards the US. This manoeuvre sent the enemy agents flying again hitting different sides of the ship multiple times. You enter back into US Air Space and stop the Quinjet making it hover in place, putting the ship into idle mode. You spin around in your chair and loudly announce to the currently unconscious agents and the universe "AND THAT IS WHY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN YOU ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SEATBELT!!".

You quickly get up and make your way to the Cargo bay to get the handcuffs that were stored there. You disarm them and try to drag them to the cargo bay but you can't so you just handcuff them to the closest thing to keep them in place in case they wake up. You had trouble moving them because 1 they were all a lot bigger than you and 2 you had an injury on one of your arms. You let out a huge breath of relief as you start to relax again, it was finally over.

Just then you hear a thud from on top of the Quinjet and you knew exactly what it was. You rush back over to the controls to open the door and two figures make their way in, weapons drawn. It was Thor & Loki, you couldn't have been happier to see anyone in your life. You start to tear up as you feel completely relieved now, with them here you finally felt safe again. They survey the scene surprised at what they see; you appeared to be perfectly fine while surrounded by half a dozen men knocked out and handcuffed to different parts of the plane.

You can see how terrified they looked, no doubt losing their minds with worry over you. Thor asks you what happened, you smile and calmly say "Oh nothing much, they just weren't wearing their seatbelts". As they both start to relax Loki notices the badly wrapped bandages on your arm and gets worried all over again. He rushes to you and inspects your injury, asking you completely furious "which one of these vile creatures did this to you?". You tell him that none of them did this to you, and say it was from earlier, explaining what had happened inside the facility after they split up.

Loki leads you by the hand to the cargo bay to deal with your injury, while Thor stays to watch the handcuffed men. You watch contently as he takes his time cleaning and dressing your wound, Loki doesn't say a word, doing his best to stay calm. He nearly lost it on everyone when they found out you had been kidnapped.

While Pietro was informing several agents what had happened from the other side of the building more enemy agents appeared with a mech suit in tow; it was the size of the hulkbuster, and powerful to boot. With the integrated Chitauri tech, the machine made its way easily through Shield's forces. It seemed to be a last-ditch attempt to win against them, but in actuality, it was all a distraction so whoever was in charge could escape capture. They managed to get through mostly undetected and quickly got onto the Avengers' Quinjet. The others arrived and fight off the last of the enemies and the mech but by the time they realized what happened it was too late, you were gone.

After putting it together that a few bad guys got away, flying off in the Quinjet Maria Hill tells them to shoot it down. Pietro quickly intervenes, telling them they couldn't destroy the ship because you were on board. They argue about what to do, well more so Steve and Maria Hill the others were kind of freaking out. Loki was just doing his best not to lose it and snap Pietro's neck for leaving you on the Quinjet alone. Thor has decided to go after you, and Loki quickly takes a hold of his brother before he could take off flying. Seeing as again you were flying the Quinjet relatively slow at least compared with how fast Thor could fly, they closed the gap within about 15 minutes. They see that the Ship was stopped and idling, fearing the worst they quickly land on top. They are about to attempt breaking through the hull of the ship when they see the door opening up and without a second thought rush in to save you. But you didn't need saving, you were able to handle it by yourself. They were beyond happy and relieved you were okay but were sad and angry at themselves for not being there to protect you. You had to step up, you had to fight, and they never wanted to put you through the stress and danger that came with it.

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