Part 78: What To Do

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Pietro was less than an inch from your lips when you hear him utter "no, this isn't what I...", as he pulls away from you. He looks at you completely shocked and mortified by his own actions, he never wanted to hurt you but he clearly did, he could tell by the look on your face. You looked terrified and on the brink of tears as he forcefully held you in his arms. He lets you go, backing away as he kept apologizing but he was no longer able to look at you, eventually just turning away completely. He let out multiple breathy sounds of frustration, as he grew more upset and angry at himself for what he had done. He looked back at you for a moment with a guiltful expression clearly showing how sorry he was, before running off. He couldn't stand to be near you right now or anyone else for that matter, he was so ashamed for letting his jealousy get the better of him like that. He ran off so fast the force nearly knocked you over but luckily you were able to catch yourself in spite of wearing heels. You walked back alone and for some reason couldn't help but feel bad, you cared deeply for Pietro, you loved him but not like that. You saw him as your brother, the way you saw Wanda as your sister and you felt kind of guilty that you couldn't return the love he had for you.

You took the long way while walking back, lost in thought, wondering what you should do. Should you tell the others? Should you tell Loki when he got back? Obviously, you would have to tell Loki but what would you actually say? You recall how he reacted when Pietro held your hands on the Quinjet, you didn't even want to think what he might do after finding out that Pietro confessed his feelings and then almost kissed you. More so that he tried to force a kiss on you, but he didn't, he stopped himself and apologized. You could tell that he felt really bad about it, so what were you to do?

"Hey Y/N. You look nice, where did you go?" You look up to see it was Steve who spoke, Bucky was also there and complimented your outfit. They just got back but being away on a walk and distracted you didn't realize they had returned. You had just walked through the front door as they started looking for you. You say to them that you just went out for a walk, but they can tell by your tone that something was wrong. "What's the matter Doll?" Bucky asked, you look at him for a moment before running towards him saying that you needed a hug. He of course obliges, wrapping his arms around you as he looks at Steve and concern starts to show on both of their faces. You didn't realize how much of what Pietro did really bothered you until confronted with someone asking about it. They both kept asking what was wrong but you weren't able to say anything, knowing that if you did speak you would probably only be able to cry. Natasha and the others soon come over wondering what was wrong as they see you clinging to Bucky.

You let go of Bucky and make up a lie, saying you were just really worried about them not coming back, they did have to go to Jersey after all. Tony jokingly says "yeah we barely got out of there with our lives" before asking where Pietro was. While Wanda, not really buying what you said gave you a hug as she unintentionally read your mind. She leans back to look at you and you could tell by the expression on her face that she read your mind and knew what really happened. You pulled Wanda back in tight quickly whispering "please don't say anything", before letting go of her to give everyone else a hug. Wanda gives Natasha a knowing look before asking Vision if he wouldn't mind making you some tea, both ladies take one of your hands as they walk with you upstairs back to your room. You spend the next few hours awake with them, talking about what happened between you and Pietro, getting their advice before all of you went to sleep.

It had been officially three days since the attempted kidnapping and everyone was still being super protective. I mean who would be dumb enough to attack the Avengers H.Q., like seriously? Despite currently being in one of the safest places in the world you had a babysitter with you at all times. You had another sleepover with Wanda and Natasha last night and all the other Avengers would take turns watching you during the day. At least with Vision, he would keep his distance, giving you space and only checking on you every 30 minutes but everyone else was stuck to you like glue and it was starting to get on your nerves.

Pietro didn't come back the night before last and he still hadn't been back yet, but Wanda promised to talk to him once he did. Saying that if or when you wanted to talk with him she could stay with you during the conversation for moral support. You really appreciated how understanding she and Natasha were about the whole thing. They told you not to worry about Pietro, things would work themselves out eventually but that when you did tell Loki it would probably be for the best if Pietro was nowhere to be found. You agreed, of course, not wanting a brawl between two of the more powerful members of the team, that was a mess you didn't want to have to clean up.

With everything that was happening lately, you really needed to blow off some steam but you weren't sure what to do. At the moment you were watching a 4-hour documentary on sea-life with Bruce who seemed to be really enjoying it. With him distracted you knew you could sneak away, telling him you were just going to the bathroom and would be right back, except you wouldn't be. You felt kind of bad for ditching him but you needed to be alone right now, or you would actually go crazy. You head down to the Compound's training room planning to hit a punching bag until your knuckles bled or until someone stopped you, probably. You weren't alone for long as Clint soon arrived, which just made you more frustrated and you started punching the bag harder. 

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