Part 126: Promise Ring

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"Peter!" you called, the adorable Spiderboy had just arrived back from his trip, well technically he got back in last night but jetlag hit him hard so he stayed home yesterday. You wrapped him in a tight hug, you missed your little brother, after what happened on Christmas part of you didn't want to let go. You quickly grab his bags and ran into the building as he would be spending the rest of his winter break with the Avengers, training and hanging out until school started back up for him. Seeing as it was his final year he was going to be taking his studies a little more seriously, so he'd be by the Compound less and less, only stopping by on weekends, unless he had lots of homework. You reassured him that if he did have too much homework he could still come to the Compound as you would be more than happy to help him out with it. 

You ask Peter how his trip was as you helped him unpack his stuff, putting his freshly washed clothes away in his dresser while he complained about you babying him. You just laughed while telling him, "oh my sweet Spiderboy, you will always be my little baby bro, no matter how old you get," and he looks at you with a pout, before throwing himself onto his bed in frustration. He looked seriously upset although you were certain it wasn't because of what you were doing, so you asked him what was really going on but he wouldn't say, seemingly embarrassed. You sat down on the bed next to him trying to get him to tell you what was wrong as you really wanted to help him out but he still declined, so you dropped it, not wanting to push him. 

You told him he could tell you anything, even if he needed help getting rid of somebody, you'd help him out, saying "they wouldn't know what hit them and all you would have to do is bring a vacuum or a leaf blower". You laughed, as you were joking about killing people but got serious again saying that no matter what was bothering him you would always be there to help him, giving him a pat on the shoulder before heading over to the door. Peter called out to you just as you were about to walk out the door, letting out a groan in frustration as you stepped back over to listen to what he had to say. You sat back down on the bed waiting patiently for his response, and he soon pulled out a small box to show it to you, unaware that someone else was listening to your conversation.

He handed you the box and you opened it, there was a ring inside and you looked back at Peter with a surprised look on your face, wondering if he was thinking of proposing to MJ. You asked him to explain, not freaking out, of course, giving him a gentle smile, placing your hand on his shoulder in a calm matter as he began to explain himself. He wasn't asking MJ to marry him, well it was kind of a proposal, a pre-proposal of sorts as he wanted to give her a promise ring to show her he was serious about his feelings and her. Although he wasn't sure she would accept, as MJ was truly like no one else he had ever met, she was a smart and beautiful boss lady, who could make her way through life on her own, killing it, needing nobody as she crushed the patriarchy beneath her sneakers.  

You couldn't help but laugh, finding it so cute the way Peter described his girlfriend, he clearly cared about her and was worried about her feelings, it was so sweet to see him like this. You asked Peter if he was worried she'd end it with him if he tried to give her the ring, and he said no, he knew MJ loved him, he knew she wouldn't break up with him but still worried she might not be ready yet to move forward in their relationship. You ask Peter if he loved her and if what they had was enough and Peter said he did but asked you to explain what you meant when you said: "if what they had was enough". You went on to say, "I mean your relationship right now, is what you have with MJ enough, will you love her and continue to love her if it stays like this?" and Peter thinks for a moment. 

Peter still seemed a little confused, so you went on, explaining further, "my grandparents explained that nothing really changed for them after getting married, it wasn't magically different or better, in fact, it was a little harder considering they spent a lot more time together. They told me how they struggled but eventually got through it, they knew they wouldn't be there for me as I got older, so they've given me a lot more practical advice than anything else. You need to make sure what you have with her is enough going forward because getting more serious has so many amazing opportunities, experiences, a deeper wonderful connection you never thought you could have with another person, but the way is also paved in pitfalls. You need to make sure you're really ready, it's not permanent, but it's difficult to take a step back once things have been said, you need to make sure this is what you want, even with the possibility of rejection. Also, I wouldn't worry about it too much, even if she does say no, it's not really a no if you're still together, it's a not yet so when she's ready you can face the future together". 

Peter then asked you what your plans with Loki for the future were, considering he was still under the impression you were mortal and would die a lot sooner than him. You decided to tell him, asking him first not to say anything, making him swear not to breathe a word of this to anyone as you hadn't told them yet, but you would tell them eventually when you were ready. Peter promised not to say anything, a little worried about what you were going to say, he could tell you were nervous to talk about it, but waited patiently like you did for him. You told Peter that you had spent close to 30 years in the Dragon Realm and you didn't age during that time because you were immortal now, so the whole mortal-immortal thing wasn't something you had to worry about, at least with him. 

Peter looked surprised, he didn't know what to say, and honestly, you were glad he didn't, you still hadn't fully processed it yourself, still having the occasional panic attack if you thought about it too much. You cleared your mind, closing your eyes and taking in a deep breath, before telling Peter not to worry about the whole I'm an immortal thing, "it just means I'll always be here for you" you whispered leaning your head on his shoulder. You were sad for a few moments before popping your head back up, "as for our plans for the future..." you began, explaining that you didn't really have any plans like you might have a kid or two eventually but other than that, nothing. You told Peter that you were perfectly happy with what you had with Loki, things didn't need to change, you didn't need to get married, or even move in together, he was enough, this was enough. 

"But you want to get married, right?" Peter asked as he recalled you showing him your grandmother's wedding dress when you returned to your storage unit, you went to grab more things to alter and bring back, saying how you were saving it, hopefully for when you got married. You let out a huff saying, yes, you always wanted to get married but it wasn't as big of a deal for you now, "I don't need to prove to the universe I love Loki, as long as he knows that's good enough for me". Although you were more than happy with things staying exactly the way they were, you lied about what you said, you wanted everyone to know, you wanted to shout it to the sky, write songs that echo throughout the stars, the heavens and universe would know and sing of your love, Loki deserved nothing less.  

"Enough dwelling on that stuff, last time I checked we have a party to get ready for," you said giving Peter a wink as you got up to go get ready for Tony's New Years Party. You did stop and turn around, saying you had one more tip for Peter, "don't try to give that to her with people around, you don't want her decision affected by public pressure". Peter thanked you for the tips and advice before asking if you could help him plan a little something in the new year while he's here on winter break. You told him "Of course anything for my little brother... and you know we actually have a little time before we have to get ready and be downtown for the party, why don't we look at stuff now?". With that, you headed off to your room with Peter to plan a little something for his not-a-proposal-promise-ring-thing, before getting ready for an epic New Years party. 

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