Part 149: The Bitch Is Back

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The clouds grew quite large and dark, and thunder could be heard in the distance as Thor began to process everything that just happened, their father passed away moments ago and Ragnarok was upon them. Loki thought of something he could say to comfort his brother, but to no avail, he was at a loss for words for once, and that didn't exactly happen all that often. Thor and Loki didn't have much time to talk, however, as a murky dark green portal started to open behind them and out stepped their sister Hela, Goddess of Death. "So he's gone... that's a shame, I would've liked to have seen that," Hela said bluntly, with Thor introducing himself while Loki asked if they could come to an arrangement before the Goddess of Death ordered them to kneel, before their queen.  

Meanwhile back on Asgard...

Heimdall, who was watching everything, had just sent word to the Queen that Hela had returned and she would be here presently, they had little time to act and save Asgard. Frigga told them to ready the army and to start the evacuation, they would have to get everyone out of the city immediately, before she turned to you, ordering you to come with her at once. The alarms began to sound and you saw all the Asgardians big and small start to leave the city, while you followed Frigga closely, wondering what the hell was going on. You've never seen your mother so worried and worked up before, she always managed to keep her cool, and despite pleading for her to tell you what was happening, or who was Hela, she wouldn't say. "There is something that must be done first, daughter, but I must ask, you can absorb fires can you not?" Frigga asked as you raced off to somewhere you hadn't been before. As you hastened your step you gave her your answer, "yes, I stopped a forest fire just over a month ago that way, why?" but before Frigga gave you her answer you had arrived. 

"Is this... Odin's treasure room?" you asked as you got distracted, looking at all the little things, but Frigga quickly grabbed your arm and pulled you along as they didn't have time to waste. Frigga quickly led you down the corridor and over to a large deep cauldron, holding a fire which seemed odd, as there appeared to be no fuel, only flames. Your mother took your hands, and rubbed them gently as she explained, "this is the Eternal Flame of Asgard, and knowing Hela, the Goddess of Death, she will use it to resurrect her army, she will destroy everything, I need you to absorb it, so she can't use it". Your eyes went wide at her words and you found yourself frozen on the spot at her request but after you snapped out of it you didn't hesitate to do as she ask.  

You put your hands into the flames, closed your eyes and focused, it didn't feel like any fire you ever encountered before and you told Frigga it would take you time to adjust and absorb it. Frigga understood and would buy you all the time she could, wrapping you in a hug and kissing you gently on your forehead before joining the others to slow Hela down as much as possible. "I love you mother, be safe" you called out after her as she headed off ordering you to barricade the doors so after she left you did just that, using your powers to melt and seal the doors shut. You then knocked down a large pillar to block the entrance, as it was heavy it might buy you a little extra time, and with it not on your side every additional second counted. You then took a deep breath and headed back over to the Eternal Flame, and you didn't know why you were so scared, but you couldn't help it as tears began to make their way down your face. "Everything is going to be okay, we will get through this, I will get through this," you spoke out loud to yourself, trying to raise your own morale as you were afraid of what this Hela person could do. 

Meanwhile outside in the city...

Hela was introducing herself, admitting to everyone that she killed the princes, before explaining how it was Asgard's destiny to rule over all realms, and how she would restore that power. The armies of Asgard would not yield to her, and while she was distracted with fighting them Heimdall managed to climb back up into the Bifrost and steal back the sword. On Hela's arrival, he was quickly attacked and sent flying through the wall and off the bridge into the water below but he managed to recover and make his way back, despite his injury. And despite Asgard's best efforts, the Warriors Three and the army quickly fell, with Hela not even breaking a sweat as she filled the streets with Asgardian blood. 

Yet their sacrifice was not in vain as the majority of Asgard's civilian population managed to escape into the mountains where they'd be safe for the moment. The queen used some of her magic to help speed up the evacuation of the palace staff, lords, and ladies doing her best to make sure they all got to safety. After the last of them got away, Frigga headed to the Throne Room to confront Hela when she arrived, knowing she would have to try to slow her down by any means possible, even if it cost her own life. It wasn't long until the Goddess of Death arrived, killing the last of the palace guards, surprised that no one remembered her or knew of their true history, all of Odin's lies in plain view on the ceiling. She quickly destroyed them, revealing the truth and explaining everything to her new little toy, an Asgardian man named Skurge, who would be her Executioner. 

Frigga soon arrived at the Throne Room to stall her, and Hela greeted her warmly before reminding her that Odin, her husband was dead while also revealing to the former queen that her sons were dead too. Frigga did her best to keep it together as all the people of Asgard depended on her, you depended on her too and Hela would not get the chance to resurrect her army, not if she had anything to say about it. Frigga needed to keep Hela from heading off to Odin's Treasure Room, and the queen realized she had less time than she thought, hoping you were nearly done. Being the wisest person in Asgard, Frigga had little trouble distracting her, but it wouldn't last, as Hela was no dummy, she soon caught onto the fact that she was trying to stall her, but why? 

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