Part 24: Sweet Melody

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Loki didn't know what to say in response, neither did you so you both sat there in an awkward silence. Melody's lights dimmed, turning a deep shade of blue and the air around you felt a little colder too. It grabbed your attention immediately and you turn to look around at the lights worried something was wrong. "Melody are you okay? Is something wrong?" You asked in a slightly panicked tone. Just as you finished asking your question all the little floating lights that were listening nearby came at you all at once, gently brushing up against your face and hands. You were confused at first but you realized Melody was trying to comfort you. You thank Melody, telling them you really are okay, and that between the kind words and gestures from them and Loki you really were feeling better. At that moment plants started growing up around you and Loki forming a small shelter just as it started raining.

You and Loki decide to try and wait out the rain but after about 45 minutes the weather was only getting worse. You contemplated whether or not you should stay or try to make a run for it, far enough away for Loki to teleport you guys home. Loki wanted to wait, he didn't want the night to be over, he wanted to sit with you under the shelter and hold you close forever. Not that he said any of this to you of course he knew he couldn't, but maybe just for tonight, just for this moment, he could just forget about everything.

You feel the cold setting in as your teeth begin to chatter, and you start to shiver on the spot. You were already cuddled up to Loki, the thunder and lightning had been close by for a while and were freaking you out. One loud boom after the next, the whole garden lighting up as if the lightning was right on top of you, which is pretty much was. You always used to adore when there was a thunderstorm, you found the sounds relaxing but being out during one was a different story.

Loki summoned your blanket drying it off before placing it around the two of you, but it didn't help at all. You were still freezing as Loki pulled you closer trying to keep you warm. Despite what Loki thought before now all he really wanted to do was get you home where it was warm. He was worried though, running through the ice-cold rain could be worse for you, rather than waiting it out. But seeing how cold you were he decided it would be best to get you back home as quickly as possible, even if it meant getting wetter in the process.

Loki tells you to say goodbye to Melody, as he's made up his mind to get you both back to the Compound right now. So you make your goodbyes to Melody, wishing them well and how you want to see them again soon and that you hope they'll be okay after the storm passes. With that Loki takes your hand and you bolt out of there like a bat out of Hell.

You arrive back at the Compound completely drenched from the rain. Loki uses his magic to dry you both off, you were still freezing but at least you were dry now. However your bedroom floor was still wet, so you get a towel to wipe it up. Loki insists on helping you clean up but you tell him not to worry about it. "It's okay Loki I got this you can go shower and change, it's fine," you say knowing that's what Loki wanted to do, he said as much while you were waiting out the rain together.

About 40 minutes have past and you were now drying your hair after taking your own shower. You were sitting on the bed wearing a white tank top, chemistry theme pyjama pants, fuzzy black slippers boots and the oversized green knit sweater you got when you were out with Thor. As it happened your sweater match the colours on your pants quite nicely, they might have been mistaken as a set. You head downstairs and make a pot of tea, bringing back to your room a tray with a teapot, cream, sugar and two spoons & cups. You weren't sure if Loki was going to come back after his shower but you came prepared if he did.

You put the tray down on your side table letting the tea steep while you brush your hair. There's a knock at the door and you already know who it is so you tell them to enter. Loki entered your room and for the second time tonight, he was taken aback by what you were wearing. There was something about seeing you in cute silly pyjamas that made him happy and unable to focus. But more than that, you were wearing green, his colour and in a shade he often wore. It was just an oversized green knit sweater, why was he losing his mind overseeing you in it? Maybe it was because it was currently showing off your shoulders and collarbone, that wasn't it but he couldn't put his finger on it. All he could think about was taking off everything but that sweater, and it was driving him mad.

Loki turned away trying to clear his mind of any and all lewd thoughts or ideas regarding you. You of course had no idea what he's thinking and just assume he must be tired considering how late it was, and how tired you were. You apologize for keeping him up so late and he snaps back to reality telling you it's not a problem as he notices the tray on your side table. He saw that you had made tea while he was gone but there were two cups on the tray. You see Loki eyeing the tray and tell him "I was feeling a little cold still so I went downstairs to make some tea. I wasn't sure if you were going to come back but I brought up a second cup just in case". You give him a smile as you ask him if he'd like to stay for tea. Loki, loving a good cup of tea agrees and comes to sit with you on the bed while you pour him a cup.

It was nearly 3 am by the time you finished the pot of tea, and you were so ready to just fall over you were so tired. The only thing that kept you awake was a thought swirling in your head; "should I ask Loki to stay?"

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