Part 56: Morning After

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You woke up to ringing from across the room, you sit up realizing that you left your phone in your bag with the ringer all the way up. You wanted to be able to hear it at the party even though you ended up leaving it along with your bag on the Quinjet. With everything that happened last night, you forgot to turn the ringer off. You carefully get out of bed and throw on your robe before rushing over to pull your phone out and answer it, hoping the noise wouldn't wake up Loki. You think about the amazing time you had last night with Loki, although it was your first time you couldn't imagine it getting any better than that.

You answer the phone it was Steve, he was calling to check in, apparently, no one was sober enough to fly them home so they stayed overnight in Montreal. Everyone was worried when Loki took you home early so you explain to him that you were pretty sure the bartender accidentally gave you Long Island iced teas instead of regular iced teas and seeing as you had 3 in the span of less than 30 minutes you ended up feeling a bit sick. It wasn't a complete lie after all you did feel a bit nauseous, you just left out the fact that the real reason you left was to have sex with Loki. You tell Steve you were feeling much better now, asking him what you should do for training today considering they wouldn't be back until at the earliest, this afternoon. He told you not to push yourself too much considering your arm, maybe just some running today and a few dozen burpees. Steve then told you if you feel up to it you could even run through one of the training simulations they had or fight one of the Avengers Training Bots, they were just like the ones at Shield. You tell Steve you'll start training right after breakfast, and wish them all a quick recovery and a safe flight back to the Compound.

You look back over at Loki who was still fast asleep, as it turns out he stayed awake after you fell asleep. He was content to just hold you, watch you as you slept so peacefully in his arms. You decide to make some breakfast for the two of you, but first, you had to put on some clothes, alone at the Compound or not there were still cameras everywhere.

You slipped into your closet and threw on a plain sports bra and matching panties along with a pair of fitted sweatpants, tank top and zip-up hoodie. You put on the necklace that Tony gave you, slip on your frog socks and high tops, then double-checked to make sure Loki was still asleep before quietly rushing downstairs to make some food. As you get out the different ingredients to make veggie and cheese omelets you couldn't help but hum, smile and sing to yourself. You were so happy still riding the high from last night. You start to sing 'I Do Adore' by Mindy Gledhill as you put the kettle on, and start cooking up the veggies for the omelets unaware that Loki had made his way downstairs.

He watches you as you dance and sing while making breakfast, so entranced by how sweet and silly you were. You were full-on rocking out loading the eggs onto plates when you turn around to see Loki. You let out an "eek" sound before shouting "oh my god" dropping the plates in surprise. Luckily Loki caught them with his magic before floating them over onto the counter as he approached you. You covered your face with your hands trying to hide how red and embarrassed you felt from Loki. He wraps his arms around you pressing his lips to your head giving you a kiss as you ask "how long were you standing there?". Loki thinks for a moment before saying "not long... So hello, how are you, my darling today?", you internally scream as Loki recited lines from the song you were just singing.

The water in the kettle starts to boil and you start pulling away from Loki to make some tea. You pour the hot water into the teapot as Loki grabs you from behind holding you around your waist as he rests his head on your shoulder. You ask Loki to let go but he's resistant, he just wanted to hold you so he squeezed you a little tighter. "Loki! Breakfast is getting cold! I don't want to eat a cold omelet!" you say trying to sound mad but it came out more playfully angry. You attempt to break free from his grasp trying to sound serious but with Loki brushing up against your neck you couldn't help but giggle a little. Loki starts to actually tickle you and you start to squeak and squeal, laughing as you tried to make him let go.

You're kicking and squirming begging Loki to let you go, you were secretly enjoying it but you really did want to eat your breakfast. You had a late lunch with Loki yesterday but no dinner, plus with all the vigorous activities from last night, from the dancing and the lovemaking you were starving. You start to tickle him but he wasn't laughing, "you're not ticklish? No fair! How am I supposed to fight back?" you shout while still laughing. "First you ruin my plans and now you won't stop tickling me, will the betrayals never cease!" you shout all dramatic hoping that playing along will get him to stop. "Oh stop please I can't take it anymore!" You managed to turn yourself around but Loki continues to tickle you until he notices that you were wearing the necklace you got from Tony.

Loki stops dead in his tracks as his gaze fell upon the necklace, and he asks you why you're wearing it. It occurs to you that you never actually told Loki it was an apology gift so you tell him now. "Loki... Tony gave this necklace to me as an apology gift for the argument we had the other day, nothing more" you tell him sweetly while you hold his face. But of course being a billionaire a simple card wouldn't do apparently, so he gave me a fancy present instead. You thought it was too much but seeing as he insisted and you didn't want to hurt his feelings so you kept it. You actually really liked the necklace so when you saw it, you decided you'd wear it all the time.

Loki still didn't like the idea of other men giving you jewelry or even gifts in general, but seeing as how you liked it so much he wasn't going to make a fuss about it. Loki was much more concerned with the actual argument you had so he asks you about it. You tell Loki you were going to eat breakfast first then he can hear all about the argument, every little detail if that's what he wanted.

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