Part 18: La Vie En Rose

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Steve was checking out all the old records, feeling nostalgic as he recognized quite a few of the songs. Most of the records were from the late 50s and onward seeing as that's when your grandparents were young. But there were more than a couple from your great-grandparents collection that got passed down. You and Peter cleaned up from lunch, washing up the dishes, putting away the leftovers in the fridge and putting the pizza boxes in the recycling. Sam and Bucky left to go sober up, it wasn't even 1 o'clock yet and they still had training to do this afternoon. You snuck a quick peek at Steve as you carried the dishes to the kitchen. He continued to browse your collection, you were so happy to see someone else enjoying what got you through rough days from your childhood. You remember back to the days where you would just leaned up against the wall next to the record player. Maybe you had your head back and your eyes closed, or maybe you were staring out the window watching the rain just thinking, about everything and nothing. The days where you just sat there and cried like when your grandparents died or the days you sat in silence too mad to speak like when it finally sunk in that you pretty much belonged to Shield. It was either have a nice job working to help the "greater good" or sit in a jail cell for what you did. You think back to the day Shield came for you; several Agents stormed your house surprised to find that the infamous hacker "Robin Hood" was nothing more than a 13 year old punk kid. You pulled back the curtains on corrupt politicians, and corporate fat cats dumping toxic waste, or employing the use of slave labour. In the real world you had no power, but online it was a different story. These people took advantage of loops holes and technicalities, bribing those who made the rules so that they could make their own. They didn't care what they had to do or who they had to hurt to get what they wanted. You just wanted to make the world a better place, and what better way to do so then by tearing the old world down. You thought you were doing the right thing, fighting back but despite your best efforts a lot of good people got caught in the crossfire. Shield took a chance on you, taking you off their Watchlist and making you an agent. After Shield gave you your second chance you changed, eventually developing a soft spot for anyone seeking redemption, a chance to fix their past mistakes. Which could explain your sudden and strong connection with Loki; you truly believe he was innocent, used by others for their own personal gain. And yes, maybe some bad decisions led him there, maybe some bad thoughts led him to those people but in the end they didn't give him a choice to decide for himself. After all one bad day, one bad choice, can change your whole life, possibly forever.

You snap back to reality when Thor puts his hand on your shoulder attempting to give you a warm greeting. You jump back letting out a small shriek as you fall from tripping over yourself. Thor easily catches you, and pulls you into his arms using it as an excuse to give you a hug. You tell Thor you were lost in thought and that as much as you enjoy getting hugs you'd like him to let go now. He lets go letting out a laugh, finding the whole situation funny. After finishing up You, Peter and Thor engage in small talk while walking back to the main area. Thor then spots Steve and the Record player table and asks about it. You don't say anything so Peter tells Thor about what a Record Player is and how it works, Steve then talks about his and Bucky's favourite records and musicians. He tells you that Louis Armstrong was one of his favourites but he couldn't find any records by him. You mention that your grandparents loved his music so it didn't make sense, until you remembered that his records were in their own separate box currently in your room. You tell Steve that all your Louis Armstrong Records are in your room as rush off to your room to grab the box.

Your carrying the box into the room and you see that Pietro and Wanda have joined the party. You greet them showing off the box of records you were carrying. Steve and your grandparents weren't the only ones who loved Louis Armstrong, he was afterall the reason you fell in love with Jazz Music. When you listened to his music you couldn't help but imagine a peaceful little life living in New Orleans, the birthplace of Jazz. You couldn't fit all of the records on the shelves so took his Records to your room partly because there wasn't room but mostly because out of all the records these were the ones you were worried about Hulk breaking.

You put the box down next to the record player as you inform Steve that you have every single record Louis Armstrong ever released. "So how many different records are in this box?" Steve asks, "over 60, all his songs are good but my favourite is La Vie En Rose. It was released after the war though...I think in 1947, so you might have not heard it yet" you tell him. "No I haven't, which record is it on?" You pull the record in question out for Steve before telling him he'll have to bring these records back up to your room when he's done with them. You then tell everyone that you're off to go set up your sewing machines, you had a garment you needed to alter right away. You give all of them a big smile as you turn around skipping away humming La Vie En Rose.

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