Part 128: New Year's Eve 2/3

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You didn't know how long you were gone for, as your phone remained in your black cat purse and you hadn't taken it out yet even after hearing it go off a couple of times. You took a deep breath before pulling out your phone, realizing you had been gone for more than an hour, and that you had several missed calls from Loki. You got him and Thor a basic phone not too long ago so you could stay in contact with them better, and you felt bad for missing his calls and quickly called him back. Even though you really didn't want to talk to anyone you knew you had to let him know what was going on, or at the very least where you were at as you didn't want to worry him. 

Loki picked up quickly, it didn't even finish ringing once before you heard his voice on the other end, he was cutting out and you couldn't make out exactly what he was saying realizing you were too high. You lost connection so you let yourself drop for about 30 seconds, squealing with excitement as you fell, before slowing yourself down as you entered back through the clouds. You were about to call Loki again when he called you and you picked up as fast as possible, making sure he could hear you, before apologizing saying you were too high so his call cut out. He asked you where you were and you tell him, "well... I may be several thousand feet above New York right now," before you let out an awkward laugh and told him you were on your way. 

You flew off rather swiftly, as you discerned that you might have actually fucked up, as you were gone a lot longer than you said you would be, worried Loki would really be mad at you. You landed on the terrace seeing Loki there waiting for you, he had been pacing a little but the second you landed he pulled you into his arms, holding you tight and not letting go for a long time. Loki then lectured you, getting a bit mad as he said you couldn't just leave like that, just disappearing without saying where you were going, and being gone so much longer than you said you would be. You let him yell at you, as you really didn't know what to say, not really feeling up to arguing you tell him calmly that you were sorry and that you wouldn't do it again. 

Loki could tell something was up as you didn't seem upset or mad or anything, you were calm, almost cold, and he quickly asked you what happened. You told him it was nothing, but as he lifted your face to gaze up at him he could tell by the look in your eyes that it wasn't, something was wrong as your pupils were gone and he wanted to know. "Don't worry about it, I'm fine, let's just go back to the party," you say, but your voice betrays you, sounding rather gloomy as you walked back into the party or at least tried to as Loki wouldn't let you. He pulled you back into his arms, holding you tenderly as you tried to pull away, but eventually you relented, letting yourself sink in against him, as you thought about what you saw earlier; You saw a cute elderly couple walking together, heading off to their own New Year's get-together you surmised, but as you stared you imagine them as MJ and Peter, the thought made you so sad. Not that they'd be together for so long, the idea that they would grow old together was sweet but the fact that you'd have to eventually say goodbye, the 30 years in the Dragon Realm felt like nothing, and you wonder if even surrounded by loved ones it would all pass by so quickly. You couldn't help but tear up as you thought about it more, but you swiftly lifted your hands to your face so your make-up wouldn't run, immediately trying to dry your eyes. 

Loki asks again what was the matter, you took a deep breath before telling him you saw a cute elderly couple and you couldn't help but think about the fact that everyone you know will be like that one day. How it made you depressed, and how those two idiotic guys hitting on you didn't help your mood, but before you continued Loki asked about these "idiots" and you smiled, letting out a laugh. I guess it was the little things; Loki getting a little jealous and protective was enough to cheer you up, and you told him not to worry about them, you handled it, they wouldn't be bothering you, ever again. Loki seemed a little irritated, so you explained what happened, how they wouldn't leave you be, insisting you dance with them before scaring them off with your fire. Loki imagined how scared those pathetic humans looked as you frightened them away, the thought that you were so "scary" and marvellous, this made him happy, you were perfect, flaws and all. 

With both your moods rather improved you headed back inside, holding hands as you spot the men from earlier, giving them a little wave but when they see who you're with they leave the party altogether, absolutely terrified that the God of Mischief might beat them up for hitting on his girl. You hit the buffet with Loki, grabbing some little appetizers, and another drink, alcohol-free this time, it would take you quite a few drinks to get drunk but still, you wanted to remember this night. Even though it started off a little sad, you wanted to remember all of it, as every moment was precious, you just needed to remind yourself of that. You might not have forever with the ones you love, but you weren't going to waste time dwelling on that, you would be here for them, protect and cherish them, and protect the generations to come. 

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