Part 145: Asgard Wedding 3/5

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Someone soon stood up addressing the Allfather, first introducing himself as Bjartr Guðmundr, the crown prince of the Light Elves of Álfheimr, an old "rival" of Thor and Loki's. They knew the Elf prince when they were younger, he was an old playmate of theirs, one old you didn't get to meet and honestly that was probably for the best. Considering he would pick on Loki, and Thor would chase Bjartr off, beating him up sometimes, but that never went over well as the princes of Asgard would get in trouble for "hurting" him. Loki at some point got the upper hand over Bjartr and managed to keep it, which greatly upset the elvish prince, who unbeknownst to you became kind of obsessed. 

Prince Bjartr looked a little like a glowy version of Legolas from the Lord of the Rings, but nowhere near as charming, in fact, this guy was a bit of a snob and on top of that completely pretentious. He went on to say how beautiful you were and that a lady like you deserves far better than a mere second prince but a crown prince, you deserved to be his queen. You tried not to laugh at this fool as he went on about how he was a much better match for a goddess like you, apparently, it was part of the tradition for the challenger to list why he is better than the groom. He continued to go on about how he would shower you and their many future children with wonders from across the universe, you would be adored and worshiped by all. 

He then recited poetry to you, it was so cringey, a nice poem to be sure but the way he was performing it, he was a full-on diva, it was definitely all about him and Loki. It became very clear to you that this guy and Loki must have had history, but seeing as he "wanted" you and not the groom you determined it was some sort of rivalry. Bjartr then cast a simple spell to summon a bouquet of flowers for you, having little doves, or at least what looked like doves fly them over to you. You panicked slightly, do you take the flowers as part of the tradition, if you didn't would you be offending the elves, and if you did would it mean that you've accepted his proposal? 

Loki could see your slight panic, they didn't prepare you for this, although this tradition always took place at an Asgardian wedding it was very unlikely that anyone would try to claim the bride, especially for a royal wedding. Luckily, your lovely husband took the flowers from the birds on your behalf, withering them to dust as he gave Bjartr a glare while gripping your hands tighter. Loki then counters, scolding the elven prince for mocking you, his bride with laughable parlour tricks, how foolish was he to think you could be impressed by beginner spells. Loki and Bjartr went on for a while, more than ten minutes and you couldn't help but get annoyed, you knew Loki didn't see you as an object but this part of the ceremony definitely made you feel like one. No one even seemed to bat an eye at how ridiculous this guy was being as apparently it was a tradition that most of the nine realms shared, but eventually, you cracked. 

You managed to keep your mouth shut until prince Bjartr slyly commented on how much Loki must have traded to convince you to marry him, implying the only reason you were with him is that he bought you. "Oh no," Loki whispered, as he knew what was coming, you were going to make a scene and absolutely destroy him and as much as he would love to see that, it would probably be disastrous. You pulled your hands away from Loki and stood up, to address prince Bjartr making sure to do so properly before possibly turning him to ruins or ash depending on his reply. "I'm afraid your mistaken your highness, prince Loki did not buy me, nor trade anything for me, he won my heart instead," you began doing your best to remain calm and polite. "You could offer me your throne, your kingdom, or all that the universe has to offer but I'm afraid it would never be enough as you are not him" you continued gesturing to Loki. "I understand that tradition is important to follow but in my culture, both males and females protect their spouses with their lives so if you wish to challenge my husband know that you're fighting me as well and that I do not hold back when it comes to defending those I love", you then stood there waiting for his answer but the elvish prince simply retracted his challenge and left the ceremony in a huff. You then turned to Odin, apologizing for the interruption, politely insisting for him to continue before sitting back down with a smile on your face. You weren't the only one who was smiling, as Loki, Thor, and even Frigga were wearing smiles, although the queen did try to hide hers as Odin did not look pleased, not that you cared. 

With that unpleasantness out of the way it was time to raise their glasses and toast to the happy couple, with everyone taking a sip of their wine, and oh boy was it strong. You really hoped you wouldn't get drunk from just a little sip but you did worry, but all it did was give you a light buzz, it was a different story, however, for several of the more light-weight Avengers. You then kissed as was the custom, not that you minded in the least, it was after all one of your favourite activities, and you ended up locking lips a little longer than you probably should have. But again, you didn't care in the slightest, as you planned to steal many kisses from your husband whether or not everyone present was watching the two of you do so. 

It was then time for the wedding dance and you were very nervous, stepping aside as a couple of maids adjusted your dress so that the train wasn't dragging behind but neatly folded up instead. They pinned it in place, gathering it up while giving it a nice design, adding a few cute flower decorations that doubled as fastener pins. You then hurried back, well you went as fast as you thought you could go in this dress without risking falling over or bumping into things as you worried you took too long. You didn't, thank goodness, and soon you found yourself being escorted onto the dancefloor, at Loki's side preparing to do the dance you had been practicing for months. 

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