Part 103: West Terrace Gardens

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You soon arrived at the West Terrace Gardens, a bit surprised that the maids from before were already there, they had brought wine and were setting the table for the three of you. You couldn't help but smile as you looked around at the garden on the terrace, it was beautiful; there were flowers of every kind, colour, and size, some of which didn't even exist back on Midgard and you couldn't help as you went over to smell and admire several different species. You soon noticed a group of flowers, looking a little sickly, they were still beautiful, appearing to you like a pink version of Aconite and you decided to help them out. Without thinking you raised your hand, calling upon your Chi, healing the flowers instantly to the surprise of all the surrounding Asgardians, both royal and servant alike.  

You met the eyes of the servant girls, they were looking at you with expressions of surprise and awe, but to you, their gazes were weird, making you feel smaller on the inside. You hadn't realized your hood had fallen down, seeing as you were too distracted with all the beautiful plants but at the realization, you quickly turned away. Looking rather embarrassed as you put your hood back up, taking a few extra seconds to try and secure it better. You did your best to hide the fact that you were feeling somewhat gloomy as you walked back over to Thor and Loki. They were pleasantly watching you admire all the flowers in the garden from their spot over by the lounge area, where the table and drinks were. 

The table was polished stone, elegantly carved with several large comfy-looking pillows on the long, curved stone bench where you, Loki, and Thor quickly sat down. The table itself was under a large pergola, it was covered with flowers, climbing plants, and hanging vines, it actually provided a decent amount of shade. You did, however, really like the way the light peaking through would dance as the breeze moved the flora in all directions. You closed your eyes, turning your head up ever so slightly to feel the wind and sunlight on your face. Loki couldn't help but watch and study your face, he could tell you were upset, and his heart sank a little, not knowing why you were feeling this way. 

Loki soon set his hand down on top of yours, grabbing your attention, it surprised you a little as you opened your eyes and turned back to see what he wanted. He asks you what was wrong but you said nothing, turning your hand back over to hold his, squeezing it gently, you didn't really want to talk about it. Loki kept insisting, but you just gripped his hand tighter and soon he could feel you heating up. He then noticed your pupils disappearing and became even more worried, not knowing what it meant. He wanted to grab you, pull you close to make you look at him but several other servants arrived with food. Loki watched as you subtly tried to adjust your hood and turned towards him slightly and he figured out what was wrong. 

Loki looked at Thor, leaning over, whispering something to him before Thor spoke up, politely dismissing the servants and they all soon stepped away, giving the three of you some privacy. Loki told you not to hide, you were truly beautiful, rubbing your hand gently with his thumb, in an attempt to comfort you. You turned your gaze away, saying, "but Loki... I look so different now, I stand out, you deserve someone..." Loki quickly grabbed you, causing your hood to fall down, as he cut you off with a kiss. "Don't you ever say that again," Loki began, looking at you dead serious, he was absolutely furious you were talking about yourself like that. Loki places his hand under your chin, making you look up at him as he said, "you are all I will ever need and all I will ever want Y/N, I love you, you and only you,". 

You look up and around to see some of the servants who were still standing within view, whispering to each other, no doubt gossiping about the fact that a prince of Asgard just kissed you. You let out a huff as you stood up, slowly taking off your cloak to reveal your dress, you caught a glimpse of a few of the servants looking surprised and you swear you even heard one of them let out a gasp. You pulled your long braid over your one shoulder as you sat back down, this time closer to Loki giving him a little kiss on the cheek as you got comfortable. You then wrapped your arm around his, smiling wide as you looked up at his gorgeous face, telling him he should eat before the food gets cold.  

Some time had past and you were walking around the gardens with them, you had put your cloak back on, to Loki's protest, but you told him you didn't want to put it down and forget it somewhere. He made sure your hood was down, even threatening to take your cloak away or cut off the hood if you put it back up again, you gave him a glare and a pout before playfully pushing him away. Loki and Thor were starting to tease each other, making you laugh when out of nowhere, several guards approached, making you nervous and you promptly hid behind Loki, worried they were there for you. Loki reached back with his arm, taking hold of your hand as he and Thor managed to stay calm as they spoke to the guards, they were worried too. Odin didn't exactly react well when he found out old Y/N was in Asgard, it wouldn't be a big deal if he kicked you out but he might arrest you, seeing as you technically broke in.  

The guards were there to inform the princes that their father wanted to see them immediately, he was already in the throne room waiting. They both looked at you before turning back to the guards asking why Odin wanted to see them, they didn't know but insisted they come now. An order was an order, they had to go, even if they didn't want to, and they really didn't want to. You knew you couldn't go to the meeting, not that you wanted to, being in the same room with Odin was one of the last places you wanted to be. You told them you didn't mind waiting, you smiled, giving Loki's hand a gentle squeeze to reassure him you'd be fine, even though you were a little anxious about being on your own. 

They didn't want to leave you alone, it would probably seem suspicious if anyone saw you by yourself; you didn't look like a servant, obviously, but any proper lady or visitor wouldn't be left unattended. Thor quickly calls over two maids who were nearby, asking them to accompany you, their "guest" while they met with Odin. The ladies both curtsied to Thor while saying "yes your highness," in unison, before coming over to stand by you, as the guards escorted Thor and Loki to the throne room. You then turned to the maids, they gave you a curtsy, greeting you as "M'Lady," before asking you what you wanted to do while waiting for the princes to return.  

They ended up escorting you to the Arena, where the heroes and soldiers of Asgard would train and duel, they would also hold contests and special battle-related events there. The old you really wanted to see it but never got the chance before being forced to leave, you owed it to past you to go see it now. You walked in through one of the large archways near the top of the building, it was truly a breathtaking sight to behold. You look down into the battle arena below, it really did look like a fantasy coliseum, seriously, all it was missing were the crowds of adoring fans & lions and you were certain Julius Caesar himself would give the place two thumbs up. 

You leaned against the railing in the upper section of the Arena, watching the several Asgardians who were training below, asking your "ladies-in-waiting" who they were. They informed you that they were the Warriors Three being Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun, along with Lady Sif, some of Asgard's greatest heroes and champions. "I want to get a closer look, can we?" you ask them with a smile, you were really excited to see the friends Thor had talked about so often and you were hoping you could be friends with them too. The maids told you that you could and they escorted you shortly down to a better spot lower in the Arena, closer to the action.

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