Part 96: Avengers To The Rescue

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"We'll have to move quickly," Steve said coming back into the room dressed in his Captain America suit, ready to go. He asked Tony where you were, "the signal came back online about fifty minutes ago, it came from the Himalayas, there was constant movement for about ten minutes but it's stopped now," Tony said not breaking his focus on the screen. "Mr.Stark, how do you know she's in the Himalayas?" Peter asked and most of the other Avengers were curious as well. "That necklace you gave her had a tracker didn't it?" Bucky asked, already sure of the answer but Tony did confirm that yes the necklace was a tracking device. "I knew it," Natasha said, she knew Tony wouldn't have just given you a present and apologize when he still believed he was right about the argument. "You said something about the movement stopping Stark," Loki spoke up, wanting more information about it, completely glossing over the fact the billionaire put a tracker on his girlfriend.

Tony then explained the signal was being blocked by something, most likely a building with thick walls, signal-jamming devices, or both but the signal came back online nearly an hour ago. How for about the first ten minutes the signal showed movement, constant movement, you were probably running, trying to escape. "But the movement stopped?" Thor asked, a bit confused, "she was probably caught, trying to escape and lost the necklace in the process," Natasha said, growing more upset at herself for not being there for you. They all were upset actually, how they didn't stay with you, that they left you alone at the Cathedral, all blaming themselves for your capture. 

Loki said he would teleport them there no problem, insisting they leave right now but Tony said they couldn't there was a snowstorm, if they teleported in they would most likely get lost in the blizzard. "I can easily take care of the storm," Thor said but Bucky interjected, saying if the storm suddenly stopped the people who had you would know something's up. "So we fly in and Thor can slow down the storm, bringing it to an eventual halt as we arrive," Natasha offers. "Except the Himalayas are an eight-hour flight away, I mean if we really push it we could get there in seven but it might be too much for the Quinjet's engines," Sam says, getting frustrated. 

They kept arguing on what to do, they were getting nowhere and they knew you were probably on borrowed time, but they couldn't come up with anything. They'd be flying in blind, not that they hadn't done that before but with your life on the line, one wrong move and all would have been for not. They also weren't completely sure what these guys wanted; they sent them an audio recording of what sounded like you being tortured but no ransom, or anything. What was their plan with you; were you bait? Was this some sort of mind game? Or heaven forbid were you already dead and they just took you to show the Avengers that they could? 

Several more minutes passed, they were all getting really frustrated, Thor and Vision had to keep Loki from teleporting away and going all John Wick on their asses. While Tony and Steve were busy trying to keep Peter calm, he was freaking out and pretty much crying about how you could be dead already. Bruce suggested that everyone go put their gear on, take a minute to clear their heads and then continue thinking of a plan. When out of the blue they hear from across the room, "I have a plan," it was Doctor Steven Strange, he had just walked in, right through a portal. Apparently, Natasha called him while everyone was arguing, explained the situation and in the five minutes it took him to arrive he had already come up with a plan. 

"I'm so sorry my dear, I would have given you some anesthetics but I needed a way to punish you for trying to leave," the well-dressed man said, standing over you strapped to a table. He looked down at you with a sad, guilty expression but you couldn't tell if it was genuine, not that it really mattered. Even if he did "care" for you in some sick twisted way you wouldn't let him get away with this, you'd find a way to make him pay. But you were so tired, and even though the machine stopped you were still hurting, still feeling whatever they injected you with, whatever it was coursing through your body, slowly changing you from the inside out.  

"At least we have something to send to your friends," the man said and you couldn't hold back how you felt any longer, letting more tears flow down your face as you thought of them. You weren't sure you would ever see them again, so since they were recording the sounds you made, you took this chance to say goodbye. The man quickly wiped your tears away, telling you to hush, all the pain would be over soon, as he started stroking your face with the back of his hand. You did your best to pull away, turning your face to look away from him as you murmured, "don't touch me,".  

He ripped off your restraints and grabbed you by your throat, tearing you up from the table towards him, holding you firmly against his person. He looked at you with a deadly and serious expression, his grip getting tighter as he coldly whispered, "you belong to me, I'll do what I like with you,". You told him to fuck off and he smiled, forcing himself on you, kissing you hard for a minute before biting down on your lips, drawing blood. He said you'd learn your place as he let go of your throat, dropping you to the ground watching as you tried to catch your breath and wipe away the blood from off your face. 

You just glared up at him, you knew that further resistance would only make it worse but you didn't care, you wouldn't give in, not even pretend to. You knew it wasn't the smart choice, your safest bet would have been to play along, grovel or what have you, be the obedient little pet but fuck that and fuck him. You weren't going to play his game, not for a second, you knew if you were going down, you were going to take this asshole down with you. You would not stand by and let him use you, turn you into a weapon or whatever to hurt the Avengers, your family, you'd find a way to stop him, you had to. 

You felt yourself growing dizzy, your vision starts to blur and you let your gaze fall to the floor as you feel yourself falling asleep. You see the outline of the man crouch down gripping your face, making you look back up at him. You try in vain to break away but you had no strength left, he draws you forward up onto your knees and even though you couldn't physically fight back you did your best to still glare at him. "It's not time to sleep yet my darling, we still have the power transfer and the brainwashing left to do," the man said in a sickly sweet tone, acting like a completely different person now. Several guards came over to take you somewhere but the man said he'd carry you himself, picking you up as you protested. "I know you want to sleep but I promise after all my little experiments I'll take you to bed," he said while throwing you over his shoulder, bringing you to another room.  

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