Part 13: The Infamous Report

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You walk back into Thor's room, Loki was still there but Thor had not returned yet. You put the box on the dresser and sit down in the same spot as before, next to Loki on the bed (you're sitting on Loki's left side near the foot of the bed). He hands you back your phone not saying anything, his head was down and looking at his lap, with his forearms now resting on his knees but you weren't paying close attention. "So what did you think? Thor looks like a goofball in this one right?" you giggle showing (well trying to show, he didn't look up at it) Loki a photo of Thor holding an ice cream cone with a super silly look on his face. Loki doesn't respond, and you realize something's wrong so you put your phone down giving him your full attention. "Loki? What's wrong? Are you okay?" you calmly ask reaching out with your right hand placing it on his shoulder trying to comfort him. Before you make contact with his shoulder however, he grabs your wrist with his left hand catching you completely off guard. His grip on your wrist was tight, it hurt a little bit (basically your just feeling a little extra pressure around your wrist and it's uncomfortable but it really only hurts a little when you try to move it) but Loki still hasn't verbally responded. He also isn't responding to your pleas to release you (you're not crying or screaming or anything you just keep repeating "let go Loki" "please let go" "let go, please let go" in a calm tone but you grow slightly more annoyed and worried as you continued to ask), you try to break his grasp forcefully with the move Bucky taught you. It doesn't work this time (Loki being skilled in hand to hand combat blocks your move), and Loki easily takes hold of your other wrist. You start freaking out a little (you know Loki would never hurt you but you don't know why he's so upset) and you can't help but think back to what happened this morning, the feelings you had the other day while making cinnamon buns (you feeling useless and powerless). He pins your wrists down to your sides holding them in place against the bed, you can't move. He leans down, nearly bent over halfway as he gets closer, you instinctively ached your back moving away trying to keep some distance between you, but he only moves closer. You turn your head away to the right while still maintaining eye contact, as his head is resting less than a foot away, above your collar bone and neck. He is just breathing heavy unable to process what he's feeling, you realize this (that he's having trouble with whatever he's feeling) and you instantly relax. You turn back, looking at him face to face with a new expression; one of concern and worry for Loki. He sees this and starts to calm down as well, loosening his hold on your wrists but remaining inches from you. You move your hands up under his arms and onto his back but he begins to pull away. As he moves to adjust his position you don't let go and only hold on tighter, having to move with him. You are now on your knees holding Loki tight with his head resting on your shoulder. Through your shirt you can feel the imprint of the bottom half of his face against your body, his slow, deep breathes on your neck (he's not kissing you but you can feel his lips and jaw pressed against you). Loki on the other hand is still bent over but not as much, he's kneeling slightly with one knee on the bed resting closely between your thighs. He has his hands on the bed but moves his left arm to cradle the small of your back, he gently rubs it with his thumb for a moment. He then moves his other arm up behind you holding your shoulder. Luckily Thor's bed is high enough off the ground so that neither of you are uncomfortable and can maintain your current position without much effort.

You continued to wait for Loki to tell you what's wrong, running your hands along his back, tracing lines in every direction with your fingers. You were always uncomfortable being this close to another person (you aren't used to continuous physical contact) but you were determined to be there for Loki. In a situation like this you would have pulled away by this point, long before this point actually, but your usual feelings of panic at close contact were gone. You were too focused on Loki to panic or was it because it was Loki that you weren't panicking? You didn't pay it much thought, too busy waiting for Loki to respond. After about 10 to 15 minutes of this you worry Loki isn't going to say anything. You decide to get the ball rolling "can I ask you something?" pulling back slightly to look at him. He nods his head so you ask "the medicine you gave me, did it speed up my body's natural ability to heal?" He looks down, breaking eye contact with you and whispers "yes" you let out a happy sigh "You absolute Angel" you thought. His eyes instantly shoot back up to look at you, and you realized you said that outloud. "If you knew what I've done you wouldn't be saying that. I'm not an angel, and Avenger or not I'm nobody's hero" he says as he looks back down. "Loki" you say trying to lure his eyes back up to look at you "I work for Shield Loki or did you forget. I know what you've done" you pause watching Loki, as you feel his arms gripping you tighter. "It wasn't entirely your fault though was it?" He looks back up at you with a look of hopeful confusion "you know about the Report?" he asks you (Explanation on the "Report" is at the bottom). You smile nodding "I may or may not have read Shield's most infamous report" you admit in a teasing tone. You pull Loki closer to you, your body brushing lightly against his in certain places. You get a bit more serious now and whisper in his ear "Loki... I want you to know that... no matter what anyone else says, as cheesy as it might sound, you'll always be my hero". You then retreat slightly embarrassed by your own statement, it was cheesy but you meant it and it was something you wanted Loki to know, something you think he needed to hear.

[Explanation: After Loki helped fight Ultron, Thor pleaded on his behalf to allow Loki to continue to fight with the Avengers. He explains that yes, Loki did attack Earth with an Extraterrestrial Army but he did so under the influence of the Sceptre and more importantly under the influence of whoever or whatever (Thor and Loki don't know) was behind the Chitauri, controlling them. So Director Nick Fury had all the footage and information regarding Loki's Assault on Earth to be put under review to see if any agents not involved could find anything new. All Agents came back with no new information regarding Loki's Attack all except one, a young little Agent named Y/N. After reviewing the footage, comparing the shots of Loki during the Attack and current (at the time) you noticed that his eyes are different. You look deeper into it, how the Avengers were affected by just being near the Sceptre, and how Loki's actions lead to Avengers actually coming together, and etc. Submitting a report that concludes that there was the strong possibility that Loki wasn't fully at fault for the Attack on Earth. The Avengers review this new report and decide to give Loki a chance to join the team. *Side note: Top Secret Reports like this are not signed by the Agent's name but by their Agent Number (its like a School I.D. Number) to protect the identity of the Agent to some degree.*
The "Report" is infamous because the Attack on New York is a very touchy subject. No Avenger currently knows who wrote the report. You don't tell anyone you wrote the Report or talk about it because of the controversy surrounding it. You're not ashamed of it but you didn't want any trouble at work.]

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