Part 67: Still In Bed

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You get up the next morning feeling so much better, not only physically but mentally too. These dreams and weird feelings had been going on for a few weeks now and you were finally going to get answers. It was going to be a good day, well assuming Loki would let you out of bed it would be.

You tried to get up to start the day but Loki quickly pulled you back in bed, holding your body against his, sitting there between his legs "Loki! Let me go!" you giggled as you playfully fought him to let you go. Loki leaned forward gently moving your hair aside to rest his head on your shoulder "Never my little kitten" he whispered right against your ear. "Again, really? Just because I wear a cat hoodie doesn't mean I am a cat Loki" you say while hitting him in the arm. "Fine, you can be my little mouse then" he chuckled squeezing you tightly around your waist and arms. "Mouse? Why a mouse? That's worse" you laughed still trying to break free from Loki's grasp. You managed to turn yourself around to look at Loki, sitting on top of him once again, giving him an angry glare with pouty lips. He was wearing a mischievous grin as he gets right in your face whispering "well my dear, I do make you squeak". Your face turns bright red and you are about to argue back but Loki quickly brushes his fingers up against your crotch and you let out a squeak in surprise proving his point. You breathed a sigh of defeat, letting your head fall and rest on Loki's shoulder, completely overwhelmed with embarrassment.

"There, there my little mouse" he whispers while gently patting your head with one hand, using the other to hold you by the small of your back. You let out an angry muffled noise while your face was pressed up against him and Loki can't help but smile at how adorable you were being. A lightbulb goes on in your head and you raise your head to look at him with a sly grin. "Well if I'm going to be your mouse..." your voice was low and husky, "you get to be my..." you lean in to whisper in his ear, "kitty". To Loki's surprise, you take the opportunity to break free from his arms and roll away to escape. You were about to leap off the bed but Loki grabs you and pins you down against the mattress. You're faced down near the edge of the bed with Loki directly on top of you when you feel something hard press up against your thigh. You let out a suggestive moan and then another sigh of defeat, "Loki... I just want to go eat... I'm starving... let me get up" you whine. Loki gets up pulling you with him and you find yourself sitting once again in his lap between his legs.

"Is this about last night?" you ask Loki as you find he was once again resting his head on your shoulder. He didn't say anything but you could tell by how Loki was holding you he was very worried. You wondered if he was being extra clingy because of your nightmare when you remembered that you did almost died yesterday, twice and Loki's behaviour started to make sense. You smile thinking about how lucky you were to have someone worry about you like this, before placing one of your hands on his face. You rub his cheek gently and he holds you a bit tighter, as you say "don't worry about me, I'll be fine... kitty". You only said it as a joke before, using it as a ploy to get away but now you were kind of being serious in your attempted flirting. You still weren't sure how to feel about the whole 'kitty' and 'mouse' nickname thing but even though you were a little embarrassed you decided to go for it, at least for now.

Loki pulls you even closer whispering "not possible, my darling" as he grabs your hand and kisses your palm. You turn your head and start kissing the side of his face and Loki closes his eyes, as his hands start to wander your body. You turn around in Loki's arms as you continue kissing his face making your way along his jaw to his neck and collarbone. You have a wicked grin on your face and you giggle for a moment before latching on to Loki's neck, biting him. Loki is caught completely off guard as you sink your teeth into his neck, he grips you tight by your hips and butt as you unintentionally bite him a little harder. You didn't break the skin but there would no doubt be a mark there for at least a day or two.

You let go and look back up at Loki who had the most amused look on his face, as he let out a breathy laugh. You lean in close, looking him directly in the eyes and say "breakfast first and then fun, okay?" giving Loki a sly smile. He lets go of you, putting his hands up like when you're held at gunpoint, and in turn, you give him a quick peck on the lips before moving to get off the bed. You were ready to leap off the bed but as soon as your feet hit the floor you hesitated, wondering how bad it will hurt when you stand up.

You take a deep breath before standing up and you were surprised by how little it hurt and you turn back to Loki. "It barely hurts," you say excitedly giving him a smile as your lover also gets off the bed. You try to slip on your ballet flats but they don't fit with the bandages on your feet so you put on your black slipper boots instead. You put your hair up into a cute messy bun before taking Loki's hand in yours and together you exit the room to head down to have breakfast.

You ask Loki what he wants to eat, as you were planning to cook something for him as well as yourself. He tells you it's not your job to make him breakfast and you just shake your head at him. "I enjoy cooking and baking silly, besides we're together now, and I plan to take care of you every single day" you smile while lifting the hand you were holding to give him a kiss. Loki's face turns red and he looks away, he was at a loss for words as he didn't expect you to say something like that. In all honesty, Loki didn't really think anyone would say something like that to him and actually mean it.

"Ugh, get a room," Sam says as he makes a fake barfing sound before Natasha follows up with "yeah that was way too cheesy". You turn around to see Sam, Bucky and Natasha standing there, apparently, you were too distracted to notice when they walked into the kitchen. You laugh for a moment while nodding, then replying to Natasha's comment "maybe a little cheesy, but if you think about it, it makes a lot of sense" you turn to look back at Loki hoping that he caught on to what you were implying. He of course understood right away what you meant, and couldn't help but smile before leaning down to kiss the side of your head. Loki's lips brush up against your ear for a fraction of a second but you still tense up from the sensation. You let out a small squeak, it was barely audible but you could tell by the way Loki was looking at you that he heard it. You just hoped that the others didn't hear it, you would no doubt die of embarrassment if that were the case.

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