Part 100: Way Of The Dragon

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"Y/N's stable now, at least physically, we won't know more until after she wakes up," Dr.Strange said, addressing the Avengers after returning from K'un-Lun, where he left you to recover. Seeing as the Fire Crystal originated from that Ancient Mystic City they knew a lot more about it than even the Sorcerer Supreme. They all inquired more about this Fire Crystal and the Doctor went on to explain that it was one of four elemental crystals that could grant someone the ability to control the element it represented. They were deemed too powerful and were locked away, but a war broke out to claim them, the Ancient One thought it would be best if all the crystals were destroyed. She and the other sorcerers of the time managed to destroy water, earth, and air but before they could finish they were betrayed, and the Fire Crystal was stolen. It was believed to be lost for centuries, no one has seen or heard any rumours about the Fire Crystal in over three hundred years. 

"So when can we see her?" Peter asks, but Dr.Strange wasn't sure, outsiders weren't allowed in K'un-Lun, the exceptions being other Sorcerers and Y/N, given the circumstances, although they were known for taking in the occasional lost traveller. It would be very unlikely you would be allowed to leave the city anytime soon, it takes years to master an element and sometimes even with years of study and practice it's still too much for a person. The fact that you held the power of an entire crystal meant you may never be stable enough to leave, the fact that you survived this far was a miracle by itself. Dr.Strange told the Avengers he would keep them updated on your condition, unaware that you were already gone from the city. 

"Shou-Lao!" you shout, bowing and greeting your master respectfully before starting another day of training. You spent a long time by his side, unsure of really how much time had past but with each day, your control over your powers got better and better. You spent your days meditating and channelling your powers into the aspects of fire; Creation, Destruction, and Transformation, each aspect also separating into smaller parts that you had to train and master. You had a decent amount of control by now, you had truly become one with the Fire Crystal's power.  

Lately, the Mighty Dragon Shou-Lao had you focusing on the Creation aspect of fire, using your powerful Chi to bring life back from where it had been lost. Today you were growing beautiful fire lilies in the wide-open fields of the Dragon Realm, as well as healing several prehistoric trees that were damaged in a storm and were starting to show signs of rot. This is a side of fire you really didn't think much about, the light, the warmth, I mean, after all, life would not exist without light and heat from the sun, the source, the original fire. You loved this aspect of the flames, it made you feel motherly, like Hestia, the Goddess of the Hearth, bringing warmth and comfort to god and mortal alike.  

There was something about the sheer power of fire in the beginning when you first started learning how to control and master your new abilities. Shou-Lao initially had you master the more destructive aspects of fire; the war, the chaos, the pure all-consuming, lethality of fire. You felt like a badass warrior when releasing firey blasts or summoning weaponry and armour to fight in battle. The thought of being able to protect the ones you love, making sure they would never come to harm made you feel amazing. But you hadn't seen them in so long, you hadn't embraced your love in so long, nearly every night you went to bed feeling a little more lonely inside. 

Every night you told yourself you were doing it for them, you had to stay and learn to control your gifts so you wouldn't hurt them by accident. Once you were able to master them, you could return to the Avengers, to Loki and you wouldn't have to leave them ever again. You considered on several occasions to leave the Dragon Realm and travel back down the mountain to K'un-Lun but always decided against it. You wanted to give them an update but after that Scorpion guy tried to kill you, the Iron Fist, the future king of K'un-Lun decided it would be best for you to stay away. He showed you the way up the mountain and explained everything to Shou-Lao after you passed out in that cave. The Great Dragon told you all about it after you woke up seeing as anytime you tried to think about it all you could see were flashing images. 

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