Part 42: Cargo

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You arrive at the pickup location, everything seems fine, until the unknown agents that greet you look familiar. As you walk into the facility you get a bad feeling but luckily you grabbed your phone and whip it out doing your best to sneakily take pictures of them to run through facial recognition. They notice you on your phone and ask you what you're doing. You tell them you were just texting Natasha, she wanted you to keep her updated. Your results come back and they are not good, all 5 of them were on Shield's terrorist watch list. You start to panic, you guys were outnumbered, and most likely walking into a trap. You also didn't have a weapon or any powers to help them, a bit of combat experience but that was it. First things first, you had to warn the others without tipping off the enemy. You take a moment to think but come up with a plan.

You pull out your phone again, pretending you got a message or something before "laughing" at the funny thing Wanda apparently sent you. "Loki, you have to see this it's hilarious," you say insisting that he takes a look. He rolls his eyes and comes over to take a look but instead of a funny picture or something there's a message that reads:

"All of these guys are on the Terrorist Watch list. I think we're walking into a trap."

Loki plays along, giving you a smirk saying that it was indeed funny. Thor asks what is so funny and Loki tells him to come and see for himself. After reading the message he gives Loki a look and he nods back. Loki quickly whispers in your ear telling you to get ready to duck. He shouts "now" and you hit the deck, as Thor and Loki quickly take out the guards. Steve, Pietro, and Peter are very confused but as more guards arrive shooting at them and one even yelling "they're on to us" they catch on pretty quick.

As they rushed you away to get you out of the line of fire, you managed to pick up one of their guns. You analyze it for a moment before getting a bad feeling. You pop your head out to study the gunfire, from the weapons light blue bolts of energy are shot out leaving scorch marks on whatever they hit. Your eyes go wide and you shout out "guys I think these guns are modified Chitauri Tech" before ducking back out of the line of fire.

You ended up splitting up, Pietro ran off to get a layout of the building while also searching for the control room to take the building off lockdown. Thor told Steve and Peter to get you somewhere safer, he and Loki would take care of them. So you rush off with them but are soon caught by a large group of enemies, all armed with the modified Chitauri tech, some even had body armour.

Steve had been hit, knocked forward as he was hit from behind, colliding hard with the floor. His shield went flying landing in your line of sight, just out of reach. You see the shield and call out to Steve but he didn't respond. You could hear Peter struggling to fight them off and decide to do something stupid. You run out from your hiding spot grabbing the shield, successfully ducking and rolling while avoiding the lasers being fired at you. With the shield in one hand and the gun in the other, you start firing at the enemy. Although you never used a laser gun before you received basic training from Shield which included how to use a firearm and basic medical training along with a few other things. You were nowhere near as accurate as Hawkeye but you managed to hit several of them without hitting Peter, so all things considered you were doing decently well. You make your way over to Steve calling out to him as you blocked the oncoming fire. You and Peter manage to take out the rest of the enemies, luckily by that point, Steve had recovered. He was back on his feet, injured but not so much so that he was in any immediate danger. You handed him back his shield and picked up a second gun, after all, who doesn't love a matching set?

A few more guys show up but before either of you could start firing Pietro runs in knocking them all out. He then tells Steve that he located the Control Room but doesn't know how to take the place put off lockdown. Steve then turns to you, seeing as you were the computer genius here he asks you if you could figure it out. You tell him definitely, there wasn't a computer problem you couldn't handle. Pietro then picks you up telling you to hold on tight before zooming off to the Control Room.

You managed to take the place off lockdown as well as alert Shield about what was going on. It wasn't until the adrenaline pumping through your system wore off did you start to feel the injury on your arm. Steve's Shield was hard to hold on to, the handles were too far apart for your arm so it ended up cutting into it a little bit while using it. It also left behind a few bruises for the same reason, because it was too big it would move a little while blocking each shot.

Pietro runs you out and back to the ship to treat your arm, while Shield Agents start to arrive. They quickly infiltrate the base apprehending all of the weapons and people. Pietro leaves you on the ship saying he would be right back after having to talk to some Agents about the situation. You decide to treat your wounds by yourself, the shield wasn't in your dominant hand so you figure you could manage.

You pull off your gloves and roll up your sleeves realizing the shield cut you deeper than you thought. You pull out the ship's first aid kit and start cleaning up your wound. You didn't lose a lot of blood but you were feeling a little light-headed. Probably a combination of blood loss, only eating a banana today, lack of sleep and the adrenaline wearing off. You lean back against the seat closing your eyes trying to focus.

You grab your backpack to get out a snack and sit back down in the cargo hold. You suddenly hear a large commotion from outside and heavy gunfire before several shouting people get on to the Quinjet. You peek your head out and see that some enemy agents have made it out and onto the ship.

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