Part 125: Wrap Up

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Everyone was soon gone, and only the Avengers, a few agents of Shield, along with several representatives from Wakanda were still there, chatting, laughing, and drinking. Loki pulled you aside though, taking you out onto the balcony/terrace you escaped from earlier so the two of you could chat privately. You sat together on a stone bench outside, staring up at the stars, the situation feeling rather familiar, and you laughed about it, as that night also ended with things catching on fire. You told Loki what you did and where you went after he stepped away earlier, apologizing for leaving without telling him, you were just so overwhelmed and needed a break from the party, but Loki understood. He pushed you out of your comfort zone making you come to the ball, and he apologized for making you stress out so much you felt the need to leave. He also acknowledged the fact that if you didn't leave they would probably be all still tied up right now, happy things turned out for the better.

You quickly pulled a small box out of your dress pocket as you had changed back a little earlier, Loki insisting on fixing your hair, and you let him. You handed him the box, wishing him a merry Christmas as this was the gift you promised to give him later, and it was later now so you told him to open it. Loki opened the box to find a necklace, it had a black leather chain with a heart-shaped Moonstone Crystal pendant hanging down from it. The Moonstone itself was beautiful, it glowed bright, with every colour of the rainbow reflecting out from the white stone. It also had little flex of black, making it imperfectly perfect with the natural cracks it had, and yet there was so much more to this little stone different from all others.

You were worried Loki wouldn't like it, as the Moonstone was considered more "feminine" according to society but he seemed to cherish it, telling you it was beautiful as he put it on. He slipped the necklace over his head, and he lit up for a second, feeling a rush of energy fill his body and he quickly asked you what that was about. You informed Loki that the stone was enchanted, it would warn of danger and protect him with a shield if necessary like the ones you made for the kids. How his stone would actually boost his magic, it would give him a little extra power to draw from, make the spells he casts more powerful as well as eat up less of his energy. It was bound to him and although he would be able to take it off it wouldn't work for anyone else, even if someone took it, you could call, summoning it from pretty much anywhere.

Loki didn't know what to say, your gift was so beautiful and thoughtful and he pulled you into a kiss, thanking you repeatedly for it when he noticed it lit up and became worried there was danger nearby. You told him not to worry if there was danger, the light would be flashing and brighter, this meant something else and you explained that the stone had one more trick, nervous as you spoke. "Well, when it lights up like that it means I'm thinking of you, so even when we're apart you'll know how much I love you," you say with a blush stretching onto your face. Loki stared at you with wide eyes, he looked like he was about to tear up as he pulled you in tight for a hug, telling you how truly lucky he was to have you.    

"No, I'm the lucky one, you made my world so much brighter, I would be nothing without you," you whisper into his ear, thinking about how much you've grown since meeting him. Loki didn't change you per se but he made you want to try harder, because of him you wanted to do better, wanted to be better and you felt so happy and complete by his side. Loki told you how brave and strong you were, and that he had nothing to do with that but you told him he was the reason you were trying to be stronger and braver, he was your inspiration. He was your reason for existing, telling him as much, he was your whole world, your everything, and you didn't know what to do if you lost him. You technically hadn't known each other all that long, you had only been together for less than a year, not counting your time in the Dragon Realm, and yet you couldn't imagine your life without him. 

You looked back at him for a moment, holding his face with your hands before drawing him into a kiss, making out for more than a few minutes, as you pulled each other closer. Loki soon had you on his lap, holding you tight by your waist and hips, as your kissing became more frantic, as you worried more about losing him. You were afraid, how could you not, if things had gone differently that Vortex Uyuud would have taken Loki away, and who knows what that crazy guy would have done with him. Tears began to flow down your face as you thought about all the terrible things that Vortex might have done to Loki, getting more upset by the minute, not wanting to ever lose him. 

Loki could tell how truly upset you were about it, pulling back to look at you, wiping the tears from your eyes, telling you, he would never leave you, not ever. "We don't know that" you whisper, as you go on to say that nothing is certain and even though they're both powerful, that doesn't mean they can't be killed, how today reminded you how nothing is set in stone, how at any moment they could lose each other. Your conversation turned serious, both of you becoming rather gloomy, as you discussed mortality, and you said you were sorry for ruining the evening, again. Loki told you there was no need to apologize, as your concerns were legitimate, and it was okay to talk about it, as he whispered more words of encouragement as he held you close. "We might not have forever, but I will love you for every moment we do have together, and every moment after, for eternity" Loki confessed, to you pulling out his final gift, handing it to you. 

The box was small, it could fit in your hands, wrapped nicely with a gold bow and you found yourself rather anxious as you opened it, pulling out a small music box. It was vintage-looking, reminding you of the one from the animated movie Anastasia in shape and size but the outside was different; decorated with little stars, jewels, flowers and stain-glass-like images on the sides, looking like Melody's garden. Loki then handed you a small key on a chain and you put it in the hole, winding it up as the music box started to come to life, glowing with magic. It began to sparkle and glitter as it lit up, the stars on the side even shining as it opened, playing La Vie En Rose, and a little version of you and Loki appeared dancing, in your prom outfits.  

It was so beautiful that you burst into tears, telling him how much you loved it, as you leaned into him while holding the music box close to your chest, up against your heart. Loki soon pulled you up and onto your feet, taking the music box to wind it up some more, placing it down on the bench as you wiped the tears from your eyes a little confused. Loki then gives you a bow, reaching out his arm, taking your hand, giving you a kiss on your knuckles as he asked his princess to dance. You smile giving your prince a curtsy, telling him you'd love to dance, and he quickly pulled you into his arms, twirling you around on the balcony, only lit by the fairy lights Loki summoned earlier. You held Loki close, placing yourself against him as you wrapped him tighter, making yourselves float in the sky, summoning little lights of your own, making them fly around you like shooting stars as you spent the rest of the night dancing around in the sky above the terrace.

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