Part 10: A Date With The Thunder God

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"Thor!" You shout but your voice is lost on the sharp, icy wind. You hold on as tight as possible, pressing your body so hard against Thor's that if you were any closer you might have actually fused to him. You thanked the stars that you grabbed your one warm coat because even with it on you were still very cold. Thor landed in an empty part of Riverside Park in New York with you, your hair a mess and shivering on the spot. You quickly fixed your hair and turn to Thor giving him an ear full on how 'you don't just grab someone and fly off before asking them or at the very least you have to give them more than three seconds of warning before doing so'. You're now bent over slightly, with your hands on your knees, you take a deep breath and trying to calm down. You were surprised by how little it hurts to do so "Shouldn't I be in pain?" you thought. "What was in that pill Loki gave me?" you ask yourself not realizing you did so out loud. "Well knowing Loki the medicine probably sped up your body's natural ability to heal," Thor remarked, you look at him with wide eyes in disbelief that anyone, even Loki would do that for you. You make a mental note to thank him again and to get him something. "So then shall we, my lady?" Thor gives you a small bow and extends his arm out in the direction of the pathway. You smile, giving him a little courtesy then you skipped a few steps ahead until Thor started walking next to you. He magically changed out of his Asgardian armour and into a casual Midgardian outfit. You walked along the river so happy to be outside, you didn't really love the outdoors the way Thor did but being trapped inside for literal days you were so excited to just be free to wander.

At some point, you lost Thor, but it took you a few minutes to realize he was gone. As it happened Thor got distracted by a family of really cute ducks that he spotted going in a different direction from you. You started looking around trying to spot him when three strange men started to approach you. You didn't notice them at first, but as soon as you turned back to retrace your steps to find Thor they blocked your way. You're standing on a bridge with one of the men to your left standing slightly behind you while the other two stood in front of you. The three men ask you if you wanted to spend time with them, you politely decline saying you were with someone. "Come on Sweetheart we just want to show you a good time," one says while taking a step closer to you. You decline again more aggressively this time. The biggest one grabs you by your wrist, you look around but there's no one in sight. You use a trick Bucky taught you to break the man's grip on your arm, it works but they still won't leave you alone. You tell them if they don't back off you won't hesitate to use lethal force to make them back off. Although you've been training with 3 of the most well-trained Avengers for a couple of months now you weren't sure you could take these guys but you wouldn't be going down without a fight. They of course didn't back off and only got more frustrated with you. "It's not even lunchtime yet, don't you guys have better things to do?" "Better than you cutie? I don't think so" another one says, you can't help but look disgusted by his statement. You move into a fighting stance ready to throw down when out of nowhere Thor appears grabbing the one to your left and easily knocking him out of the way. He then moves in front of you blocking the other two from getting to you. Before Thor can warn them he's not one to mess with, the other two men take out a knife and taser. The two men make a move towards Thor but before they can do any damage as if it were possible to hurt Thor with such a small knife and taser. He grabs them and tosses them off the bridge and into the river. Unfortunately, the other guy had recovered and tried to grab you but you take care of him with the "S.I.N.G." move from Miss Congeniality. You stare down at the man disappointed at how pathetic he looked, you then turn to Thor "I think he'd like to join his friends, should we help him out Thor?" you give him a wicked grin. "Of course my lady, helping him out would be the polite thing to do" in one quick motion Thor threw the third man off the bridge and into the river to join his friends. Thor turns back to you visibly upset, so you grab his hands and rub his knuckles with your thumbs, in an attempt to calm him down. "It's okay Thor I'm fine, I'm not hurt or anything, well no more injured than earlier" you try to play it off by giving him a smile not letting on that you were actually scared. He sees right through you, and pulls you into a hug "I'm so sorry Y/N I should have been here with you". "Like I said it's okay it wasn't your fault," you say "no it's not okay!" he objected "I'm supposed to protect you!". He let out an angry huff, letting go of you but before you can continue your walk Thor grabs your hand. "Thor what are you doing?" you inquired, "I'm not letting you out of my sight until we return to the Compound" he responds as he starts walking again with you in tow.

It took you a while to get used to someone holding your hand but once you did, it was quite a lot of fun. Thor took you to his favourite places around the city including but not limited to the tippy-top of the empire state building and an ice cream parlour. For lunch, you recommend an 'all you can eat' Chinese restaurant you heard about from several of your I.T. co-workers. Of course, Thor heard "all you can eat" and got instantly excited, luckily it was within walking distance from where you were currently. After you both ate you insisted on paying, it's the least you could do after the "park incident" you tell him. Besides you'd probably never be able to afford to take Thor to a regular restaurant considering his appetite, so you didn't mind.

After lunch you walked around a bit more, visiting an antique store, a few craft stores and even a discount fabric shop. You talked to Thor about the few times you did go out with your grandparents, it was always to places like this. You told him how your Grandmother showed you how to sew and crochet, while your Grandfather showed you how to restore old antiques. They couldn't play with you but they'd pick up things like this so you could entertain yourself; a little sewing or crochet pattern or an antique to fix up. You smile, a sort of soft sad smile, the kind one has while reminiscing on old memories. "Maybe that's what I'll do," you say, Thor, turns to look at you "you'll do what my lady?" you meet his gaze as your smile grows a little wider "well I'm smart enough to know that while I'm recovering you lot aren't going to let me do any work. So to keep myself occupied I'll pull out some old patterns and brush off my sewing/crocheting skills. Maybe even buy an antique or two to fix up". Thor offers to take you to pick up what you need, but politely decline, informing him that you'd have to go to your storage unit and considering the time they're probably be closed. You have "shocked Pikachu face" as it sinks in how late in the day it actually is and how you spent the whole day out with Thor. "It is rather late, we should be heading back now" before Thor can pick you up however you shout "wait! There's one thing I need to grab first" Thor looks at you a little confused but goes along with it. You quickly rush into a Mom & Pop second-hand store you spotted up the street and head straight for the sweater section. You look for a few minutes before grabbing an emerald green knit sweater off the rack, it looked a size or two too big but you didn't care, there wasn't time to be too particular. You buy it and head out of the store walking to find a relatively empty spot for Thor to transform back. You find said empty spot behind a group of trees, a fancy old street light and a park bench. Thor changes back into his classic armour and red cape you then hand him your jacket and purse to hold. You slip on the green sweater it was a little big, you tugged at it for a moment trying to make it fit a little better. You then ask Thor for your jacket and purse back, you put them on zipping the inner part of your jacket uptight, doing up the outer buttons, and securing your hood so that it wouldn't fly off. You then threw your purse on over your person and stepping closer to Thor you stretched out your arms saying that you were ready to go now. He couldn't help but let out a laugh, he thought you looked so funny and cute I mean, your hood and jacket covered most of your face. Your arms shoot down to your sides as you stomp in place snapping at Thor, shouting at him that you didn't look funny, or cute. Thor then picked you up and zoomed off back to the Avengers Compound, and you were so thankful that no one saw.

But someone did, a couple of someones in fact. They had been watching you two for a while now, pleased that they finally found their target.

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