Part 152: That's A Big Dog

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Hela hands the girl over to Skurge, ordering him to keep her still and quiet while forcing you onto your knees, commanding you to give her a piece of the Eternal Flame. You look over at the little girl before turning back to Hela, lifting your hands together, summoning a small flame for her to take and she does quickly rushing off deeper into the crypt. The little girl bites Skurge and breaks free from his grasp, not that he was holding onto her all that tight, but the second the girl was free, she runs over to you and you hold her close on your lap. You hug the little girl tightly, gently comforting her as you whispered for her to hush, saying "everything is going to be okay, we just have to stay quiet right now". Skurge looks over at you for a moment, and you give him the same cold stare from earlier but in turn, he gives you a look of guilt and regret, he then looked down at the ground before following Hela. 

"Fenris, my darling, what have they done to you?" Hela breathed, as she caught sight of a large partly mummified wolf skeleton, walking closer to get a better look. The Goddess of Death appears sad for a moment before getting mad again, or was determined more the word, anyway, she announces "with the Eternal Flame, you are reborn". With that, she slams the fire down against the ground, and the flames shift to green, blasting out across the entire crypt. In an instant, you can hear the inhuman cries and wails of the dead soldiers as they get up from off their sarcophagi, eyesockets glowing green with the same strange energy emanating from their chest cavities. 

"I missed you... I've missed you all", you could hear Hela proclaim, as you covered the little girl's eyes, pulling her face towards your torso so she didn't have to see such a terrifying sight. "Fenris, my pet, guard those girls for me, I don't want them going anywhere," Hela ordered and the giant beast came over to where you were, doing as their master commanded. Hela then bid farewell before leading her army out of the crypt, leaving you behind with the girl to go and fetch the Bifrost sword so she could conquer the universe.  

As soon as Hela and her army were out of sight you let go of the girl, letting her look around again and when she noticed the huge terrifying dog with glowing green eyes she got scared all over again. You pulled the little girl back onto your lap, saying everything was going to be okay, as Fenris laid down, they seemingly started to relax, but they didn't take their eyes off of you. In an attempt to keep the little girl calm, you started up a normal conversation, asking her name, what she liked to do, about her family, and etc., and it seemed to work, for a while. The second Þýri, that was the girl's name, caught sight of the dog again she was frightened, so you pulled her in close again, letting her lay down on your lap as you started to tell her a story. You said it was a legend that Prince Loki told you when they were little, not going into detail about your other life or reincarnation as that would probably confuse her, simply saying that this one was your favourite and that he read it to you almost every single night. You then summoned a few little lights to dance above her so she'd have something else to focus on while you spoke, telling her the entire story of the Quest for Camelot. Soon the little girl fell asleep and you started to cry as you thought of Loki again, about Thor, and how you failed to stop Hela from raising her army and dooming Asgard and possibly the universe.

Meanwhile at the hideout in the Asgardian mountains... 

Heimdall had just informed Frigga that Thor and the others were on their way and would be arriving shortly, as he was keeping her updated with her sons' progress on their return from Sakaar. He also informed her that Hela was on her way, so they had to get the people out now, but it was also a good opportunity to get you and the remaining citizens out from the dungeons. So that was the plan, Heimdall would lead the people out and over to the Bifrost to get them out while Frigga headed back to the palace to free the other Asgardians along with you. 

Hela left her army behind, setting them up to guard the palace and the Bifrost before heading up the mountain to retrieve the sword with Skurge in tow. She made quick work of the entrance, sending long spear-like objects to pierce the frame of the large doors, and they soon fell, creating a bridge for her and Skurge to cross. The dust didn't even finish settling before Hela made her way into the hideout, as she entered there were clear signs that people had been there and recently but the dimly lit hall was completely empty. Not too far away, Heimdall could see that Hela had arrived at their hideout, urging and encouraging the Asgardians to keep moving, ordering them to go to the Bifrost. 

As this was happening, Thor, Bruce, and Valkyrie had arrived, readying up for their fight with Hela and her army, dropping Thor off at the palace to get his sister's attention. Thor sat on the throne, taking the king's sceptre and slamming it against the floor and in no time Hela had returned to see who would dare challenge her. She wasn't the only one who heard it, as the sound echoed throughout the palace, and you didn't know who it was but knew the time to act was now. Fenris got up from their spot on the floor, hearing their master's battle commencing, as an illusion of Frigga appeared in front of you, ordering you to meet her at the dungeons so they could escape. 

You nodded your head and the vision disappeared, you turned to look at Fenris, who was currently distracted by all the noise upstairs but knew they wouldn't go as they were ordered to stay and guard you. You quietly woke Þýri up, as you didn't want to regain Fenris' attention until after you got the girl to safety, knowing you would have to take on Hela's hound and you didn't want the girl in harm's way. You told her to hush as you had orders to give, telling Þýri that she had a job to do, she had to go back to the dungeons to help queen Frigga get everybody out to safety. "You are so brave sweetie, I'm going to float you up to the hole and you're going to run as fast as you can, but no talking until you're out of here, I'll meet you there, okay?" you whisper and Þýri nods her head and you lift her out of the crypt with your powers as fast as you can.  

You see the girl wave and you wave back as she disappears from sight, and you take a deep breath, summoning your armour and Tizona before whistling to get the dog's attention. "Hey, bitch," you yelled as the dog was slow to respond but that got their attention and Fenris turned around while growling, making you smile as you raised your sword, ready to fight.  

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