Part 155: Ragnarok 2/3

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What felt like hours was actually mere seconds inside your own head, and when you came to, you felt such wrath, the need to destroy and annihilate everything in your path all-encompassing. Your eyes shot open glowing like molten metal, and you looked down to watch as all of your clothes burned away, quickly replaced with a volcanic outer layer, covering your entire body as your insides turned into the same firey core as Surtur. As your hair disappeared, replaced completely by fire, your skin began to crack as heat and light began to leak through, giving your stone-like face and body its distinct characteristics, showing that it was clearly you. You realized you were still in control, for the most part, it was your body and mind but it was Surtur's powers and mission that drove you forward. Although the need to destroy Asgard was nearly all-consuming one thought burned brighter, killing Hela; ripping that bitch limb from limb and lighting her corpse on fire, watching as she burned to ash until there was nothing left. However, you found that you couldn't put your thoughts into words exactly, only being capable of letting out a mighty scream as you grew, soon breaking through the castle walls and soon you were as tall as a mountain. 

The Asgardians were scattered along the bridge, with Hela slowly approaching Valkyrie to finish her off, when Thor hollers out to her, "HELA, ENOUGH!". The Goddess of Death turned back to look at her brother, only to see what the pathetic fool would try now, and to her surprise, Thor told her if she wanted Asgard, it was hers. "Whatever game you're playing it won't work... you can't defeat me", Hela said with a smirk, in return Thor nodded his head saying, "oh I know, *cough* but they can". The God of Thunder had perfect timing, for as he finished his statement you came bursting through the walls of the palace, letting out a scream that was so powerful it shook Asgard. Hela gazed up in disbelief, stating "no," as she backed away in fear, continuing to stare as it seemed impossible, Surtur could not be resurrected, and he certainly didn't look like this. At that moment while Hela was distracted with gawking at you Valkyrie ran up and leaped forward at the Goddess of Death, stabbing her from behind pinning her to the bridge. Thor then let loose a mighty bolt of lightning down upon Hela, destroying the part of the bridge she was on, sending her falling into the water below. 

With Hela down for the moment, the Asgardians could finally breathe for a time, relieved that the people had gotten away safely, but all Loki could feel was pain and grief. Thor and Valkyrie came over to comfort him the best they could but to no avail, staring up at you as you, in turn, gazed down at them he couldn't help but feel his heart shatter. With Hela out of your line of sight, Surtur's original mission to annihilate Asgard took over, you raised your dominant arm, and from your hand, Surtur's sword grew out of it. You tried to resist, hesitating as you could see the ship still nearby, and you knew if you destroyed everything too quickly, they'd be caught in the aftermath but you couldn't fight it. You let out another scream as you took the sword in both hands and began destroying everything in sight, using it more like a large bat as you pretty much just hit and ripped through buildings. You cause small earthquakes with each step and large ones each time you used your sword, tearing Asgard to pieces as if it were made of flimsy wood, and soon your fire spread throughout the entire kingdom. 

Thor, Loki, and Valkyrie watch as you continue to destroy Asgard, with the princes feeling nothing but regret even though they knew it was the only way to stop Hela and save everyone. At that moment Hulk reappeared and seeing the "big monster" he leaped towards it to try and fight it, not knowing it was you or that it was Thor's plan to let you destroy Asgard. He landed on your head, smashing the edges of Surtur's crown that decorated your face, and although the initial contact hurt slightly, as it almost knocked you over, the punches that followed were more or less love taps. You grabbed Hulk from off your face, staring at him for a moment with sad angry eyes before screaming at him and tossing him back over to the bridge where he landed near the others. 

Thor called Hulk a moron, telling him "Hulk stop, just for once in your life don't smash", the big green guy looked back over at the Thunderer complaining about it, as he really wanted to fight you. Valkyrie, who was fed up ordered, "let's go", with Hulk finally relenting, picking them all up and jumping towards the ship Loki had brought, where all the other Asgardians were, watching in horror as their princess became Surtur and destroyed their home. Hulk and the others landed safely and joined their kin, surveying the destruction of their homeland, they didn't want to watch but found that they were unable to actually look away. All but Loki, who couldn't bear to see you like this, he couldn't watch knowing you willingly traded your life to save him, to save his brother and mother, along with all the other Asgardians, most of which you had never even met. And yet, you still saved them, every last one and he couldn't help but hate his father all over again, he blamed him for this, if he didn't leave none of this would have happened. 

At that moment Hela reemerged from the water, launching giant spears at you, several piercing your abdomen, but you managed to dodge a few as she continued her climb towards you. You pulled a couple of the spears out as they were uncomfortable, not painful by any means, but it wasn't exactly a pleasant feeling having them lodged in your torso. You screamed at her, as you whipped the sword up and over your head, even as she continued to throw more spears there was no way to stop you, no way to stop what Surtur wanted. You plunged the sword down on top of her, destroying her instantly, but it didn't end there, you drove your sword deeper into the ground, knowing it was what you had to do. You only paused for a moment to look up at the ship, making sure they were far enough away before looking back down pushing the sword one final time, completely obliterating everything.  

It had been a little while, a couple of hours perhaps, and they had set a course for Earth and would arrive in a few days if they stayed on course, most just happy to be alive at this point. Loki however, disappeared farther into the ship, unsure of what to do, the love of his life was gone and he wasn't sure what to do now, as he was still in shock he found himself frozen unable to really do anything. He sat down in a room when Frigga walked in and seeing her son on the brink of tears she didn't hesitate to rush to his side to comfort him, pulling him in close. Frigga then pulled out your wedding ring, handing it to him, as it was part of your last request, telling Loki what you said, as she put the little ring in his hands. Loki stared at it for a moment before deciding to add it to the necklace you gave him for Christmas, telling his mother about the stone and the magic it had. When suddenly to Loki's surprise the Moonstone began to light up, and Frigga worried it meant they were in danger but Loki said, "no this means she's... thinking of me". Loki got up, breathing heavier as he ran to find Thor, showing him his necklace all lit up, his brother knew what it meant, you were somehow still alive.  

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