Part 34: Movie Night

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You were about 3/4ths of the way through the movie when you fell asleep. You were cuddled up to Loki, he held you with one arm as yours were wrapped around his torso. You even had one of your legs snaked around one of his, dangerously close to brushing up against his crotch. He was enjoying the movie for the most part, well more so enjoying your company. But the second you wrapped your leg around his, he knew something was up.

You had curled up to him at about the half way mark, as the Fellowship was leaving Rivendell to set out for Mordor. Loki didn't think much of it as over the next 45 minutes or so passed you got closer. You were sick, most likely seeking comfort and besides friends could cuddle right? This wasn't weird or stepping over any boundaries was it? When you moved closer pressing yourself up against him, he instinctively held you tight with his arm. Loki couldn't help but look at you instead of the movie, you eventually looked up so he quickly darted his attention back to the screen. When you wrapped your arms around him, holding Loki's torso without thinking he moved his free arm to hold yours. He placed his hand over your arm resting it on your elbow, as his whole body became more relaxed. Then at about 3 hours in, you completely shifted your body wrapping one of your legs around his while gripping his torso tighter with your arms.

Loki's mind goes blank, and his face turns completely red from the sudden intimate contact. He looks down not knowing what to think, but relaxes somewhat when he realizes that you fell asleep, and there for not in control of your actions. He wasn't exactly sure when you drifted off but knew he had to untangle himself from you as soon as possible. He knew that cuddling with you was definitely in the grey area but this was definitely crossing a line. He first attempted to gently remove your arms then planning to pull your leg off after. This however backfired as it sort of woke you up, currently half asleep you moved yourself again but only closer, you were now on top of Loki. You are resting your head and most of your upper body on his torso, while your lower half was practically straddle his leg. Before your one leg was just grazing the edge of his crotch now it was completely pressed up against it. Loki sucked in a sharp breath and then let out a groan as the contact from your leg made his member swell and start to grow hard.

He waited a few minutes to make sure you were still asleep before attempting to move you again. It was the longest few minutes of his life, as any small movement or adjustment only made him harder. For Loki's second attempt he decides to try to kind of roll you off of him; He slowly starts to turn himself over, placing his hands on your back so you wouldn't fall off, and end up possibly landing on the floor. Once he had flipped over, now hovering on top of you he slowly and carefully laid you back down on the couch. Covering you up with the blanket as you adjusted yourself, while remaining asleep. Not sure of what to do now, Loki just sat there, distracting himself with the movie until he can relax again. The movie finishes, and still hasn't calm down yet, he then picks you up and carries you to bed. Loki then runs off back to his room to take a cold shower.

It's been a few days and your in the kitchen making lunch with Vision and Wanda. Pietro is also there but he wasn't being very helpful, he was trying to sneak some of the food you were preparing. Wanda smacks his hand with a wooden spoon after catching him sneaking food for the third time. Wanda then gives him a lecture while you just stand there not trying to laugh.

Not much had happened over the last 4 days while you were recovering. You did a lot of sleeping, you hung out with Thor, Wanda, Pietro and Peter when you were awake and the others gave you the space you requested. You also started another sewing project and surprisingly you pretty much finished it, just a few final details left to add. The only thing that felt off to you was you thought Loki was avoiding you; The morning after your movie night he was distant, polite as always but there was something off about it. He left for Asgard that day too and hadn't come back yet. When you asked Thor about it he just said that Loki was just there doing research on something and would be back in a couple days. You couldn't help but worry, did something happen? You tried to dismiss the thought but still continued to worry and it didn't go unnoticed.

Steve, Bucky, Natasha, and Tony entered the meeting room, apparently there was some kind of emergency that needed to be addressed. But no there wasn't, it was a trick to get them all in the same room so you could talk to them. After some time to really think it over you realized that although they didn't handle the situation as well as they should have, you probably would have done something similar if put in their position. So you decided to forgive them, with certain conditions of course.

You were sitting there at the end of the table, asking them to sit down to talk, after which they could eat the food you, Wanda, and Vision had prepared. You brought lunch with you to the meeting room planning to eat in there, the table was actually bigger. You then go on to explain that you're no longer upset with them and understand why they did what they did. That yes, they could have handled it a bit more gracefully, but if you were put into the same situation would have reacted pretty much the same. "Now about you making it up to me..." you began giving them a somewhat mischievous smile "for starters you all need to actually try with Loki. He's trying to make up for the mistakes he's made, like most of you are and yet you still treat him like he's a bad guy" you continued "That goes for the rest of the Avengers as well". They understand and promise to put more of an effort in when it comes to Loki. You then go on to tell them that the one other thing they needed to make happen was a party, but not just any old party you were going to throw an Avengers Prom.

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