Part 82: I Missed You

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Loki carries you in past everyone, completely ignoring the other Avengers who came down to greet the returning Asgardians. You and Loki stare lovingly into each other's eyes and Sam is already complaining about how gross you two were being. You break your gaze with Loki to glare at Sam before giving him a mischievous grin as you turned and locked lips with your lover. Sam dramatically screech that his eyes were melting and you can't help but laugh at how ridiculous he was being. 

"Loki, I need to speak with Wanda for a minute, privately if you don't mind, afterwards I'm all yours, my brave prince of mischief," you say sweetly with a suggestive smile. "You forgot handsome," he replies, "how could I possibly forget? I'm the one who gets to look at you" you declared with a wink. Over the last two weeks while Loki was away you definitely got a lot more confident and bolder with your words and actions. Loki couldn't help but smile, he liked this more daring version of you, you seemed happier this way and that's all he wanted. You give Loki a smooch on the cheek before he puts you down, and you quickly pull Wanda aside, entering into a separate room so there'd be no chance Loki would overhear your conversation.

You informed Wanda that you were going to tell him presently, you figured it would be best just to rip the bandaid off now rather than later. You suggested that Pietro could go with Natasha when she takes Clint's children home today, while also convincing her to leave a little earlier than planned. Seeing as Clint's place wasn't on any Shield file, there was no way Loki would be able to find it, probably. "This is not going to be pretty," Wanda tells you and you nod your head in complete agreement, taking a deep breath as you mentally prepared yourself for what was about to happen.

You and Wanda enter back into the main area where Loki and the others are hanging out. You asked Natasha if it was time for her to take the kids home, Wanda quickly following up with "yes I believe you said you were going to fly them home around this time". You and Wanda both give her the look, and she immediately understands what's happening. "Yeah, we should be leaving in the next few minutes here but I need a couple of volunteers to come help with the kids during the flight," Natasha says just before Wanda offers herself and Pietro up as tribute. Pietro isn't completely down with going, but after making eye contact with Wanda and she gestures with her eyes over to Loki he caught on to what was happening. Pietro said he'd be right back, as he rushes off to pack his stuff knowing he'd probably be staying with Clint's family for the next few days, if not forever. 

The kids are sad that they have to go home, they really did have fun while staying at the Compound the past week. Your heart twinged as little Nathaniel wrapped his arms around your legs asking if you could come with. You pick him up and pull him into a tight hug as you look over to Loki with a pout, trying not to cry. "No, it's not happening," Loki says shaking his head, looking kind of terrified, thinking that you wanted one. "Well, then you better get me a puppy... or a kitty, a kitty works too," you shout back as you help Natasha get the kids aboard the Quinjet. You pass Pietro as you get off the ship, you walk up to him giving him a soft smile "I'm sorry, but you know I have to tell him". "I understand... and I'm the one who should be apologizing," Pietro says in a quiet, solemn tone while returning your smile before giving you a hug goodbye. You wave at them as the Quinjet takes off and you turn to walk back with a sigh, you didn't want to upset Loki but you knew you had to tell him.

You walked back into the main area looking for Loki, when out of nowhere he grabs you from behind, picking you up. "I do have legs you know," you say while giving Loki a wide grin and a little laugh, but Loki's face remains stoic. "Oh god, who told you?" you asked worried someone mentioned the whole "Beetle" situation to him. Loki looked confused for a moment before his face morphs into one of concern, asking if something happened. You opened your mouth to say something, however, nothing but a jumbled mess of mumbles comes out. You studdered on your words while getting visibly panicky which starts to freak Loki out. You eventually eked out "can we talk about this in private. Please," and not wasting another second Loki teleports you both to his room.

Loki walks over setting you down on the bed asking you what happened while trying to remain calm. "Technically two things happen, but before I say anything else, please know that they've been dealt with. Well actually the other Avengers are currently dealing with the one thing but I dealt with the other thing, so there's nothing really to worry about," you say, nervous and fast. Your words don't convince Loki at all, in fact, he gets more worried at you telling him not to worry. "Just tell me Y/N, please," Loki asked, almost begging worried about what could have possibly happened to make you this nervous and panicky. You pull Loki onto the bed and make your way on top of him, wrapping your arms around his neck, drawing him close to you. "I'm sorry if I'm scaring you, I promise I'm okay but what I have to tell you is going to upset you, and I don't want to upset you but I know I have to tell you what happened," you say looking at Loki all teary-eyed. Loki places his hands on your face, wiping away your tears as he asks you to tell him what happened.  

You tell Loki that on the day he left the Hulk made a surprise appearance and he ended up taking you and Peter to meet his friend Rick. You ended up going to Rick's junkyard where you built a chair for Hulk out of wooden shipping pallets. The thing is, while you were building the chair you were alone near the back of the junkyard. Hulk was crushing cars with Rick up near the front and Peter was inside Rick's workshop building a project for school. During your time alone you were attacked by Abner Jenkins, a.k.a. the Beetle, a dangerous mercenary. He was apparently hired to kidnap you and kind of did, but it didn't last long as the other Avengers came to your rescue. It was kind of a big deal, seeing as it resulted in a high-speed chase through the skies of New York and the Beetle used his Ironman-like suit to cause damage to nearby skyscrapers. No one was badly hurt during the attack but it did cause city-wide panic. You were saved by Peter but despite their best efforts the Beetle was still out there, and would most likely be back to finish the job. 

"The Avengers are still looking for him but so far they've had very little luck with the search," you tell Loki bluntly. Loki tells you he would find the Beetle and make him pay with his life, "how dare he take you, you're mine" you hear Loki whisper under his breath and you can't help but start laughing. You revealed to Loki that following the attempted kidnapping you really wished he was there so you could hear all the terrible things he was going to do to him for "daring to take what was his". You then admitted that you loved it when he was fiercely protective, you found it extremely comforting. 

Loki pulls you in tight as you continued to softly smile, content with how protective your boyfriend was being, more than happy to be held and squished in his arms. Loki soon apologized for not being here to protect you, but you tell him not to worry about it and jokingly say that he can make up for it by giving you more cuddles. "Yes! Squish me! Squish your squishy!" you playfully order as you start to giggle but Loki looked a little confused not really knowing what a "squishy" was. You tell him that a "squishy" is a type of soft toy, they can come in all shapes, sizes and designs and their main function is to relieve stress by squeezing them. 

You nuzzle your face against Loki's neck as you let out little excited noises and moans from how happy you were to be with him again. "I missed you so much," you tell him as you try to snuggle closer, part of you not wanting to ever let go. Loki was still very much irate from the whole kidnapping thing but he was finding it hard to remain upset from how cuddly and affectionate you were being. He was certain you didn't mean anything suggestive when you referred to yourself as his "Squishy" but Loki couldn't help thinking of the different ways you could help him "relieve" his stress. Dirty thoughts continued to run through Loki's mind, that was until he remember you had something else to tell him. 

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