Part 119: Christmas Morning 3/4

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After cleaning up you all went into the Main Area to open presents and you were surprised they had a Stocking for you and Loki, a little embarrassed, as you didn't know they were doing Stockings. You got some candy & chocolate, an Avengers hoodie, and a bunch of Disney Villain socks, which you were super excited for, putting on the Captain Hook socks immediately. Loki received candy, chocolate, and an Avengers hoodie as well but Loki had socks covered in daggers and other weapons, as well as a pair of black socks covered in pink, purple, and blue hearts. You also tried on your hoodie, noticing it had your Superhero name embroidered on it, along with a little flame, it was so cute and Loki's had his name and a little dagger. Everyone more or less got the same things in their Stockings, with the exception of Vision who didn't eat so he received a few candles that smell like chocolate and other candies. 

You then got to the gift exchange, and you were so excited but waited as you would probably have to give your gift last, as it was a two-parter, involving another Avenger. Bruce got Wanda a Bewitched Tv Show Box Set, with all the episodes, while Wanda, who got Tony, gave him a Sculpture she made using her powers, it was beautiful. Tony who got Loki, gave him the keys to one of his Vacation Homes, it was on a private island off the coast somewhere, saying he could take you there for a trip, food and expenses would be on him. Loki was blown away, excited for the possibility of taking another trip with you and Steve, was also blown away by the gift he received from the God of Mischief; it was a Vintage Louis Armstrong Record and it was signed, you helped Loki find it, as he wasn't sure what to get the old Soldier. 

Steve who got Thor, gave him tickets to an Observatory, for him and Jane to go to an event that was happening in the New Year. Thor who got Vision received to no one's surprise a sweatshirt, he had gotten his secret Santa one every year and it was cute, it was blue with a retro robot on it. Vision who got Pietro gave him a pair of running shoes, but they weren't just any old pair of running shoes as the rubber that made up the sole could hold up to his super speed. Pietro got you, and it was a little awkward but he did pick out something awesome; it was a miniaturized version of your Grandfather's motorcycle, it was 3d-printed, hand painted and all the details were correct. You gave him a hug which Loki didn't like, but he wasn't going to say anything as it was Christmas and he knew it was important to you. 

Peter got Sam and gave him a wall clock that looked like an Altimeter Gauge found in airplanes, while Sam who got Natasha gave her a new leather jacket, it was dark red, form-fitting and gorgeous, it also said: "Bad Bitch" in Russian on the lapel. Natasha who got Bucky bought him a Mini Jukebox that had every song from 1917 to 1945, while Bucky who got Bruce gave him Motorcycle lessons. 

Peter was the last to get his gift as it was from you, but it was a two-parter including a gift from Tony; you found out that he really wanted to take his Aunt May to Hawaii, as she always wanted to go so you bought the plane tickets and Mr.Stark paid for the room they'd be staying in. You had already talked to May about it, making sure she had vacation days, as they would be leaving first thing tomorrow and wouldn't be back until the evening on the 30th. Peter was blown away by your's and Tony's gift, thanking you both over and over again, and he ended up hugging both of you and even giving you a kiss on both cheeks. You were surprised and happy, thinking his reaction was so adorable, and you couldn't help but kiss him back, opting for the forehead rather than his cheek. 

Tony joked, asking where his kiss was and you shook your head, letting out a laugh before saying "fine", grabbing his face and planting a kiss on the Billionaire's forehead. You actually ended up giving everyone a little kiss on the forehead or cheek, saying "I love you" to each of them, to Loki's complete and utter annoyance. You then went up to your boyfriend, noticing he was looking a little jealous, taking a second to first put on lip balm, before jumping him, knocking him over, and smooching him hard on the lips. You then kissed every part of his face, saying I love you between every kiss and Loki couldn't help but smile as his face got covered in your sweet-smelling and tasting marshmallow lip balm. 

Before everyone else could start to exchange more gifts, the ones for their Significant others or Siblings, you not-so-subtly alluded to the matching gifts under the tree. They had all figured out that you got everybody something, but wasn't going to make a big deal about it after hearing what you said last night, simply going along with it instead. You said everyone had to open their gifts together, as you got them all the same thing and they comply, making sure everyone had their present before counting down to open them.  

They all open their gift and are surprised by what they've received as it appeared to be a small glass sphere wrapped in elegant and intricate metalwork around it. Each metal pattern was unique, with each Avenger's name in cursive, woven into the design, they were beautiful but something seemed different about them. "Vision, would you like to demonstrate," you ask the Synthezoid if he'd like to show off what they can do as you tested it on him, as you weren't sure if a robot would be able to activate the spell, but he could. Vision held it out in his one hand, placing his other on top, tapping it gently as he said "light" and it lit up and floated just above his hand, the others were amazed. You then explained that each sphere could lead you when you're lost, when your physically lost but also mentally or spiritually, not giving you the answers but leading you where you can find them. "So even when separated, miles, countries, or even worlds apart, you'll have a little light with you, so you're never alone," you smiled, blushing hard, "also they're pretty much indestructible". 

"How did you do this?" Loki asked, unaware that your Alchemy skills were this impressive, quickly giving you a questioning gaze, and you laugh, informing him that you might have had a little help from a certain old wizard. You smiled wide and blush even harder as you received hugs and kisses from everyone, you find yourself overwhelmed and start glowing slightly as a result. You then remembered you had gifts for AJ and Cass, Sam's nephews, handing him the two small boxes, explaining they were Protection Bracelets, they would light up if trouble was nearby and Shield them if attacked. "When did you have time to do all this?" they asked, and you awkwardly laugh, before saying "time doesn't move in Merlin's Pocket Dimension". 

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