Part 32: Nap Time

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Loki walked into the meeting room where everyone but Thor was getting ready to go. He then tells them someone had to stay with you and asks who's volunteering. Bucky offers to stay which Loki shoots down right away, not wanting him anywhere near you, especially alone. Loki then informs them that anyone who accused you of being a traitor was automatically disqualified and shouldn't even bother to ask. "Mr.Loki maybe you should stay with Y/N" Peter suggests and everyone more or less agrees. "Fine then but before you leave... Captain, I need a word if you don't mind, in private" Loki says as he and Steve step into a side room to talk.

"Captain Rogers I'm giving you one chance to tell me exactly what happened this afternoon" Loki said trying to stay calm but it was obvious he was still furious. Steve then went on to explain everything, starting from the beginning; you came downstairs to bake something, the situation with the mixer and the reveal about the medicine Loki gave you. He even mentioned the somewhat rude things they said about him, Steve then apologized for what he said before continuing. How you defended him saying how great he was and during the following interactions you revealed details about the Loki Report someone with your clearance wasn't supposed to know. Loki was confused but Steve explained that with the clearance level you had you weren't allowed to read the report. Loki turned away, leaning up against the wall thinking over everything Steve had said, then asking "So if Y/N didn't have proper clearance, how was she able to read the report?". "Well as it turns out Loki, Y/N wrote the Report" Steve answered and Loki's eyes went wide as he looked back at Steve in disbelief. It only took Loki a few seconds to regain his composure but Steve could see genuine surprise on his face. Steve and the others thought that maybe Loki might have already known about it, a possible explanation for why you two became so close after such little time together. But it was clear from Loki's response that he didn't know, which only made Steve wonder about why you two were so close.

Loki just gave Steve a polite nod and walked out in silence not saying anything, not even to Thor as he was there now. Before Loki could leave Thor pulled him aside and told him that you were currently asleep. He also admitted that you made him promised that you could watch that 'Lord of the Rings' movie after your nap. Thor then handed Loki a business card with the address to the New York Sanctum on it. So in case anything else happened Loki could take you to see Dr.Strange while they were gone. Loki gave Thor an understanding nod and watched the Avengers fly off in the Quinjet before returning to sit with you.

As much as Loki wanted to be by himself right now to process everything, he knew he had to stay with you. Loki knew he couldn't let whatever happened to you earlier occur a second time. He worried that if it did happen again you would remain like that permanently. Loki knew he was being a bit paranoid but he also knew that he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something happened to you. Even before you met Loki you were changing his life for the better, you were the reason he was given a second chance. Loki wanted to meet whoever wrote that report for the longest time, to at the very least thank them in person. He didn't really think anyone at Shield would actually believe him but someone did, you did.

Loki sat there in your armchair reading his book, well trying to read anyways. He couldn't stop thinking about you, the report, and everything else that had happened since you came to the Avengers Compound. He couldn't help looking up at you every time you made a sound or adjusted your position. At some point you ended up kicking off your blanket while mumbling "too hot" as you turn over towards Loki. He couldn't help but stare, you looked so peaceful laying there on your side, cradling the pillow with your arms. Even with your hair a mess and sweat glistening off your body, even being sick, Loki couldn't help but find you absolutely beautiful. As Loki looked you up and down he couldn't help it but linger on your torso, your tight white tank top showed off your curves nicely. Then looking down at the baby blue gym shorts you were wearing, he couldn't help but notice they did very little to hide your lower half. Loki shot up from the chair, using magic to cover you up in a light blanket as he headed for the door. He needed to take a walk to clear his head, to focus and to forget about all the dirty thoughts that were currently on his mind.

Loki was standing out on one of the balconies off the main area when you appeared about 10 minutes later. You had put on your green panda onesie after waking up feeling cold, then wandering around the Compound to find whoever was there. You notice that Loki was distracted and thought it would be funny to scare him a little bit, so you end up giving him a hug from behind. This did indeed scare him, in fact he jumped a little while pulling away knocking you over. He turns around to see you on the ground laughing and pointing at him saying "I totally got you Loki!". Your eyes meet and you couldn't help but say "I'm sorry Loki you make yourself such an easy target, I couldn't help myself" as you give him a mischievous grin, before laughing some more.

Loki has a look of impressed and shocked on his face, he tries to hide how happy he was but he fails. You regret your actions however when Loki's expression changes; he looks a little too amused as he crouches down to look at you, with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh no" you accidentally say outloud and Loki's smile grows wider as you become more aware of how much trouble you're in. You jump to your feet and take off running, where you weren't sure yet. Loki just shakes his head as he stands back up. What was he going to do with you?

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