Part 12: Console, Controllers, And Chords

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You make your way to the storage closet where the movies, consoles and games are stored, there's even a karaoke machine in there. You have to make a couple of trips, one for the console, one for the large container of games, and one for the chords, controllers and other accessories. You probably could have gotten all of the stuff in one go (stacking the console and etc on top of the container of games) but you weren't supposed to be lifting too much right now so you don't risk it. You've already grabbed the console, controllers, and chords but before you get the games you decide to set up the console first. You're on your knees in front of the tv setting it up when you hear "What did you want Thor... I was in the shower when you came knocking, this better be important" as Loki walks in through the open door. You look up at him pausing for a moment to look at his torso then briefly making eye contact with him before looking away altogether. Loki wasn't wearing a shirt, he was holding it in his hands no doubt in the middle of getting dressed as he came in. You thought it was probably no big deal for Loki if Thor saw him without his shirt on but you were definitely not Thor. You cover your eyes as fast as humanly possible, stutter out an apology as you stand up and turn around. It didn't matter who it was, a he, a she, or a they you were very uncomfortable seeing anyone naked and being half-naked wasn't any different (you also don't like being seen naked or with very little clothes on and often presume it's the same for others hence your reaction with Loki *turning around so he's also not uncomfortable*). Loki could see how embarrassed you are from seeing him without his shirt on so he decides to mess with you. "Are you alright Y/N? You look upset did something happen?" he spoke in a slow worried tone with just a hint of sarcasm. He moved closer as he spoke now less than 2 feet away from you. You take him at his word too uncomfortable to pick up on his sarcasm "everything's fine, I'm fine I'm also not looking so you can put on your shirt now" "is that why you turned around so suddenly?" he teased "yes... nudity makes me very uncomfortable" you eke out as you hear him moving even closer. He's only a few inches away now, standing directly behind you. "Really darling it's not as if I walked in here with just a towel on. Why are you so embarrassed?" he whispered still teasingly but in a slightly deeper voice. "You're half-naked, it still counts, it still makes me uncomfortable" you responded in a slightly panicked tone as you feel his arms wrap around you as he pulls you against him. You feel yourself pressed not up against his bare chest but up against his shirt. Before you make any attempt to break free from his arms he lets out a laugh "I'm sorry Y/N you make yourself such an easy target I couldn't help myself" he chuckled. "You put your shirt on as soon as turned around didn't you?" you ask a bit annoyed "yes, yes I did" he said still laughing a bit. There was about 30 seconds of silence before he leaned down to whisper in your ear "now darling you're going to tell me what you're doing in my brother's chambers" you feel your body straighten up at Loki's inquiry and the potential implied accusation "Thor and I were planning on playing some games I'm just setting up the console while he went to go get us some snacks" you tell him "also it wasn't Thor knocking on your door earlier it was me" you say trying to change the subject. He let you go, and you turn to face him so thankful that he really was wearing a shirt.

After that awkward encounter, you sit together on Thor's bed to discuss your day. Loki tells you he had breakfast with Thor, did a bit of reading, had lunch, went out for a bit, then trained for a while, then jumped into the shower. You then tell Loki about your day out with Thor giving him the same brief summary you gave at dinner. He then asked you why you knocked on his door, "did you need something?" he asked. You tell Loki how you noticed he wasn't at dinner and that you were just coming to ask him if he wanted to join them, that's all. He looked a little surprised at your statement further confirming the idea that they never ask him (or rarely do) to join them. Loki then asks you to go into depth about your day, he wanted to hear all about it. "Well I took lots of pictures, Thor made me take lots of pictures... why don't you take a look at them while I go grab the video games from the storage room. I'll tell you about them when I get back if you want" you hand him your unlocked phone as you get up to leave.

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