Part 151: Sisters & Swords

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"It would seem that fusing with the Eternal Flame left you quite weak little sister, but it's only a matter of time, I will get what I want", Hela spoke as she locked you up in the dungeons. "I will never help you, when Thor and Loki get here you're going to..." you began to threaten but she cut you off with a laugh, and you stopped talking for a moment before asking what was so funny. "Oh sweet girl, they're dead..." your eyes go wide at Hela's statement, and you turn away in shock as she continues, "they were the first to fall before me, but certainly not the last... and don't worry after I'm done with you, you'll be free to join them". You rush her, trying to attack as your face filled with angry tears, but your chains held you back and despite that, you still kept trying, but Hela only found it adorable at how upset you were getting. "Don't worry I'll be back later," she said before walking out with Skurge in tow, off to do who knows what in her attempts to destroy and conquer the universe.  

The second Hela and Skurge were gone and out of the dungeons you collapsed to the floor in tears, you couldn't believe what she was saying. You soon curled yourself into a ball, holding your knees tight against you as you continued to weep and mourn. "He can't be gone, he just can't be... please, Loki, come back to me, you have to... baby, please, I need you," you were in agony and it echoed out into the empty dungeons, your sadness could soon be heard throughout the entire castle as there were no other voices, everyone was gone. You looked down at your wedding ring, before clutching it and holding it to your heart as you thought of him, everything you had been through together, all of the love he had for you, and all of the love you had for him. Every single memory you shared with him started playing in your mind, both from this life and your previous one, each one now tainted with such grief and sadness, you couldn't live without him. You cried and cried for what felt like a long time but a thought soon crossed your mind, Hela could be lying, she already lied before and you decided once you got out of here you would find him. You would search everywhere, no matter how long it took you would find Loki and bring him home, never letting go again. This made your crying get slower, and you were able to calm down, but it only lasted for a few seconds before you found yourself feeling something else, a dark feeling, something you hadn't felt before. This bitch, Hela the Goddess of Death, nearly killed your mother, destroyed the army, and if she was to be believed murdered your brother and the love of your life, and you found yourself getting angry, more than you ever had before. This was a fiery inferno, turning your heart to ash, jealousy made you want to hurt and or possibly kill people before, but this was different, you were going to rip Hela to shreds. No matter what you had to do, if it cost you your soul, you would pay that price, she took everything from you and you would do the same to her, all that was left was to figure out how. 

"Skurge where is the sword?" Hela hissed while a pissed-off and disappointed expression began to stretch onto her face, although she did do her best to hide her frustration. She briefly glanced over at Skurge who went in to investigate, but he obviously didn't find anything, which made her more upset, first the Eternal Flame drama and now this, why was everything so difficult? Hela could hear something from back in the city, and Skurge admitted that there seemed to be some sort of rebellion starting with the few citizens that remained in the city. Hela closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath in, taking her time exhaling for a long time before turning back around, walking back to the city as she summons back her helmet. She tells Skurge they'd be rounding up these fools who weren't falling into line, one of them had to have the sword or at least know where it was. 

"Asgardians, some misguided soul, has stolen the Bifrost sword... tell us where it is or there will be consequences... ... ...bad ones," Skurge announced to the crowd that Hela rounded up. A few minutes go by but no one speaks up, and Hela points over to the crowd and grumbled "you", and the mob of people began to panic as the Executioner is forced to grab the person chosen. It was a young, blond woman with a small build, and she was on her knees before Hela within seconds, kneeling down as the Executioner hesitantly raised his axe to kill her. The poor girl was shaking and on the verge of tears, terrified of what was about to befall her, but just before Skurge struck her down someone spoke up, telling Hela he knew where the sword was. 

With Hela getting the information she needed she came back to see you, bringing all the citizens that were left in tow, escorting them to the dungeons as well. She couldn't have them running around warning the others, but seeing as they were behaving, for now, they could keep their lives, besides, they were useful for something else. She proceeded to lock them up in different cells, cramming them in like animals before coming over to get you, pulling you along by your chain like a dog. "Now I want you to take a look around," Hela began and you look up to see all the Asgardians looking so sad and terrified, so you tried to put on a brave face for them, knowing they probably looked up to you in some way, as you were technically their princess. Hela told you that if you didn't cooperate she would kill every last one of them, starting with them, she pointed to a hand full of Asgardian children, putting them all into a separate cell from their parents. All except for one, she had grabbed a small girl, who looked about 6 or so, at least in human years and you told her that wasn't necessary, you would do as she asked, but Hela wasn't taking any chances this time. 

As Hela dragged you away in chains you announced "I swear upon my life that I will do all that I can to make sure you all get out of this unharmed", you didn't want to give them false hope but you knew you had to say something to at least try and comfort them. "Lovely speech," Hela said mockingly as she led you back down to Odin's Treasure Room, handing your chain over to Skurge to hold for him as she summoned a weapon to break through the floor. Hela picked up the small girl and dropped into the dark deep pit and before Skurge could drag you down with him you ripped your chain away, choosing to float down instead. Skurge came down right after you and as soon as he lands you stare at him with a cold blank expression as if you were gazing directly into his soul, and you didn't like what you saw there. He had never seen you wear such an expression, even when you were mad there was this light behind your eyes, but now it was gone and there was nothing but an empty void in its place. 

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