Part 161: New Friends

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"Chancellor Gauxx, please inform miss Delancey I'll be having lunch early today and make sure there's enough for our guests... I might as well make use of my lunch break", you then dismissed him and the small army he brought with him, although two guards still came with you to escort the three of you back to your office. "Don't mind Gauxx, he's very good at his job, if not a little paranoid", you admit as you walked with your guests back to your office leading them over to sit down in the lounge section of the room, where you often sat to take a short break, eat lunch, or speak to guests or visitors in an informal manner. You float a tray over to the sunken table as they take their seats across from you, asking if they wanted a glass of water, before offering to have some tea or juice sent up if they'd prefer. They declined but seeing as you wanted tea, as it was one of your favourite things you sent your lady-in-waiting to go and fetch some before letting out a breath, relaxing for a moment as you pulled up their files. You had a small device on your side table and quickly scanned them, finding out their names and backgrounds, "Rocket, of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Nebula, a daughter of Thanos... interesting". You pondered for a moment while they defended themselves, yes Nebula was a daughter of Thanos but she wasn't a supporter of his anymore, but you raised your hand cutting them off before you spoke, "no need to explain my friends, I've heard of you from Irani Rael, or at least I heard about the Guardians from her, another daughter of Thanos, a Gamora, I believe was already a part of the team, so the whole "kid of Thanos" thing isn't a problem for me... plus it's a club I'm not unfamiliar with". 

Before Rocket or Nebula could ask what you meant the tea arrived and you got all excited, quickly thanking your maid before asking her to go check on lunch and she immediately left. You poured a cup for yourself before offering them a cup and taking a sip, letting out a pleasant breath as the tea was excellent, as usual, not a surprise as the honey-like syrup had quite a lovely natural nutty flavour to it, but it could be easily flavoured to taste like something else. You then got comfortable but more serious, giving them a brief summary of what went down after you first met Thanos, bringing the planet back to life, him giving up on the plan, the fight and him eventually leaving you all alone with no way to escape yourself. "There was no one else around but I sensed it as it passed by, it was a horrible sensation... not that it felt like much, or at all, it's hard to explain, the energy was vast but it felt like nothing," you shuddered at the memory, looking down at your cup while you replayed it over in your mind. 

"You wouldn't happen to be secretly some lady named Y/N would you?" Rocket asked jokingly, thinking you kind of looked like the chick Loki and Thor described and your eyes went wide as you straightened up, clearly giving him your answer by your actions alone. You dismiss your guards, waiting until they left before turning back to Rocket, inquiring very seriously how he knew your real name, giving him one chance to answer. Rocket then told you about how they found Thor and Loki lost in space, how he and his buddy Groot went off with them to get a new weapon to fight Thanos while the rest of his team went off to stop him from getting the rest of the Infinity stones. "They wouldn't shut up about you, even the quiet one, any time he opened his mouth, what he said would pretty much only be about you", Nebula said and you couldn't help but smile, thinking about what the Asgardians must have said to annoy them so much. "Loki and I actually just got married before everything went to shit," you began, wishing you had alcohol to drink before inquiring, "if you don't mind me asking, what happened after that, or more so who of the Avengers are left?". 

The food arrived not two seconds after you posed your question and you asked them to hold off on telling you until after they were done eating, as you didn't want their answers to sour your lunch. Together you ate a delicious vegetable stew and cheesy bread, and seeing as you were a Queen and all, Rocket and Nebula were surprised by how friendly, improper and casual you seemed. "Hey, hey, hey, I'm only prim and proper when I need to be, otherwise I'll sit with my legs crossed, slouch, wear nothing but pyjamas, and snack on all the best-worst sweet and fried things" you laughed, admitting some of your more unladylike secrets. You and Rocket laughed for a moment, he liked you it would seem but you weren't sure about Nebula, as no matter what you said she looked like she was about to either burst into tears or stab you and you weren't sure which, she was intense and you respected that.  

You all finished up eating and they told you that out of the Avengers Tony, Steve, Natasha, Thor, Bruce, Clint, and Pietro survived, only the original six members of the Avengers plus Quicksilver were left. You couldn't help but tear up as you thanked them for letting you know, "not knowing who was left gave me hope that maybe he was still alive somewhere, but I've known for a long time that he was really gone... if he was still alive he would have found his way here to me... sorry I didn't... you know what don't worry about it, let's get you your supplies, and have you on your way". You got up and led them out of your office, saying you'd take them to the cargo building to get the supplies they needed, remaining silent while Rocket and Nebula quietly talked to each other, none of which you overheard.  

"We're here," you began, quickly calling over one of the workers so they could get what they needed, you then turned back to Rocket and Nebula, saying, "it was a pleasure to meet you both, if your ever near Nervaria again feel free to stop by, I'd be more than happy to have you stay as my personal guests". They thanked you for your offer, you then turned to leave as you had other duties and appointments to see to, but before you left Rocket and Nebula had one more thing to say so you stopped and turned back around, insisting they tell you quickly as you didn't have much time. They told you it was private so you sent the worker away for the moment and stepped to the side, away from any prying ears, to say that they were heading to Earth, as there was a chance to fix all of this. Your eyes went wide as you completely understood what they were implying and you looked on with shock, staring off into nothing for a few moments before stating, "I'm in". 

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