Part 47: Lunch Date

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You begin to stir, slowly turning over to where Loki was to check if he was still there. You start to reach out with your one arm, patting the mattress as you move, and gently called out his name under your breath. When suddenly someone grabbed your hand and you let out a happy gasp concluding that Loki didn't leave. Without opening your eyes you wiggle your way over to cuddle up to him while sleepily saying "you stayed!". Loki wraps his arm around you as you opened your eyes and look up at him with a big smile.

He was in the middle of reading when he noticed you starting to wake up and he couldn't help but have a huge grin on his face watching reach out looking for him while saying his name, but what really sent his heart a glow was you uttering the words "you stayed". You sounded so happy when you said those words and looked even more so when you opened your eyes to look up at him.

"You missed me did you?" he tease and you shook your head yes before saying "yeah it was Steve knocking on my door this morning that woke me up, I told him to come in without thinking. I quickly sat up panicking, worried about us getting caught but when I looked over you weren't there. I was relieved for a second but then I was a little sad because you didn't stay. In that moment I realized that I would rather suffer any amount of embarrassment than wake up without you". Loki looks at you completely surprised by your blunt declaration; I mean this version of you only knew of him for a few years, only met him a few weeks ago yet your love was already so strong, so kind, and so real. How has he survived without it, without you for 1000 years?

You check your phone, a few hours have past but you realized that there was still a bit of time before Wanda and Natasha would arrive as they promised to help you get ready. You ask Loki if you guys could have lunch together, assuming he didn't eat while you were sleeping. He tells you that he hasn't had lunch yet and asks you what you were hungry for. You aren't sure and say you'll think about it while getting dressed. From your closet you continue to talk to Loki, you tell him your silly dream and he tells you about the book he was reading. You eventually ask Loki what he wants to eat considering you couldn't actually decide, everything sounded good right now.

"Italian doesn't sound too bad," he says you didn't realize he had walked over to stand just outside the closet door, but you could by his voice he was right there. You think for a moment before a lightbulb goes off "you know what there's this amazing pizza place where you can watch them make the pizza and customize it however you like, down to like the individual amount of mushrooms you want. They also have pasta and stuff so if you're not into pizza, they have you covered". You ask Loki what he thinks and tells you "it sounds lovely darling" so you tell him more about it. How the first time you went there was for a birthday dinner, you got dragged to with some of your co-workers, you think they just invited you and insisted you come because you were the only one in their I.T. sector who wasn't already going. Like that mattered, you liked the food and went back a couple of times after. It wasn't super expensive but it was nice to go to an upscale type place every once in a while.

You slowly come out of the closet, a bit nervous about what you were wearing so ask Loki if he likes your outfit; you were wearing black sheer tights, a very dark grey short pencil skirt with thin black vertical and horizontal lines, a plain black lacy undershirt and a white button-up shirt tied up around the waist with the first couple buttons open so you can see the undershirt. You also had on a dark grey suit jacket with the sleeves partly rolled up, little dark grey boots with off-white socks peaking out of them as well as a familiar-looking green scarf to complete the ensemble.

"You look, lovely darling," Loki says eyeing your scarf, stepping closer to feel it as you blush and look down. He remarks how familiar it is, almost as if he's seen it somewhere before. You smile and admit to making a scarf from the same wool as the one you made for him, thinking it would be cool to match. You then tell Loki you're just going into the bathroom to do your hair real quick and you'll be right back. Loki tells you that's fine before saying actually he was going to his room for just a moment to grab a few things and would also be right back.

As soon as you shut the door, you start to panic, as it began to sink in you were going on a date, your first date! Well, technically not your first date but that other one in no way shape or form counted. You shake your head trying not to think about it as you look in the mirror checking to make sure you looked alright. You quickly spray in some leave-in-conditioner to help with tangles and frizz, before pulling your hair into a high ponytail. It was similar to the one you had in earlier except this one was a lot neater, and had a bit of a nice curl to it. You quickly put on your Grandmother's pearl earrings and your favourite flavoured chapstick, it was delicious and made your lips look extra glossy.

You step out and grab mints, phone, wallet, chapstick and black cat-shaped purse as you wait for Loki. He pops back in not two seconds later as you put your things in your purse before putting it on. You hear "are you ready to go darling?" and turn around to see Loki looking so dashing; he had on a long dark grey overcoat, a pair of grey trousers, with matching suit jacket. He had a black button-up shirt with a grey tie a little lighter than his suit. He was also wearing the scarf you made him so that you could no doubt match, it made you feel all warm and fuzzy.

You nod your head yes as you smile, then walk over to him as you tell him "it should be a crime to look that good" a little cheesy perhaps but he did look amazing. He then told you "if that was the case they'd have to arrest both of us" before taking your hand and teleporting you away for your lunch date.

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