Part 68: Vanaheim

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You walk over to the fridge to see what ingredients were in there to make something for the two of you when Thor came running in. You shut the fridge to see a slightly worried Thor standing there and you go over to him as you and Loki both ask what's going on. "We have been summoned to return to Asgard at once brother," Thor says and everyone is a little shocked, and you turn to Loki who looks more pissed off than surprised. Loki asks Thor to clarify what's so important and Thor tells him there is trouble brewing in Vanaheim that needs their immediate attention.

You realize the visit to see Doctor Strange would have to be put on hold as Thor continued to insist that they had to leave immediately. Loki squeezed your hand, it didn't really hurt but you could tell he was obviously not at all happy about the whole situation. You pull his hand and hold it up to your face, grabbing Loki's attention while giving him a soft understanding smile. He pulls his hand loose from yours to place it on your face gently rubbing your cheek with his thumb. "Looks like we'll be seeing the Doctor another day," you say and Loki responds with a frown "I promised to take you today". You tell Loki the sooner he goes the sooner he'll be back and that after he takes you to see Doctor Strange they can do whatever he wants. "Anything?" Loki asks slyly leaning in close, and you blush while blinking rapidly before looking away. "Yes, you can pick an activity for us to do" you looked back at him and ask him to pick something before he goes so you can do some prep on your part. Loki thinks for a moment when his mind wanders back to when he was young and took the old Y/N to a lake in Asgard to swim and you even ended up jumping off a cliff into the water below.

Loki informs you that he'd like to take you out for a day to a nice lake, perhaps even stay overnight in a cabin somewhere nice. You tell Loki that sounds perfect before Thor agrees, "that sounds like a lot of fun brother, like when we were young swimming, lounging, and playing by a beautiful lake". "Oh..." you say grabbing Loki's attention, he asks "what's wrong darling?". You look away a bit embarrassed as both Thor and Loki look at each other and then back at you confused. You hesitated "well I... I don't actually know how to swim" you tense up, cross your arms and turn away feeling super embarrassed.

"Well, I guess I'll have to teach you then," Loki says pulling you into his arms holding you. Natasha pipes up "and we can take you shopping and help you pick out a swimsuit", "we?" you ask and Natasha tells you she and Wanda will take you out for another girls' day. You and Natasha get excited for a minute about another 'girls day' you then ask Thor if they have time for breakfast before they have to leave. Thor isn't sure as they needed to still get ready, and they didn't have a lot of time but Odin would be expecting them. You tell them "don't worry, you two go get ready, I'll make you guys something to take and eat on the way" before shooing them off to go grab what they needed.

The Asgardians leave and you turn to the others and yell at them to get out as you start running around the kitchen grabbing ingredients as you start panicking baking. It's been about 20 minutes when Thor and Loki return to the kitchen seeing you pull multiple muffin trays out of the oven. You put them down on the counter saying they need a couple of minutes to cool but the tea you made was ready to go. You ask them how they take their tea before handing Thor and Loki a to-go mug each, full of tea with the amount of sugar and or cream they asked for.

You tell the Gods you made your Grandmother's famous Fruity Egg mini muffins while giving them each one to try as you load the rest up for them to take with them. Panic baking or not the muffins you made turned out amazing, they smelled heavenly, were perfectly golden, moist and absolutely delicious. So much so that Sam and Bucky snuck back into the kitchen to try and steal some but you quickly swatted them away. "I can literally make more muffins you guys, but these ones are not for you" snapped at them while threatening them with a wooden spoon. Thor and Loki can't help but laugh as chasing them out of the kitchen with the wooden spoon all angry but the second you turn around you're all happy again. You skip back over handing Thor his bag of muffins but seeing as Loki already was holding his tea with one hand you opted for taking his hand for yourself and carrying his muffins for him.

All three of you head for the door but Loki says he needed to speak to a few of the Avengers for a moment quickly pulling Natasha as well as Steve who had just walked in off to the side. You stand by the door with Thor and while Loki was talking with Steve and Nat you asked Thor what Vanaheim was like. He tells you it's very similar to some places on Midgard he's seen; it's made up of lots of forests with some rocky terrain but mostly open plains and it snows most of the year there. He then told you that this time of year it should start to be getting colder there unlike here where it was starting to get warmer.

Meanwhile back with Loki, Steve and Natasha...

He quickly pulled Natasha to the other side of the room and grabbed Steve on the way as he came in. "Is this regarding Y/N and the 'misty eye' thing Loki?" Steve asked and Loki nods his head before informing them about the situation. He obviously wasn't going to tell them everything but Loki did give them a version of the truth, hiding certain details of course. He explained that whatever was going on with you, sending you 'visions' in your sleep but also when you're awake. It could also apparently cause visual and auditory hallucinations which is why you were running around the woods completely out of it. It seemed to be able to persuade you a little bit as well but as long as you were aware of it and around others it was easy for you to "fight back". Loki then asked them to keep you 'occupied' while he was gone, seeing as it would 'take control' while you were daydreaming and the like. They offer to take you to see Doctor Strange for him but Loki declines, insisting he would take you as soon as he returned which they find rather odd. "I want to be here, here for her, in case it's something serious" Loki admitted, trying to make it seem he was just a 'worried boyfriend', which was true but he also did not want them to find out about the whole reincarnation thing, not yet and definitely not before you.

They promise and Steve went off to inform the others of the plan but Loki had one more thing to ask of Natasha. She knew exactly what Loki was going to ask, promising to take pictures when she and Wanda take you shopping before wishing him good luck and sending him back over to you.

It wasn't too long before Loki came back over apologizing for taking so long before retaking your hand again. You all go outside and out to the designated Asgard portal spot, it was like a small deck made of stone and metal, decorated with Asgardian symbols. Let's just say Tony was tired of getting the grass re-landscaped every time they opened a portal to or from Asgard so he had a special spot built for it. Before Thor and Loki could move into position you hand Loki his breakfast but before you did you demanded he kisses you goodbye. Loki secretly liked it when you were bossy and couldn't help but look rather amused as he pulled you into his arms for a kiss. Thor just stood there awkwardly, waiting for you to finish kissing so he could give you a hug too. You back away off the platform as you did your best to smile and not to cry, telling them both to stay safe. You waved goodbye as the bright portal appeared and disappeared taking Thor and Loki away. You then headed back inside to make more breakfast muffins.

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