Part 2: The God of Mischief (Updated)

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You couldn't believe your eyes, Loki was standing here in the lab, in the same room right in front of you. You wouldn't say you were scared or anything but the way the God of Mischief was looking at you, did make you nervous; He looked at you in disbelief, an expression of concern and what appeared to be sadness etched on his face. You gradually became more self-conscious and anxious as his wide and intense eyes studied you.

You struggled to maintain eye contact, looking at him, then looking anywhere but at him. He then slowly made his way towards you, and only when he was a few inches from you, did he stop. You look up at him, face no doubt as red as a tomato, having little choice but to once again meet his eyes, his beautiful blue-green eyes. "Y/N?" He asks again, you smile nervously and respond "Yep, that's me, do you need..." before you can finish Loki pulls you into his arms, wrapping you in a tight hug. Your eyes go wide and you start to panic, as you find yourself frozen in place. You had no idea what was going on, you've never even met Loki but he somehow knew you? You continue to panic while trying to rationalize the situation; "He's hugging me, why is he hugging me? How does he know my name? Did one of the other Avengers tell him who I was? That's got to be it right? But again why is he hugging me?" You try to focus but have an obviously hard time doing so as a literal immortal prince held you in his arms.

You try to relax and think when your mind flashes back to you comforting several of the Avengers with hugs and the like when they had a bad day; you remember when Steve was upset a few days ago because it was Peggy Carter's birthday but she wasn't around anymore. You ended up taking him to Coney Island with Bucky and then later to Peggy's grave leaving her favourite flowers and a teddy bear you won. Or that day with Wanda and Pietro, it was their parent's anniversary, and they were feeling really down about it. You ended up inviting them back to your Shield apartment and watched a bunch of old sitcoms with them as they reminisced about old times. Then there was that day you ran into Peter after training when he was beyond super stressed out. He was struggling with school and being Spiderman and you ended up helping him catch up on some overdue assignments. You stayed up all night with him and even came back to his Aunt's apartment that weekend to get him all caught up.

You then think about how sad Loki looked before, and how he looked as he walked over. You then think "maybe Loki is having a bad day and heard from the others that I give good hugs?". Your mind then drifts again and you think about all the times you needed a hug but didn't get one, your heart twinge at the thought. So you were gonna go with that, Loki just really needed a hug, it's the only thing that almost made sense. You take a deep breath and place your hands on Loki's back, patting and rubbing gently. Loki suddenly straighten up, pulling away slightly realizing that his behaviour was very odd. He looks down at you, his arms still around you, as were yours, he tries to say something but can't find the words. You give him a warm smile as you found it cute and familiar? "Why did this feel so familiar?" You thought.

You took a deep breath and say "um... Mr.Loki are... are you okay? Are you... having a bad day? Did... did you just need a hug?" He looks away, his eyes now appearing worried and distant. "I'm sorry" he whispers as he lets you go and takes a step back. "I..." he tried to continue but his voice was lost. "It's okay!" You say, his eyes snap back to look at you "I don't mind, just ask next time okay?"

Loki stares at you with wide eyes as he suddenly thinks back to his Y/N, how when she was younger she said the exact same thing to younger him after getting a surprise hug. He looks completely shocked for a moment but then his face relaxes into a soft smile. He thanks you and apologizes again, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I'm Loki of Asgard, God of Mischief" he introduces himself while giving you a small bow. You say "I know" while trying but not succeeding to hold back a small giggle. You then curtsy to him while saying "I'm Y/N of Midgard, Mistress of I.T.". You both share a small laugh before making eye contact again. The feeling of familiarity began to creep back into your mind, you try to place the familiar feelings but can't, it was like an idea or dream just out of reach.

You give Loki a big smile and say how nice it was to finally meet him, complimenting him on his last fight. "You were amazing against the Wrecking Crew, I've never seen them taken down so fast!" You exclaimed really excited to meet one of your favourite Avengers. "Are you a fan my dear? He asks slyly and you nod your head before telling Loki that you loved watching him and the other Avengers kick some ass.

Before either of you could say anything else you hear "what is taking so long brother?" You both turn to a slightly annoyed Thor standing in the doorway. "Where is Dr.Banner?" Thor asks impatiently, and he's about to say something else but stops in his tracks when he sees you. "Y/N?" He asks. "Oh no, this feels familiar" you think before responding shyly with "yes...?". He proceeds to get very excited and shouts "Y/N!!!" Thor then runs towards you, picking you up as you let out a surprised shriek. He spins you around in the air like you were long-lost lovers who found each other after a war. Thor then pulls you in close as he practically crushes you in a bear hug.

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