Part 27: The Truth

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You woke up to a pounding pressure in your head, and for about a minute you couldn't remember anything. You sat there in a daze until it all came back to you, which made your head feel worse. You look down at yourself and realize that you didn't even change out of what you were wearing yesterday. You must have been really tired because you were still wearing your shoes. You get up slowly completely strip off everything you were wearing as you walk over to the bathroom. You just dropped each article of clothing the second you removed it, not caring that you were making a mess. You proceeded to have a shower a long one, hoping the pressure and stuffy feeling would go away.

You were feeling much better after washing up but you did still feel a bit tired as you made your way downstairs to grab something to eat. You're wearing your cat hoodie, sports bra, leggings and ballet flats again today. Apparently, someone did your laundry while you weren't looking, or more likely when you weren't there or unconscious. You would have to have a talk with them about that, you appreciated them helping you but doing your laundry was going overboard and something you didn't want anyone else to do.

You boiled some water to make more tea while eating some yogurt and fruit. You chat with Bucky and Steve who were listening to music in the main area. You ask them how they were, how was Steve's morning run and etc. They both notice you look a little paler than usual, but before they could say anything you left back to your room to finish working on Little Loki.

You finished up the last few details on the Little Loki Doll just as lunchtime rolled around. You check to make sure the coast was clear before leaving your room and sneaking down a few hallways in to Loki's. You placed the scarf and doll down on his dresser with the thank you note you made and quickly left. You did however popped back in 3 seconds later to make sure everything looked perfect, you were worried of being caught but even more so that your gifts had an obvious flaw or mistake. You checked them at least a dozen times before, and on your way over to Loki's room before putting them down neatly on said dresser. As you left you were still worried that there was something wrong with them, something you might have missed maybe, or that he won't like them. It continues to stress you out for the rest of the afternoon.

You tried to relax, sitting down and reading while to some music, going on a jog, playing games on your laptop, but nothing was working. You eventually decided to go down to the kitchen to do some baking. It was something productive, plus everyone loved your cinnamon buns maybe they would like some more treats it's a good idea you thought.

You head down to the kitchen with your Grandmother's Book of Recipes to find Tony, Bucky, Peter, Natasha, and Steve having a mini meeting or something, you weren't sure. You greet them and inform them that you're borrowing the kitchen. They're all getting excited about you making some more treats so you ask them if they have any suggestions. They start to name off desserts and argue about which one you should make. You then hand them the book and tell them to look through it and pick something out.

You get out the basic ingredients sugar, flour, etc. then pull out the stand mixer. Peter notices you picking up the mixer and quickly runs over to take it from you, it grabs the others attention as well. They're all worried, you shouldn't have been able to lift the stand mixer, it was too heavy for you due to your injuries. They insist on taking you to the Medical bay in the Compound for x-rays to check to make sure you're okay. You tell them it's not necessary saying that you're okay, like you were actual okay now. They're confused by your statement and you realize you'll have to tell them the truth. You tell them the medicine Loki gave you sped up your body's natural ability to heal, so even though you were just over a week into 6 week recovery you were pretty much completely healed by this point.

They are completely stunned at what you said and everyone but Peter each say something about how that doesn't sound like Loki. You were tired of hearing people talk badly about Loki, you heard it often enough at work but you ignored it but these people, the Avengers were supposed to be his teammates, his friends. How could they think so little of him? You snapped "well maybe if guys gave him an actual chance you'd see how amazing and sweet he is" you turned looking mad but equally hurt at them. They argue back saying that they did give him a chance which you retort with "you may have let him on the team but that doesn't mean you've given him a chance... I swear did you guys even read the report? I know it was long but still". Tony says "in my defense that thing was like 100 pages long" you roll your eyes and say "you figured out thermal nuclear astrophysics in less than a day but a 65-page report is too much for the brilliant Tony Stark?". You realized your mistake as soon as you finished speaking, you technically didn't have the clearance to read the report but because you wrote it, you were the one exception. They didn't know you wrote it, and you wanted to keep it that way but it looks like it was too late now.

For a second you thought you were in the clear until "Y/N you don't have the security clearance for that report, so how do you know it's exactly 65 pages long?" Nat asks. They all turn to look at Natasha knowing exactly what she's implying, before turning back to you waiting for a response. You didn't know what to say, you started to panic and it showed on your face. You weren't able to think up with a convincing lie, at least one that wouldn't get you into further trouble. You wrote that report almost two years ago you really should have thought of something to say by now.

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