Part 64: Hold Me

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Loki walked in with the tray in hand but didn't see you on the bed, he was tense for about half a second before spotting a human shaped blanket over by the window. He puts the tray down as he playfully scolds you for getting up and moving while injured in an attempt to lift the mood. You don't answer Loki or even look up at him from underneath the blanket, still focused on getting rid of whatever was in your head. You didn't really believe that thinking loudly for it to 'go away' or 'stop' would work but you didn't know what else to do. You then hear Loki mention he had a cup of that tea you really liked and if you didn't come out he was going to drink it all himself. You opened your eyes, taking a deep breath, trying to compose yourself before poking your head out from under the blanket.

You make eye contact from across the room and Loki can see through your veiled attempt to hide how you were really feeling. He couldn't tell what exactly was bothering you, it could have been a number of things and although he desperately wanted to know what was making you so sad he wasn't about to force his way into your mind to find out. Loki could read minds yes, but just like with teleporting someone it required physical contact and even more focus to do.

Loki straightened up, as he came closer, but still keeping his distance, seeing as at the moment that's what he thought you wanted. "What's wrong darling? Tell me, are you in any pain?... I'm here for you Y/N, always. Just tell me what's going on so I can help you" Loki spoke calm, with a straight face looking at you completely serious before giving you a soft smile. You opened your mouth to answer his query but you found that you weren't able to speak, you just started to whimper before finally breaking down and bursting into tears. You wanted to run and lunge at him but you barely had the strength to stand at this point, so you ended up just holding out your arms for him to come and grab you.

Loki doesn't hesitate for a second as he rushes over to your side, picking you up and holding you in his arms. You wrapped your arms around him, doing your best to hold on tight but you found it difficult. As you cried Loki told you that everything was going to be alright, he was here for you and together, "we will get through this". He sat down on the floor in front of your window cradling you, petting your head and whispering words of reassurance while giving you the occasional kiss on your forehead. You were still crying hard but managed to speak "I'm seeing things Loki... people who aren't really there... I heard that song in my head and when I started to sing... I... I couldn't stop... it made me walk Loki... when I felt too tired to even stand... it hurt so bad but I couldn't stop... I didn't even have the will to try and fight it... I wasn't strong enough...".

You continued to cry and Loki was at a loss for words, he had never seen anything like this before. He just held you close against him, rocking you gently trying to calm you down. "I don't know why this is happening but we will get to the bottom of this love, I promise" Loki whispered before wiping the tears from your eyes. He regretted not telling you about the whole reincarnation thing earlier but he realized as much as you deserved to know the truth if he told you now it would probably only make things worse.

Loki then informed you that they, being Thor and himself would be taking you to see Doctor Strange tomorrow. If something or someone was controlling your mind and or making you see things the Doctor would find out what. He then again reassured you that everything was going to be okay, "we are going to figure this out, I'll be staying with you tonight so nothing is going to happen, so long as I'm here. Tomorrow we will go into the city to see the Doctor and we will get answers. Everything will be fine". At Loki's words you started to calm down, happy that he was here with you and that he made your panic and problems feel like no big deal. He made it seem like it would be like any other trip to the doctor's; you would go in, get checked out, they'd find the problem but also find a treatment or solution that worked for you.

As you started to relax so did Loki; he was doing his best to keep it together for you and seeing you not scared anymore, he was finally able to calm down and find peace. Loki then looked down at your ankles, he saw how bruised and sore they looked and his peace was gone. He quickly got up with you, carrying you over to the bed to deal with your feet. After he set you down on the bed you see him go for the bandages and an ointment you recognize to help reduce swelling and bruising and you quickly try to hide your feet. Loki of course his having non of it, grabbing your one leg, he places his one hand behind your knee and the other carefully takes hold near the base of the same leg just above your ankle. He slowly pulls your leg out towards him, taking great effort to be extra gentle. He rubs the cold gel ointment on your foot before wrapping it with bandages, doing the same thing to your other foot shortly after.

You turn away embarrassed, but Loki doesn't seem to care at all about the current appearance of your feet. The only thing he was concerned with is making sure you recover and don't get sick from being out in the rain again. He knew that you were very likely catch a cold but he was determined to take good care of you so if you did get sick it wouldn't be so bad. Loki then offered to bandage up the rest of the major bruised spots, not automatically doing so because it would mean you would have to strip and he didn't want you getting cold. You tell Loki no but thank him for the offer, saying you just wanted to lay down now, before remembering "wait, I forgot you brought me tea" which earns a smirk from the god. You ask Loki if Asgardians could get sick like mortals and when he tells you no you offer to share the cup of tea with him.

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