Part 6: Mr.Storyteller

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"Come sit, come sit!!" You say in a slightly childish sing-song voice as you pat the mattress with your hand. "I see the medication they have you on is working," Loki says as a little mischievous grin form on his face. "Yeah. I feel good..." your response came quickly followed by a small giggle. The two Asgardians make their way over, Loki sits down on the bed next to you on your right side (so he's sitting near the head of your bed where the pillows are). Thor doesn't sit but stands nervously wondering what you want to say to him, or possibly yell at him. You look up at Thor confused at why he's just standing there "you're not going to sit?" you ask in again a somewhat childish tone. The Thunder God just stares at you, with sad eyes, after a short time he turns his gaze away. You turn to Loki looking even more confused. "He's worried you're mad at him" Loki offers. "Oh... why would I be mad at him?" you say before turning back to look up at Thor. He instantly looks back at you while coming closer practically down on his knees as he kneels before you to meet you at eye level. "Y/N I'm so sorry I hurt you! I didn't mean to! I..." Thor's response is loud and quick as he is overwhelmed with guilt, as his voice trails off he looks down. "I know," you say reaching out taking his hands, he looks back up at you "I know it was an accident, I'm not mad, I was never mad..." you continued while giving him a gentle smile. "I was worried" you add. "Worried?" Thor and Loki asked together. "Yes, I was worried. The way you both looked the other day... you looked so sad, Thor. I don't blame you, you're just reeeeally strong. So please be careful while giving me hugs in the future. Okay?" He nods his head as a smile begins to form letting go of your hands, Thor then stands back up. You then turned to Loki "And Loki I'm sorry... cause you looked really mad. I'm sorry I made you mad. Please don't be mad at me, I'm really sorry" Loki meets your eyes with a look of slight anger and guilt as he thought about what you said ("I'm not important"). He let out a sigh saying "I was mad with you not mad at you. There is a difference." "The difference being what exactly?" You say followed by a hum, your face changing into a pout as you narrow your eyes at Loki moving closer to him by leaning forward. He couldn't help but find this absolutely adorable, he smiles and turns away shaking his head, "ridiculously adorable" he thought. He then takes a deep breath as he wrapped one arm around you and pulled you close to him. "Y/N, you are not nothing, you are indeed very important... I don't want to hear you talking like that again. That's an order." "A royal order?" You ask playfully. His little smile grows wider "yes, a royal, princely order". You can't help but let out a laugh, the Asgardians don't laugh but have a laugh-like grin on their faces. Loki releases you from his grasp "So darling shall we do something?" he asks. "As much as I'd like to... they said I have to stay in bed today, and probably the next couple of days" you let out a disappointed huff as you move back to lay down on your pillow. "Well, darling there are plenty of things we could do in bed that are lots of fun," Loki says slyly. "Like what?" you ask bluntly completely missing what Loki (jokingly) tried to imply. Loki opens his mouth about to say something when Thor cuts him off with "Loki no". "I was simply going to ask if she'd like me to read to her" Thor gives Loki a quizzical look as he crosses his arms with doubt and disapproval. "Read to me, really?" Both of them turn back to look at you a bit surprised at the bewildered but pleasant look on your face. "Of course dear, I don't joke about reading, any requests?" You sit back up thinking for a moment before uttering "the one with the falcon" Loki looks a bit confused so you continue "you know the story with the silver-winged falcon". Loki's eyes go wide "A falcon with silver wings?" Thor asks, "yes, it's the story about how the hero's daughter, a blind man and a falcon with silver wings, with the help of a two-headed dragon they save Camelot." (Explanation at the bottom) "How do you know of that story?" Loki asks a bit too seriously for your liking. "Wait Loki isn't that the story you always used to read to..." Thor stops himself his eyes also go wide just now clueing in. You look between the two of them confused at what was going on. "What's wrong?" You ask a little nervous. Loki quickly asks "So Thor what are you planning to get Y/N as an apology?" changing the subject, and seeing as the meds you were on had you feeling a little loopy you don't catch on and just go with it. 

Before Thor could respond, however, you loudly utter "Oh no no no! I don't need anything! It was an accident so please don't get me anything!" You look down at your lap, your face completely crimson in complexion. "No, Loki is correct as a prince of Asgard I must make it up to you" "No really I'm fine I..." Thor raises his hand to cut you off, "No my lady I must insist, by my honour ask of me and it shall be done. What is it you desire?". If it was possible your face grew even redder "I...I...I" you begin to sputter you then turn to Loki for help. "You better pick something darling or knowing him he'll show up with everything" Loki half-jokingly warns you. Your eyes go wide as you picture Thor showing up with a large pile of presents like in the movies on Christmas. You take a moment to calm down to think about something not too outrageous to ask for, and it clicks. "Anything Thor?" you ask, "Of course Y/N name it, and it shall be yours!" He replies. "Okay. Um... well if it isn't too much to ask I'd like an Asgardian outfit?" They both try to hold back a laugh before Loki says "Really darling? You could have anything, even ask to be the future Queen of Asgard and being honour bound he'd have to consent but all you ask for is a dress?" Both Loki and Thor laugh out loud for a moment, you turn away teary-eyed and embarrassed from their laughing. They realize you're upset and instantly regain their composure then apologize. Thor then calmly asks "truly Y/N you could have asked for anything why simply a dress?" You thought about your response for a moment, a little embarrassed to say so, but say so anyways "well you guys always look so put together and pretty, I want to look pretty too". The Asgardians are taken aback by your words but flattered nonetheless. Before they can say anything else you turn back to them and say in a raised angry but not actually angry tone (like sarcastically angry if that makes sense) "so you, *points to Thor* you better get me a dress, and you *points at Loki* Mr.Storyteller go get a book and read me to sleep, I'm tired". "You bossy little thing," Loki says with an amused grin on his face. You stick your tongue out in response, feeling extra silly and bolder than usual. You find yourself in a comfortable position pulling the blankets back over you getting ready for when Loki returns to read to you.

It's been about an hour or so and you're fast asleep cuddled up to Loki. Both of the Gods just stare at you intently. "Is it, is it even possible Loki?" Thor asks from the desk chair he pulled over to listen to the story Loki was telling you. "I don't know Thor" Loki admits without breaking his focus on you. "Could she be our Y/N?" Thor asks "She can't be, our Y/N was born 1000 years ago and last time I checked mortals don't live that long". "But she looks like her and sounds like her, and she even knew that Asgardian story you used to read to her almost every night..." Loki cuts him off "Enough Thor! It's just not possible" "Then what's going on? This girl is clearly Y/N but also not Y/N? We need to get to the bottom of this" "And we will Thor, just not tonight... let her sleep for now. We'll get our answers soon enough".

[Explanation: I'm referencing a movie: Quest for Camelot. It's one of my favourites but in this context, it isn't a movie but an old Asgardian story that young Loki read a bunch of times to young Y/N it was her favourite after all]

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